Showing posts with label satisfaction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label satisfaction. Show all posts

Saturday, August 28, 2010

~Bluberry Scones~

Ever since I had tea at the Brown Palace Hotel,
nearly three months ago now, I have wanted
to make scones.  I finally went on line to find
a recipe for blueberry scones.  (Next I will try
the buttermilk scones.)  It is not difficult and
the results are most satisfying.

I served these for breakfast this morning with
Brown Palace Crown Jewel Tea.  They were
warm and light.  Yes, comforting and

Wishing you all a wonderful

Thanks be to God!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

NOT A Lost Weekend!!!!!

Well, will you look at this!

Even though we're not in INDY this weekend we have lots to do. It's best to get things done at home.

1. Finish setting up computer accounts for Indiana Meteorite Lab (have put this off as long as I can. Woe to those who procrastinate!)

2. Get the car washed and cleaned. We will be picking up family and friends at the INDY airport for Marianne and Eric's wedding in October...

3. Work on some photo projects, especially pictures of the Women's Ice Cream Social at church.

4. Of course, there is still the laundry. It never goes away for the weekend.

5. And preparation for Bible Study tomorrow night at the DeCastr's.

Well, from my corner of the world, have a great weekend. Mine already is!


Thanks be to God!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Sunset Over the Colorado in Texas

Sunset over the Colorado in Texas

This was a glorious weekend. What started with anxiety and trepidation ended with a feeling of satisfaction of a job well done. Anxiety because Ron and I had never give a joint presentation before. And with the subject "stewardship" we weren't sure how we would be received. We wanted the presentation to be the work of the Holy Spirit and we hope we have succeeded. That is something we will never know.

The feeling of satisfaction came after the last presentation, not that it was successful but that we had finished the task we had been asked to do with a feeling of having done the work of the Lord. Does that sound hokey? Wasn't this is what "The Seventy-two" were asked to do? And then again we are called to do the work of the Lord everyday.
"The Summons" ( one of my favorite hymns) asks "Will you come and follow me if I but all your name? Will you go where you don't know and never be the same? Will you let my love be shown, will you let my name be known, will you let my life be grown in you and you in me?"


I think He just might have been successful with Ron and I this weekend. And to that I say,