Thursday, August 16, 2007


"Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you."
1 Peter 5:6-7


This verse struck me this morning as most personal. You see because of my "being" I am a worrier. I want all to be the best. I don't want unfairness. I don't want hurt or pain to inflict itself on my family and friends. Yet even KNOWING and understanding that I should give them over to God and offer up my concerns I still cling to them. I am a mother, wife, daughter, and friend who cherishes those He has given me. I want everything to be perfect! NOW.

Yes, perfection comes from years of living this life and is the reward attained by loving and living in the here and now. In turn it is gained as our heavenly reward. So I pray that the Good Lord will lift from me today those things that cause me to be anxious. And I will give my worries to him, for I know he has the strength to bear them.


And I sincerely say, Thanks be to God.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Treasure Found!

A Kitchen Prayer

May your kitchen be
warm and happy
with the lilt
of Irish laughter.
And God bless you
every day in
every way
and forever
and ever after!


I found this recipe when I finally got around to cleaning off my desk today. The Scones are very good and hope you will try them.

Irish Buttermilk Scones

8 oz. self-rising four
1 egg, beaten
pinch of salt
5 oz. buttermilk
1 oz butter or margarine
milk to glaze

(The secret: Don't overmix and be sure the oven is hot! Serves 8)
Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Sift flour with salt and using your fingers incorporate the butter or margarine until it resembles small crumbs. Make a well in the center and pour in beaten egg and buttermilk. Mix to form a soft dough, adding a little extra buttermilk if necessary. Turn out onto a floured surface and roll out to 1 inch thickness. Cut into 2 inch rounds. Brush with milk and place on a floured baking sheet. Bake for 15-20 minutes until light brown.



And thanks be to God.

A Day At the Races

"Them Boys"
Nashville, TN 2007

Yesterday was the Toyota Tundra 200 in Nashville, TN and the boys had a grand time. Jimmy came with a friend from Atlanta, Wes came from INDY and the Ackeman boys brought a friend, too. It has been said that if not for the steady wind the day would have been miserable. All in all a fun day was had by all so I am told.

As for me...I had a quiet morning and I spent the evening with Laura and Kelly. I had to get a new printer/scanner/copier so we went shopping at Best Buy. Quite a bargain I might not have found if I had gone alone. This is my test run with the scanner. What do you think. I'm having fun and we had fun last night.


Thanks be to God!!

Friday, August 10, 2007


I read an interesting reflection today by Amy Welborn regarding the verse from Numbers 12:6:

And he said, "Hear my words:
When there are prophets among you,
I the Lord make myself known to them in visions;
I speak to them in dreams."


Amy said,

"I envy people who have peaceful, soothing dreams. I don't think I've ever had a dream like that in my life. The dreams I remember are full of anxiety, usually centered on the theme of having to be somewhere or do something, with countless obstacles along the way.

Don't tell me God doesn't speak through dreams anymore. I think I can learn a lot about my own life, in reflecting on my dreams.


You see I can identify with this. I don't remember dreams...I know I have them occasionally but I can never remember them. However, there are times I know I have been spoken to by God in dreams. Most of the time I'm sure this is the only way He can get a word in...When I am asleep. You see for a number of years I had prayed for Wes' healing of his diabetes. I prayed diligently and with persistence, just as we are asked to. Well, in the middle of the night I was awakened by a dream when He said to me, "If I heal him he will die." And indeed that would be true. Don't know why I didn't see it before. Surely, if Wes were healed we wouldn't know it. He would continue to take his insulin and eventually take an overdose and die. This called me to pray for Wes in a different way. Yes, it truly came in a dream...when I would listen!!! I'm just as certain that He will come to me again when I am ready to listen.


For these times I say,

"Thanks be to God!!"

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Oh,The Miserable Heat

Fred the Frog by Ron Keller, July, 2007

I think Fred, our resident frog, has a good idea in his quest to "beat the heat"! You have to find a shady spot by a pond and then when it gets too hot, take a dip in the water.

As kids in Colorado, when it got hot we'd go out under the shade trees and sit on the blanket and play cards, read a book, and drink Kool-aid Mom made with lemonade (so we didn't get too much sugar) and tell stories. Because of water rationing there were only certain days we could water the lawn and only during certain hours of the day...usually very early in the morning or very late afternoon. That pretty much precluded the opportunity of running through the sprinkler because then it was too cool in the day.

Our basement was the coolest and the "coolest" place in the house. The card table nearly always had a jigsaw puzzle on it to be put together or the ping pong table was up so we could play. Scrabble was always the game of choice when we played games with Mom. That way we could play the game, practice spelling and learn new words at the same time.

Rita and I would play jacks together. Sitting on the cool tile floor was grand and we laughed at MY usual clumsy mistakes. She was so much better at jacks than I was.

In the evenings we would play catch with the baseball or bat around the badminton birdy. OH!! Hide and Seek after dark is the so much was playing tag!!! We didn't have fire flies in Colorado or you can only imagine how much fun I would have had chasing those!!!

I invite you all to take some time today, in all this heat,to reflect and reminisce about other hot summers and how you entertained yourself. And then if you can...take a tip from Fred! Go take a dip in the pond.


Thanks Be To God!!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Sunset Over the Colorado in Texas

Sunset over the Colorado in Texas

This was a glorious weekend. What started with anxiety and trepidation ended with a feeling of satisfaction of a job well done. Anxiety because Ron and I had never give a joint presentation before. And with the subject "stewardship" we weren't sure how we would be received. We wanted the presentation to be the work of the Holy Spirit and we hope we have succeeded. That is something we will never know.

The feeling of satisfaction came after the last presentation, not that it was successful but that we had finished the task we had been asked to do with a feeling of having done the work of the Lord. Does that sound hokey? Wasn't this is what "The Seventy-two" were asked to do? And then again we are called to do the work of the Lord everyday.
"The Summons" ( one of my favorite hymns) asks "Will you come and follow me if I but all your name? Will you go where you don't know and never be the same? Will you let my love be shown, will you let my name be known, will you let my life be grown in you and you in me?"


I think He just might have been successful with Ron and I this weekend. And to that I say,


Friday, August 03, 2007

The Hope Flowers Bring

Well, I have finally gotten used to the new internet and have just successfully uploaded my first picture, Summer and the lovely flowers. I have always admired the gardener that has a garden that blooms from Spring through Fall. The anticipation of the Spring flowers makes the winter winds seem much less threatening. And so it is that HOPE springs eternal.


Thanks be to God!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What a Grand Summer.

I have been reflecting on the grand time I have had this summer. We've been able to share time with family, first in Montana and then in Atlanta. So with the anticipation of my trip to Austin I wonder how others like to spend their "Summer Vacation"? So if you dare...share with me your favorite summer activities. Thank you.
Thanks be to God!!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Summons

Photo by Elisa Mary Pamelia

Of late, Ron and I have been working on a talk we are to give at all Masses the weekend of August 4th and 5th regarding stewardship. I have been in awe of a young lady in our parish, Elisa Mary Pamelia, who decided she would use her photographic talent to help in the purchase of Funeral Vestments, Pall, and Banner for St. John the Baptist Church. She knew she could make a difference. For nearly a year she has been selling note cards with photos of flowers she has taken to pay for this project. Elisa is a Junior at Memorial High School and has been a student of Laura's. Through her diligence she has nearly met her goal, all for the love of God. I would challenge those who think their talents and treasure won't make a difference, to reflect on this young ladie's determination, perseverance and talent. And then ask yourself, "What can I do for my church?"


"My hope is that the description of God’s love in my life will give you the freedom and the courage to discover . . . God’s love in yours.” Henri J. M. Nouwen (Here and Now, page 175)


For what we do for our church and it's people is of utmost value. No treasure is too small and everyone's talent is a gift that should be shared as a gift of God's love. Please share it!!!

Thanks be to GOD!!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

I Could Only Laugh...

This morning, as Ron was putting the "super sliders" on the bottoms of the chairs in the living room, I was trying to measure the rug so that we could get the pad for it. I was having trouble maneuvering the measuring tape and I said,"Well, Sam, could you hold this tape still?" I'll be darned if the cat didn't jump from the chair and run over and hold the end of the tape down. And people say cats are selfish and don't want to help? Truth be known, he wanted to play with the tape...batting the end around. And play we did. A little levity is a good thing and really rejuvenating!!!

I had so much energy after we played that I made a nectarine/blueberry cobbler...YUM! YUM!

And Sam took a nap!

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Thanks be to God!