Friday, January 04, 2008

Microscopic Scrutiny

Ron took pictures of a few of his meteorite slices under a microscope. The color is not true. It is that steely color. Please enjoy!

Thursday, January 03, 2008


This is such a wonderful reflection that I just had to share it. It says so well what it is we are all trying accomplish by stepping out with confidence in this New Year.

O sing to the Lord a New song,
for he has done marvelous things.
~Psalm 98:1~


The Baby sits in the middle of his super-duper play saucer, propped upright by a towel around his middle, his feet dangling in the air. His eyes are wide open, and his head just can't stop moving as his gaze darts from toy to toy.

Within seconds, he starts wailing. It's all just too much. The wealth of amusing and developmentally helpful plastic objects has overwhelmed him with choices.
As the new year begins and we contemplate what we want to make of it, our reaction may be similar to the baby's. Evidence of our faults surrounds us, and opportunities for growth and change overwhelm us. Which way should we go? What should come first?

The psalmist give us a different idea. Instead of beginning with scrutiny, why not star5t this year with a new song: one of openhearted praise?


Lord, I thank you for my life and for the chance to grow that this new year brings.

from A Catholic Woman's Book of Days
by May Welborn


It seems when I can't find the words to express what I want to say, the Holy Spirit guides me to the location where the answer awaits. Thanks be to GOD!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

The Meteorite Metamorphosis

Do you remember this picture, those "neolithic-looking" rocks, that I thought were so ugly,The Traveler is Home? Today Ron finished sanding some of his meteorite slices. He cleaned up one of the slices and then etched it. I hope you enjoy seeing the change and I hope I was able to capture the process adequately.

This is before...

The process...

The finished product. It is amazing to see how the beauty of this gift of the heavens emerges from the stone.

Thanks be to God.

From the Blue Book...

Thought I would just send this along. Just because I didn't know all about the designation 'til I read this. I really have a lot more to learn about our history and traditions. ( It has probably been explained to me on a number of occasions from the good sisters to a homily at Mass but I just didn't "hear" it until now.)


Today's feast has had many themes over the years.

It is the feast of Mary, the Mother of God--celebrating the title that was controversial in the early centuries. The question was: Although Mary is the Mother of Jesus, can she be called "Mother of God?" The Council of Ephesus in 431 declared that she could, and the feast of Mary under that title has been celebrated ever since.

Today is also the Octave of Christmas. It has also been traditional to celebrate the naming and circumcision of Jesus on this date, for Luke says that it was eight days after his birth that Jesus fully became a member of God's chosen people.

In recent years, today has also be designated as a day of prayer for world peace.

And, of course, today is New Year's Day.


And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.
~Luke 2:19~

Studies have indicated that New Year's resolutions are not always effective. We try to make too many of them and we don't think them through or prepare for them very well. They don't have roots.

Taking a cue from the Gospel, instead of making resolutions, maybe we should think of making reflections. For example, where is my life moving?

The Gospel says that the shepherds went in haste to Bethlehem where they found Mary, Joseph and the infant lying in a manger. There is movement here. The shepherds moved toward Christ.

My life has a movement to it, a flow. Life is never inert, standing still. I can direct my life, or I can let it drift, but I must never have the illusion that it is standing still.

Where is my life moving?
Toward God...or away from God?
It's definitely moving in one direction or the other.


For the free will He has given me to make the "move", thanks be to God!


As an aside. Was anyone else surprised by the revelation that, not
until his circumcision did Our Lord become a member of the "People of God"?
Just as we become children of God through baptism, so Jesus became part of
the race He chose to be His people through the covenant sign of circumcision.

***It never occurred to me! WOW!!***

Monday, December 31, 2007

Vade in Pace!

The Eye of God

I took the picture as we flew out of Dublin two years ago to return to England where we visited with our daughter Laura and her family while they were in residence there for a year. This picture is a constant reminder to me of the awesomeness of our God and the peace and serenity that is His to offer us. It is with this in mind that I offer this in reflection as an extension of all the wonderful offerings I have read this day regarding Peace and the New Year granted us by our Maker.


The Romans bid each other farewell with Vade in pace!--"Go in peace!"

Since the renewal of the Liturgy we Catholics have grown accustomed to this farewell greeting, too. It is interesting to note that Our Lord's disciples would have been familiar with the Romans' use of this leave-taking message. It also clarifies Our Lord's farewell to them, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you" (John 14:27). His peace is not the same as the everyday nicety the Romans exchanged routinely.

The few thoughts [here] are meant to remind us through reading and reflection that the Lord's peace is heritage for every circumstance, no matter the happening. It's His gift along with--inseparable from--His cross. Dante caught it all: In voluntate eius pax nostra, "in His will is our Peace."

[This reflection] also warn[s] us that the theme song in hell may easily be: "I Did It My Way." The world sets before us one avenue of peace, the Lord another.

While life here is still ours, may we seek after His peace and pursue it. And then we'll know its fullness eternally.

As the Lord gives, not as the world, Vade in Pache!+
from Latin Sayings for Spiritual Growth
By Archabbot Lambert Reilly, O.S.B.


And so with the Old Year soon to be replaced by the New Year, I say, with much sincerity to all, "May His Peace be with you." And in gratitude for all who have touched my life so tenderly this year I say, "Thanks be to GOD!"

Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Holy Family

"Then he went down with them and came to
Nazareth, and was obedient to them. His mother
treasured all these things in her heart."
~Luke 2:51~

A few days after Christmas, we celebrate Joseph, Mary, and Jesus: the holy family. I would like my family to be holy, too, but I don't know. My family is so far from ideal; we are scattered, we are blended, and we are all such individuals.

But holiness is there: in mutual love, in moments of grace, in tenacious commitment, and in daily forgiveness.

I think that's holiness. Or at least it's a start.


Jesus, I pray for my family. May we grow in holiness
and mutual service, in imitation of your holy family.

from A Catholic Woman's Book of Days
By Amy Welborn

Thanks be to God!

It's Sunday!!!

Whew!! With all the holiday festivities, travel and being off work, I've been at a loss as to what day of the week it really is...I have had more false Sundays in the last week (days that feel like Sunday) that it's a relief to have a REAL one. Does that sound strange?

At any rate I wanted to share this with all who have not visited Esther's domain A Catholic Mom in Hawaii, It is the Epiphany Blessing. It has a wonderful history and even more important it is a wonderful tradition. She also has posted a lovely prayer to the Holy Family.
Thanks be to God!!!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Journey

This journey begins December 22, as this is the "off year" for the family gathering. So those who live close came for an early celebration. Aunt Mimi (Marianne), Wes, Annie and the Girls traveled from INDY to join Laura, Roy, Kellie and Neil for the traditional clam chowder and gift sharing. Neil asked that this year after the blessing of the gifts that we each mention what makes us thankful at Christmas. The treasure came that evening from four year old Ainsley, through Mama because she was too shy to tell us, who said she was thankful because, should she die, she would see Jesus in heaven. (It still brings tears to my eyes!). The wisdom of the "wee ones." And so it was that we began the revelry of the evening. There was much fun and surprises!!!

Early Christmas Eve we began our journey to Georgia to visit with Jimmy. Mass at St. Bridget's was glorious with the music and the beautiful colors of Christmas. I reflected at the time that Scott Hahn was right when he said that Mass is Heaven on earth! Christmas Day was quiet and restful except for the occasional trek out in the rain with Duchess, our "puppy".

On the feast of St. Stephen we were joined by David, Kelly and the boys from Charlotte. The gift of Christmas is being with family and MY gift was complete. The Keller treasury is full for another year with memories worth far more that gold and longer lasting than any gift that may soon become obsolete.

The Treasures

Ainsley, Kelly, Neil and Lindsey eating the Chowder

The annual "under the tree" picture

Group hug with Aunt Mimi and Wally-dog somewhere in the middle

Cameron and Jonathan at Uncle Jimmy's

What's that Andrew?

Ben started reading as soon as they were unwrapped.

Breakfast at Waffle House before we left for home.

Duchess, guiding the way home.

We had such a wonderful time. And just a note in passing...I finally surprised Ron with his gift after 40 years!!!!! There is a reason to persevere!

Thanks be to God!!!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas Memory

As the Christmas festivities begin here at the Keller's today with the arrival of the INDY contingent, Wes, Annie and the Girls and Aunt Mimi (Marianne) I am reminded of the times I spent with the Folks (Aunt Mary, Aunt Rose, Aunt Ida and Pat). The house on Milwaukee Street was always a warm and cozy place to be any time, but especially at Christmas. The tree was decorated with such care. The nativity was placed with much reverence.

And most of all there was music and singing. We'd all gather around the piano in the living room, Pat would play and we would sing carols. My favorite secular tune of all has been for some time, Christmas in Killarney. It's a light and lively tune that always reminds of the grand times we had as family there. And so every year, though tattered and warn it comes out again and is sung again, if by no one but me.

Memories are wonderful treasures we carry with us and often share with others. Today is the day I begin to gather some new treasures. We will celebrate the Birth of our Lord early here so that Ron and I can travel to visit the rest of the Clan in Georgia on Christmas Eve.

Much to my delight I will again, this year. be able to visit with all my children and grandchildren. That is a gift greater than any under the tree. So I will be away for a few days...

This is my heartfelt wish for everyone. That God bless you with the tender love only a father can give, the support and comfort of our brother, Jesus, whose birthday we celebrate, and the courage of the Holy Spirit to accept the challenges that will visit us as we journey to our eternal celebration. God Bless you all as I wish you all a Merry, Joyous Christmas!

Reflection: "What good is it if Mary gave birth to the Son of God centuries ago, if I do not also give birth to the Son of God in my time and culture?"

Thanks be to GOD!!

Friday, December 21, 2007

The Twelve Days of Christmas

A Gift sent to me by Marianne, my daughter, reminds me of the days when I was teaching religious education. It was one of those challenges you give the kids to see if they are really interested in learning about our Church history and Christmas is a perfect time to use this "challenge". And with each challenge came a reward. Whether this may be a true story or only a legend makes no difference, it is a beautiful way to catechise.

*There is one Christmas Carol that has always baffled many people. What in the world do leaping lords, French hens, swimming swans, and especially the partridge who won't come out of the pear tree have to do with Christmas? Well, consider this...

*From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics. It has two levels of meaning: the surface meaning plus a hidden meaning known only to members of their church. Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality which the children could remember.

*The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ.

*Two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments.

*Three French hens stood for faith, hope and love.

*The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.

*The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament.

*The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation.

*Seven swans a-swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit--Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership, and Mercy.

*The eight maids a-milking were the eight beatitudes.

*Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit--Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control.

*The ten lords a-leaping were the ten commandments.

*The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful disciples.

*The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostles' Creed.


Now when you hear or sing this Christmas Carol you may find yourself reminded of the principles upon which the Church was founded as well as the beautiful words used to instruct us in the Faith.


Thanks be to God.