Thursday, February 14, 2008

And TWO for Good Measure...

It has been called to my attention that I may have overlooked a site that deserves this award as well as all the others!!! I agree and so it is with pleasure that I offer this award to Oh, And. . This and yet another A Catholic Warrior. To you both I say thank you for your contributions and God Bless!!!

I am always open to suggestion and I think with the assistance I received this is GOOD!

To all I say, "Thank you and thanks be to God!!!"

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Again, I have been remiss...

Both Esther of A Catholic Mom in Hawaii and Lisa at
Are We There Yet have honored be in different ways. First Esther bestowed on me the honor of The Bloggers of the World award some days ago. This new and coveted award! I have been asked to bestow this on 10 others. And so I will do my best.

1. This I Do. Mike in England
2. Sailing by Starlight. Though she will be not be posting until after Easter.
3. Beyond Horizons3. Pia in Italy.
4. What I Choose Today... From Colorado
5. Are We There Yet. Another Colorado site I love to visit
6. Budapest Daily Photo. Brings beauty into my life.
7. Norwich Daily Photo. Brought me my first crocus of the year.
8. Prayer Poetry and Praise. Brings me serenity and oft times inner peace.
9. Contemplative Haven, asylum for a refugee soul. Brings me to reflection.
10. A crocus in the valley. Though she too will be on sabbatical until after Easter as well.

Now Lisa from Are We There Yet tagged me for The Saint MEME. I have enjoyed this one because it caused me to contemplate more deeply the lives of those saints I do admire. Thank you, Lisa.

1. First saints you met. Saint Catherine of Siena and Saint Therese of Liseux .

2. Favorite saints. St. Therese, St. Catherine of Siena, and St. Theresa of Avila.

3. Patron saint for the year. St. Stanislaus Kostka

4. Favorite book by a saint. Interior Castle by St. Theresa of Avila

5. Saint book you are reading now. The Kings Good Servant, But God's First (St. Thomas More)

6. Favorite movie about a saint. Thomas A Beckett

7. Favorite autobiography/biography of a saint. The Story of A Soul by St. Therese

8. Favorite novel/book of a Saint. Mother Theodore Guerin, A Woman For Our Time

9. Saint (besides your favorites) you'd want to meet. St. Padre Pio, St. Thomas More, St. Maximilian Kolb.

10. Saints you look to for help. St. Anthony, St. Padre Pio, St. Francis Xavier Cabrini

11. Favorite saint quotes. ""Love is a debt you owe to everyone." St. Catherine of Siena; "We shall steer safely through every storm, so long as our heart is right, our intention fervent, our courage steadfast, and our trust fixed firmly on God." St Francis de Sales

12. Favorite holy card(s).

13. Favorite story about a saint. About St. Patrick as he drove the snakes out of Ireland.

14. If you could go anywhere on pilgrimage to what saints homeland, where would it be. Ireland and all it's saints.

15. any Blessed or Venerable you would like to become canonized. Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

I will tag:
1. Ukok's Place
2. Mommy of Four
3. Grandma's Musings
4. And anyone in my Group on Tuesday night.

My thanks to all who have challenged me to grow and improve who I am, as Matthew Kelly would say, "A better-version-of-myself."


Again I say, "Thanks be to God!"

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It finally happened...

Yesterday, it snowed! Yep! It did. It was such a beautiful sight. Wow!! It started about 3:30 p.m. The kids were already home from school because of concern about the storm.

And then it turned to freezing rain! In all His glory God can change his palate and turn the same scene into a different texture.

And so it is with the Master Artisan! He exchanges beauty for beauty.

~Be still and know I am God~
Psalm 46:10

And now I must get ready to venture out into His handiwork! I wish you all a Grand Day!!
And for this day
Thanks be to God!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

What a weekend!!!

Astronomers in training, Ainsely, Neil, and Lindsey

"I can't see it, Grandpa."

"Where, Grandpa?"

We had a grand time!!! Ron was safely delivered home from his trip to Arizona for the Rock and Mineral Show by Wes, Annie and the girls. Annie and Wes went to her 10th reunion at USI (University of Southern Indiana, across town) and the Girls and I got to play.

While Ron was gone to the Source and Summit High School Retreat as part of the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus honor guard, we were joined by Roy and Neil for a visit. Laura called while they were here to tell Roy that the Memorial High School Decathlon Academic team came in 2nd in the state with an opportunity to go to Hawaii! And even though Kellie (my granddaughter had only been on the team for two rehearsals due to a team injury) the Memorial girls dance team came in 6 out of 7 teams (just the first of the competitions).

Well, the topic of looking through Grandpa's telescope apparently came up during the trip home yesterday, so about 7:30 last noc Roy and Ron took the telescope outside (1st time the sky had been clear in some time) so the girls could see the stars...No moon, it was too early. Neil quickly pointed out the constellation Orion (he's almost 8) and the task of positioning the telescope started. But woe, it was not to be. The girls, 5 and 3 years old respectively, could not see the star. Ainsley and Lindsey, did not know how to view through the eye piece. One doesn't consider that as a skill to be learned, but indeed if you are that age I guess there should be some lessons in "Looking Through a Telescope Eyepiece." At any rate they gave it a try and the girls were happy no matter the outcome.

And as in all families there are those moments when laughter is so healing...We could not find Lindsey's other shoe before Mass this morning. Try as we might, and pray as we did, we could not find her shoe. So, Lindsey was carried into church. No one seemed to notice this shoeless child, so she was no worse for wear. And the shoe was found almost immediately after we returned home...where else but in the closet!! Don't ya love it?!


For all the hugs and "I love you, Grandma"s I experienced this weekend, I say,
"Thanks be to God!!"

An Aside: If anyone has visited the site in the last two days, you have seen me experiment with the picture for my profile...Looked high and low for one that would be appropriate, but wasn't quite happy with them. Sure enough I sat down here just now and there it was all along. These three little guys have been on my computer for sooo long that I had overlooked them...So I introduce to you, Pat, Ian and Sean! Good day to you all!!

Friday, February 08, 2008


Originally uploaded by
I was reading The Little Black Book today and sneaked a peak at tomorrows entry. The snippet is about "Jehovah" It was really interesting and so I'd like to share it with you if I may.

When God spoke to Moses from the burning bush, Moses asked God's name. God replied, 'This is what you shal tell the Israelites: I AM sent me to you.' Thus the phrase 'I AM' was given the divine name.

In Hebrew, 'I AM' was rendered 'Jahweh.' The word 'Jahweh' was so sacred that it was never uttered aloud. Those who proclaimed the Scriptures were taught to substitute the word 'Adonai' which meant 'Lord.' Originally, the written form of the Hebrew language did not have vowels, and so the Hebrew word 'Jahweh' would appear as JHWH (readers were supposed to know what vowels were to be supplied). Later on, written vowel signs were developed and put in the text.

Whenever the work JHWH appeared, copyists would insert the vowel sings for 'Adonai.' This would remind the reader to substitute that word. As time went by, some readers didn't realize this and simply pronounced what was in front of them--the consonants of JHWH with the vowels of 'Adonai.' This resulted in the word 'Jehovah,' a word that never existed.

It is a misreading that continues in some translations of the Bible still today.


As an aside, it was also mentioned that "Ash Wednesday through Saturday has been called 'The Porch of Lent'-an entryway to help us get the feel of this '40 day' season." It is suggested that at this time we reflect on our Lenten goals as we step over the threshold.

For all the blessing that have been bestowed on me this week, I say,
"Thanks be to God"