Monday, November 17, 2008

Tea Time With God

I did it!! Yes, I did. I accomplished everything on the list. It really didn't take all day and I was determined to complete it. I didn't want to fail. So it is that I came upon another one of those lost treasures. A gift given by a friend some time ago. The book is called Tea Time With God. It is a treasure in many ways. First, I call to mind the person who gave it to me and offer a prayer for her and her family. And next it gives me an opportunity to share a lesson I found meaningful to me from the book.

The Grande Finale

For the vision still has its time...
if it delays,wait for it
it will surely come it will not be late.
Habakkuk 2:3 (NAB)

Many of the major symphonies we know and love have what has come to be called "a grand finale." Beethoven's symphonies, in particular, are noted for this. The final movement of the symphony may begin with a gentle and melodious theme, then suddenly there will be a flurry of sound and rhythm that builds, increasing to a climax that often includes a great deal of percussion and every section of the orchestra playing at full tilt. The listener is swept toward a glorious conclusion.

Most projects, and most work days follw a similar pattern. We may call it "momentum," but at 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. we find oursilves shifting into high gear to accomplish everything listed on our agenda.

The closer we get to completion of the project the greater energy we pour into it and the more we are focused. Our work output during the final hour of the day--of the final segment of the project--may be many times more.

Rather than attempt to change this dynamic, go with the flow of it! Enhance the process by giving yourself a tea time. when you can put your feet up for a few seconds and enjoy a little nourishment. Use these quiet moments to regroup, rethink, replan, refocus.

Consider carefully what you must do in the final hour of the day and what you can set aside. Let the advise of the Scriptures ring true in your spirit: "Do not worry about tomorrow; it will take care of itself." (Matthew 6:34 NAB)

Jesus' final three years of ministry were intense and eternally meaningful. They were preceded by at least 25 years of preparation. Take time to rejuvenate yourself before your grand finale!

Though my Saturday was certainly on no grand scale a life changing experience, I did indeed get done the things I set out to do except for one...vaccuuming the family room. The glory in this reflection is that I see that taking time from the chores (and they were chores), I could go back and continue because I took a minute or two for tea...literally.

So, some time today, when things seem to be hovering about, say, "Excuse me, I need a cup of tea (coffee)." It'll do you a world of good. It did for me. And you know the list wasn't so bad...will now doubt make one for next weekend, too.
Thanks be to God!
~~Picture by 3littlemiracles~~

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Schoolhouse Rock

Lisa at Are We There Yet brought back some really fond memories of times spent with the kids on Saturday mornings when she asked if there were any songs that came to mind. So, Lisa, here is my offering! "Thanks for the Memories" (That's a different song altogether!)

Wishing all a Grand Sunday and fond memories. Thank you, Lisa!


Thanks be to God!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Organized Cleaning?

garfield toasters
MySpace Graphics - Myspace Layouts,Graphics, and Comments!

Well, I'm up and on a mission...Yep, I have a LIST!! Haven't done house cleaning this way in years. As a matter of fact can't remember the last time I cleaned like this. You know, organized, using the time efficiently without distraction. It's really an experiment to see if I can even do it. So, wish me luck! Will let you know how this "Work List" thing works out! Should be easy today. It's raining!

Thanks be to God!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I going to try again!!!

I'm determined to get this to work...It is just tooooo good!

The Wisdom in Hot Chocolate

Thanks be to God!

The Wisdom in Hot Chocolate

It never fails to amaze me! Wherever I least expect it I am sent a gift I must share with everyone!
This happened to me yesterday when Pat my best friend ever since grade school sent me this!! Please enjoy!

The Wisdom in Hot Chocolate

Thanks be to God!