Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A New Adventure

Imagine a co-worker calls you on your cell at work and tells you she has run out of gas. Imagine "Gasoline Annie" running home to get the gas can you know has gas in it. Then imagine it's a 5 gallon gas can. Next I want you to imagine two women, yes it takes two, putting the gasoline into the truck that had run out of gas. In all the time "Gasoline Allie" and I were filling her tank only one young man stopped to see if he could help. Of course we thanked him for stopping, but imagine only ONE! No one even stopped to see if they could call (I guess supposing everyone has a cell phone now). At any rate we both got to work safe and sound and only 1/2 hour late.

Thanks be to God!!!!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Weekend of Family and Celebration!

We had glorious weather for the Easter Week gathering of some of the kids and grand kids. We were gathering at 2:00 p.m. for the meal and then just sit around and talk or nap. Anisley wanted know if we were going to eat at 2:00 what was this meal called. "You know the meal between breakfast and lunch is brunch. What do we call what we are doing?" (Sophisticated for seven, and I had no answer. "Lunner?) We we ate a grand meal, chatted, played euchre or, like I said, napped.

The kids ate and Sandy was waiting for the scraps to fall.

When all were finished there were few leftovers.

We played and ate and had a grand time.

Finally, before he fell asleep, Daniel had an opportunity to entertain Ainsley and me. By the way, Ainsley is the director in this production.

So I'm hoping your weekend was as much fun as mine, for tomorrow we start all over again.

Thanks be to God!!!!!

Friday, April 09, 2010

Easter Continues!

Therefore we thank Thee for our little light, that is dappled
with shadow.
We thank Thee who has moved us to building, to finding
to forming at the ends of our fingers and the beams
of our eyes.
And when we have built an altar to the invisible Light,
we may set thereon the little light for which our bodily
vision is made.
And we thank Thee that darkness reminds us of light.
O Light Invisible, we give Thee thanks for Thy Great glory!
T. S. Eliot

Our celebration of Easter continues this week as the Kellers and Stauffers from INDY arrive and join us here with the Ackermans from across town. We will celebrate the Resurrection with food and family. And for entertainment we will attend the Spring Musical performed by the Students of Memorial High school.

There will be the usual ham, sweet potatoes, veggies and pie. We will chat and laugh and eat way too much. The kids will giggle, the dogs will beg at table and there will be meaningful and not so meaningful conversation.

Then it will be off to the high school for this year's performance of Annie. It is always a thrill to watch kids sing and dance and this year will be no different. Kellie is a sophomore and part of the cast (we have been entertained by the students here since Kellie began as a wee extra when she was 4). Neil her brother is an extra. What fun we will have.

The traditions of the Church allow us to celebrate this Holy Season for fifty days, not just one. We are to "party" through the Ascension of Our Lord and into Pentecost and the arrival of the Holy Spirit. We are to celebrate who we are!!!!! We are the Body of Christ!

So everyone!!!! Do it!!!! CELEBRATE!!!!! We do have a lot about which to rejoice. Continue to worship and commemorate Our Lord's glorious resurrection for this is our legacy! Alleluia! Alleluia!!!

Thanks be to God!

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Tea Talk

Tea is a cup of life.
~Author Unknown

I'm having
...Earl Gray tea this morning.

My teacup "Tea is the cup of life" cup

I'm feeling...the excitement of going to the annual Right to Life Banquet here. There are nearly 2000 people who participate each year.

On my mind...anticipation of the arrival of the Kids and Grand Kids from INDY this weekend. It's the Spring Musical at Memorial High School and we're all going to see Kellie and Neil perform in ANNIE!

Thanks be to God!!!

Now won't you join me and visit Ruth at Celebrate Friendship is hosting Tea Talk at her house? Share a cup of tea with us.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010


I feel silly...I know you're saying, "Not you, Cathy!" But it's true. I've been so busy posting on this blog that I missed its Blogiversary. Yes, for three short years starting on March 31, 2007, I have been gathering with friends and neighbors here in Blogville to chat over the back fence, on your front porch or with a nice cup of tea (coffee). I have been welcomed, encouraged, and hugged. I have been left laughing and sometimes in tears. Not once have I felt neglected. Kind words have filled its pages.

For all who visit here,
whether you comment
or not I say,
"Thanks be to God!"
May you always be abundantly