Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Tea Talk

Tea is a cup of life.
~Author Unknown

I'm having
...Earl Gray tea this morning.

My teacup "Tea is the cup of life" cup

I'm feeling...the excitement of going to the annual Right to Life Banquet here. There are nearly 2000 people who participate each year.

On my mind...anticipation of the arrival of the Kids and Grand Kids from INDY this weekend. It's the Spring Musical at Memorial High School and we're all going to see Kellie and Neil perform in ANNIE!

Thanks be to God!!!

Now won't you join me and visit Ruth at Celebrate Friendship is hosting Tea Talk at her house? Share a cup of tea with us.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Novena for Life V

Photography by Jerry Harpur

Day Five
Resting Only in Your Truth

Father of life, help me to bring every longing to the infinite fulfillment of every heart's expectations.

A Reading from Saint Paul's Letter to the Romans 2:14-15
For it is not those who hear the law who are just in the sight of God; rather, those who observe the law will be justified. For when the Gentiles who do no have the law by nature observe the prescription of the law, they are a law for themselves even though they do not have the law. They show that the demands of the law are written in their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even defend them on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge people's hidden works through Christ Jesus.

(silent reflection)

God of all creation, when I am afraid, weak, or uncertain, open my mind to your truth and goodness, that reading your work written on my heart, I might learn to treasure the life of every man.

A Reflection by Pope Benedict XVII*
An "adult" faith is not a faith that follows the trends of fashion and the latest novelty; a mature adult faith is deeply rooted in friendship with Christ. It is this friendship that opens us up to all that is good and gives us a criterion by which to distinguish the true from the false, and deceit from truth...We must develop this adult faith; we must guide the flock of Christ to this faith. And it is this faith-only faith-that creates unity and is fulfilled in love...on this theme, St. Paul offers us some beautiful words as a fundamental formula for Christian existence, in contrast to the continual ups and downs of those who, like children, are tossed about by the waves: make truth in love. Truth and love merge in Christ. To the extent that we draw near to Christ, in our own lives too, Truth and love are blended. Love without truth would be blind; truth without love would be like " a clanging cymbal" (1Cor 13-1).

Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory Be...

*Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Homily, Mass for the Election of the Pope, 18 April 2005


I would ask for prayers for all those who this day may be traveling to Washington, DC to participate in the Right to Life march that their journey might be safe and all return home safe and sound. I pray this for all who represent St. John the Baptist Church and all churches that have members of this one family in Christ participating.

I would also ask for prayers for Christian Unity. Needless to say this is a week in which we must all pray incessantly and with determination. We must pray for those who profess to be Christian and yet represent values that are less than Christian. May God convert their hearts and souls again to the love of their fellow man, born and unborn.

And so I interject this reflection by Pope John Paul II:

Unity, penance, prayer.

In the school of the Apostle of the Gentiles we can gain consciousness that we are all in need of conversion.

There is no Christian without penance.

"There is no true ecumenicism without interior conversion"

"Who are you to pass judgement on another..."(Romans 13:4). Let us rather recognize our faults together. This holds good as well for the grace of unity: "All have sinned." We ought to see and say this in all seriousness and draw our conclusions...

Jesus Christ is the salvation of us all..."We are at peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 5:1) and among ourselves...we believe and together profess all that...

All our gratitude for what remains in common to us and unites us must not blind us to what still divides us...We are called to go forth together, in dialogue of truth and love, to full unity of the faith...We must not leave anything untried. We must do everything to unite ourselves. We owe this to God and to the world...

The will of Christ and the signs of the times urges to common testimony of the increasing fullness of truth and love...The tasks awaiting us are great and grave..."The Spirit helps us in
our weakness" (Romans 8:26).

And for the privilege to live in a nation in which I can pray without reprisal I say,
Thanks be to God.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

The Dignitiy of Life

A few days ago I was visited via email by someone who offered both a compliment and criticism of A Bit of the Blarney. It was suggested that I had a nice blog, but I was mistaken in my views and opinions on ProLife. I was slightly taken aback as A Bit of The Blarney really is not a forum for the ProLife Movement, just a place where I can share and offer who I am to you.

Though I find that I don't pointedly make reference to the movement itself, I do promote the quality of life and that, indeed, is ProLife. I went to this person's blog and found it a dark place to be. It was cold and without life. I deleted the email, accepted it for what it was worth, and went on my merry way.

Apparently, the Good Lord has other ideas about how I should handle that particular email. For two nights ago I was visited in a dream. Lest you be skeptical about the reality and value of dreams one only has to go to Holy Scripture to find it used often to instruct and embolden.

So it is that I ask the Holy Spirit to guide me in this endeavor. First, I enjoy a debate as well as the next person. But when I am right, and in this case I am, and it becomes an argument for the sake of arguing, then I don't want to continue the dialog. That's why I initially discarded the email.

I have been guided to say, in the gentleness of our Savior this.

Whether you believe in a Creator or not, one must understand that in order for the conception of a child to take place it requires two living cells (life). For those cells to begin to grow into this life they must be joined (living life). When these living cells grow and divide they become a living work of art (viable life). And by any law, Divine or man made, to end that life is murder.

Perhaps, this is way too simplistic but if it gets too complex then somehow the true meaning of life loses its value in the mechanics of science. It then is no longer personal. And life is personal!!!! It is real!!! It has value!!!!! The point is that life is valuable at ALL times!!! The life of a person should have dignity from its conception to natural death.

When someone does not see or accept the concept and value of the life given to us all I have to ask that person to rate his/her value. Is the dignity they share with the rest of us greater than the lowliest of us? And if so why? Who places the value on the life of a human? Finally, I think the most important question I'd like to ask is, "Do you like who you are and does this affect how you value the life and gifts of others?"

And so to the one who sent me the email I must say thank you! And to the One-Who-Visits-Me-I-My-Dreams I must thank heartily for giving me the words and the courage to post this offering.

Let it be known that I will post all comments from those who chose to do so, whether in agreement or dissent. But I will not argue or debate the point. For I am right. Abortion is WRONG and LIFE IS THE MOST VALUABLE THING ANY OF US WILL EVER HAVE.
For as Archbishop Fulton Sheen said, "Life is worth living."

Thanks be to God

Please visit also HuMAMAe Vitae.

Weeping Angel II
Originally uploaded by Eric Webb Photography

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Novena for Life IX

Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us. ~~Romans 3:5

So with unending HOPE we pray.

Meditating on the Gift of Life


Thanks be to God!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Novena for Life VIII

To surrender oneself is more than to devote oneself, more than to give oneself, it is even something more than to abandon oneself to God. In a word, to surrender oneself is to die to everything and to self, to be no longer concerned with self except to keep it continually turned toward God. ~~Saint Marie Victoire Couderc~~

We pray.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Novena for Life VII

Accept, O Lord my love, even when my ears and eyes, my lips and hands are not fully disciplined yet in the service of love. Accept my love as a desire to love you more every day. Amen ~~Henri J.M. Nouwen~~ (The Only Necessary Thing, pg. 203)

Let us pray.

Remembering Our Forefathers


Thanks be to God!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Novena for Life VI

The life of every human being is sacred as the creation of God, and is of infinite value because He created each person including the unborn child. ~~Blessed Mother Teresa~~

We are called to serve and so we pray:

Friday, January 16, 2009

Novena for Life V

"Putting away falsehood, speak the truth, each one to his neighbor, for we are members one of another. ~~Ephesians 4: 25~~

Let us pray:

Resting Only in Your Truth

Thanks be to God!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Novena for Life IV

"[Abraham] did not doubt God's promise in unbelief; rather he was empowered by faith and gave glory to God and was fully convinced that what he had promised was also able to do." ~~Romans 4: 20-21~~

And so we pray.

To Love Through Amazement

Thanks be to God!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Novena for Life III

The very fact that God has placed a certain soul in your way is a sign that God wants you to do something for him or her. It is not chance; it has been planned by God We are bound by conscience to help him or her. ~~Blessed Mother Teresa~~

As we continue this journey, I would also ask you to pray the Prolife Rosary as well.

To Truth Through Amazement

Thanks be to God

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Novena for Life II

[God's beloved Son] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creations. ~~Colossians 1:15~~

Good day to you all. Let us pray.

Living Life for Eternity

Thanks be to God!

Monday, January 12, 2009

A Novena For Life I, 2009

I begin, as I did last year, the Novena For Life offered by the Knights of Columbus. Please join me daily on this prayerful journey. I will post the link daily for the next 9 days. I appreciate your caring companionship,

Created to Live with You

Thanks be to God!

Monday, August 18, 2008

My Life is a Magnet...

If you looked at my refrigerator you would ask yourself, as I have many time, why doesn't this freezer door just fall off? I have collected magnets for some time. I have my treasured Colorado Aspen leaf and the Corpus Christi sea shell. There are magnets from the Indianapolis Museum of Art, the Evansville Museum, the High Museum in Atlanta, and the ultimate museums, The Smithsonian. I have magnets from Dublin and Mount Rushmore. I have gifts from Rome and Ontario. For goodness sake. I don't need to write a book...My life is on my refrigerator.


Thanks be to God!

Thursday, February 07, 2008


Oak Tree Forest
Originally uploaded by sonykus
Amy Welborn reminded of how hard it is for me to pray "peacefully" sometimes. It seems like my mind wanders to every "corner of the room. So I offer this for your reflection.

"O Lord, you have searched me and know me"
~Psalm 139:1~

Distractions during prayer can be hard to deal with. Our instinct is to push them away because they're interfering.

Sometimes distractions truly can be idle, but other times they're not. We forget that God knows us completely and wants us completely. If concerns about a child, a relationship, or another personal issue insists on entering our thoughts during prayer, perhaps that is not a distraction at all

Perhaps that is what we're supposed to e praying about.
Lord, I present my whole life to you today in my prayer.

From A Catholic Woman's Book of Days

And so it is that I must learn to listen to the clues He offers me, for He knows how "clueless" I can be.



Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Ash Wednesday, 2008,

On this first day of Lent I offer you this reflection taken from John Shea's Daybreaks, Daily Reflections for Lent and Easter.

Now Is the Time

Many Ash Wednesdays ago, my mother and I received ashes in the afternoon and headed directly to the mall to shop--real American religion. as we passed the permanent convention of teenagers gathered at the center of the mall, one of them saw the smudged foreheads and announced in a megaphone voice. "Hey! The Catholics are giving our ashes. Let's go."

There is something universal about Ash Wednesday. Although it is primarily a Catholic ritual, it appeals to many people. Even the unchurched may find themselves in line waiting to have someone's thumb blacken their forehead.

There are many reasons for this attraction, but I favor the explanation that ashes are a gentle reminder of our death and we welcome that gentle reminder. Although death is a constant companion, we do not have to think about it every day--but neither can we totally deny it. In the brief ritual of Ash Wednesday, we acknowledge our mortality in a way that does not debilitate us. Harsh reminders we push aside; gentle reminders we accept.

In fact, this ritual can embolden us. We are jolted out of drift, realizing our present life does not go on forever. It will end; and so we must make the most of it now. Time is the opportunity to love and we must seize it.

And so let us begin this holy season of fasting and prayer in JOY!!! We live because we have been saved. We can walk these Forty Days with family and friends knowing that our goal is the same, the continued celebration of our Salvation!


Thanks be to God!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Right to Life IX

Montgomery Falls
Quebec, 2003

Day Nine
Meditating on the Gift of Life

Father of life, may the mysteries of our Redemption stir us to contemplate with wonder the invincible hope which is our in the Gospel of Life.

A Reading form the book of Revelation 22:1-5
An angel showed me the river of life-giving water, sparkling like the crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of its street. On either side of the river grew the tree of life that produces fruit twelve times a year, once each month; the leaves of the tree serve a medicine for the nations. Nothing accursed will be found anymore. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it , and his servants will worship him. Night will be no more, nor will they need light from lamp or sun. for the Lord God shall give them light, and they shall reign forever and ever.

(silent reflection)

God of all creation, may men and women of every time and place proclaim the Gospel of Life: a Gospel of God's love for us, a Gospel of human dignity.

A Reflection by Pope Benedict XVI*
[The] Eucharist is far more than just a meal; it has cost a death to provide it, and the majesty of death is present in it. Whenever we hold it, we should be filled with reverence in the face of this mystery, with awe in the face of this mysterious death that becomes a present reality in our midst...Death is the ultimate question...Only when this question is answered can men truly celebrate and be free. The Christmas feast, the Eucharist, plumbs the very depths of death. It is not just a matter of pious discourse and entertainment, of some kind of religious beautification, spreading, a pious gloss on the world; it plumbs the very depths of existence, which it calls death, and strikes out an upward path to life, the life that overcomes death.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory Be...

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, God is Near Us: The Eucharist, the Heart of Life, p. 44


Spiritual Adoption prayer

"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to
spare the life of ( Baby' s name) the unborn baby that I have
spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion."
- Prayer of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen-

I have added this prayer that was first displayed by Kathy at Daily Grotto. It is an example of what to say when you desire to pray for a child you do not know and will never know, yet one who needs your prayers. I will be praying for "Matthew Thomas". I had decided that as soon as I read Kathy's plea.

And as God would have it, I had made the commitment to pray for "MT". Then my son, David, called to tell me he and his wife were going to the Dr. that day. Kelly is with child. This will be their 5th and I will be a grandmother once again. And so it is with joy I will be praying for two wee ones now. "Matthew Thomas" who I beg will be spared and another who will be loved and nurtured and cherished. God Is GOOD...all the time!

I truly say,
Thanks be to God!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Right to Life VIII

Pieta, Shrine of Sainte-Anne de Beaupre
Quebec, 2003

Day Eight
Consecrated to the Sacredness of Life by Christ

Father of life, in every moment of the day remind me of the incomparable value of every human person.

A Reading from the Holy Gospel According to John 3:16-18
For God so love the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him will not be condemned, but whoever does not believe has already been condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.

(silent reflection)

God of all creation, as by his birth, Christ united himself with us, so by the way we live our lives, may we witness the boundless love of the one who so loved the world that he gave his only Son.

A reflection of Pope Benedict XVI*
[The] words [of Pope John Paul II]...constantly echo in my ears: "Do not be afraid! Open wide the doors for Christ!..." Are we not perhaps all afraid in some way? If we let Christ enter fully into our lives, if we open ourselves totally to him, are we not afraid that he might take something away from us? Are we not perhaps afraid to give up something significant, something unique, something that makes life so beautiful? Do we not then risk ending up diminished and deprived of our freedom? And once again the Pope said: No, if we let Christ into our lives, we lose nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing of what makes life free, beautiful and great. No! Only in this friendship are the doors of life opened wide. Only in this friendship is the great potential of human existence truly revealed. Only in this friendship do we experience beauty and liberation...Do not be afraid of Christ! He takes nothing away, and he gives you everything.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory Be...

*Pope Benedict XVI, Homily, Mass for the Inauguration of his Pontificate, April 24, 2005.


"No, if we let Christ into our lives, we lose nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing of what makes life free, beautiful and great. No! Only in this friendship are the doors of life opened wide." I can only imagine what it is like to stand in front of David's Pieta. I only know that standing in front of the Pieta at the Shrine of Ste. Anne I could only be filled with sorrow for the mother who held her lifeless son in her arms and gratitude to God our Father for his Son. I cannot truly empathize with her loss. I really have never experienced loss as devastating as this was, but because Our Lady was the mother of God...Oh! I cannot put what I want to say into words. They escape ME!!! Indeed, there are times when words are useless and one must only be quiet!! And so it is for me today. LIFE is GOOD!!!


In gratitude for quiet reflection, I say,
Thanks be to God!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Right to Life VII

Mt. Rushmore, 2007

Day Seven
Remembering Our Forefathers

Father of life, help this nation to hear the voice of our forefathers: and to believe that God has truly given us the right to life, to liberty, and to the pursuit of happiness.

A Reading from the Acts of the Apostles 17: 26-28
[God] made from one the whole human race to dwell on the entire surface of the earth, and he fixed the ordered seasons and the boundaries of their regions, so that people might seek God, even perhaps grope for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. For "In him we live and move and have our being..."

(silent reflection)

God of all creation, make every one of your children a defender and promoter of the right to life.

A Reflection by Pope John Paul II*
[The] Gospel gave a new meaning to the concept of native land [patria]. In its original sense, it means what we have inherited from our fathers and mothers on earth. The inheritance we receive from Christ orientates the patrimony of human native lands and cultures toward the eternal homeland. Christ says: "I came from the Father and have come into the world; again I am leaving the world and going to the Father" (John 16:28). Christ's departure to go to the Father introduces a new homeland into human history. Sometimes we speak of the "heavenly home," or "eternal home: These expression indicate what has been accomplished in the history of man and the history of nations through Christ's coming into the world and through his leaving this world to go to the Father.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory Be...

*Pope John Paul II, Memory and Identity: Conversations at the Dawn of a Millennium, pp. 62f.

There are so many songs we have as a nation that give rise to patriotism. There are also many more songs, I would contend, that should give rise to Christian Patriotism. I'm also thinking there are songs of gratitude that must be sung, as well, for this precious life we have been given. "Now Thank We All Our God" is one I am humming now...A grand and glorious song of thanksgiving, I'm thinking!

For all who join in this chorus, I say
Thanks Be to God!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Right to Life

(Niagara River, 2003)

The Knights of Columbus at our parish have generously supplied all members of St. John the Baptist the Novena for Life. January 21, 2008 is the Right to Life March in DC. I'm a couple of days late in starting, but beginning none-the-less and would ask you to pray it with me.


Day One
Created to Live with You
Father of life, help us to long for the fullness of life and to know the wonder of what awaits us beyond the dimensions of this earthly existence.

A reading from the Book of Job 19:1, 23-27a
The Job answered and said: Oh, would that my words were written down! Would that they were inscribed in a record: That with an iron chisel and with lead they were cut in the rock forever! But as for me, I know that my Vindicator lives, and that he will at last stand forth upon the dust; Whom I myself shall see; my own eyes, not another's, shall behold him; And from my flesh I shall see God; my inmost being is consumed with longing.

(Silent reflection)

God of all creation grant us the wisdom to understand fully the mystery that life has no meaning apart from you.

A Reflection by Pope John Paul II*
The Eucharist is a straining towards the goal, a foretaste of the fullness of joy promised by Christ (cf. Jn 15:11); it is in some way the anticipation of heaven, the "pledge of future glory". . . Those who feed on Christ in the Eucharist need not wait until the hereafter to receive eternal life; they already possess it on earth, as the first-fruits of a future fullness which will embrace man in his totality. For in the Eucharist we also received the pledge of our bodily resurrection at the end of the world; "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day" (Jn 6:54)

Our Father. . .
Hail Mary. . .
Glory Be. . .

*Ecclesia de Eucharistia, no. 18.

Thank you for this time of prayer with me. Tomorrow then.

Thanks be to God!!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Women Who Influenced Who I Am

"The Lady from Dublin"
Sketched by Wiliam Breault, S.J.

Though I can give most of the credit for this to my mother, The Aunts, and Pat, for who I am. I realized that I have overlooked a few who had a relevant impact on my life. I have not reflected of late on the religious women who also shaped who I am. It has only come to mind when I read a response on Catherine McAuley, who founded the Sisters of Mercy in Dublin on Sister Julie's blog.

My life has been visited by women in the religious life through the Sisters of St. Joseph, who taught me in 1st and 2nd grade at St. Mary's School. Then, the Sisters of Loretto for my religious education there after. But the greatest impact has come from two communities. The Sisters of Providence, in the person Sr. Dorothy Rasche whose ministry has been to the poor and those in prison. She has been a model of perseverance and quiet listening with a touch of gentle persistence.

The other community is the Sisters of Mercy. For three years of my life they taught, nurtured, and gave example to me. The school of nursing was place where the purpose, first of all, was to teach the students to care for the sick and dying. But in that education, you became immersed in the work of Christ. No one says to you "You are doing Christ's work." It is understood. Compassion, sensitivity, and love are the focus of the education. The skill could be learned. But for many of us the others had to be acquired. The innate value of human life was stressed above all. "God made us, we have value."

And so it is that I'd would personally like to thank Sr. Julie. Because of her Blog "A Nun's Life" (see The Blarney Corner) that I have been called to reflect on the wealth I have gained by these women who have touched my life.

I must also share with you a short story about how I came to find the book about Catherine McAuley's life. While on retreat at St. Meinrad last February I went into a small library on our floor and found the book The Lady from Dublin by William Breault, S.J. Knowing I could not have time to read it there I was able to find it on, yes, It's a short biography of her life and sthe trip the author takes in Dublin tracing her history. His sketches are also grand. Let me know if you wish to borrow it. Catherine was a grand lady.

Share, if you would, stories of women who have had an impact on your life as you grew and matured.


For all the Ladies in my life I say,
Thanks be to God!!!