I finally picked up my copy of July/August Ligorian. It has some wonderful stories. The cover displays a beautiful picture of St. Paul and the cover story "The Jubilee Year of Saint Paul." There is a "Department" called Catholic Calendar and during the months of July and August the Church celebrate the live of 32 Saints. August holds a wealth of holy men and women, two of which are martyrs for the faith in our time, Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe and Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein).
In the article, written by Norman J. Muckerman, C. SsR., Edith Stein was the 11th child in a Jewish family. She studied philosophy, earned her PhD and became a professor. She was introduced to Catholic thought by a fellow professor Max Scheler. So interested was she in this new "philiosophical world" that she had to learn more. So it was that she read the autobiography of Saint Teresa of Avila and it became a turning point in her life. She was baptized, taught in Catholic schools for a number of year and then entered the Camelite monastery. Seeking to protect her from the Nazis and their widespread persecution her community sent her to Holland where she "lived, suffered, and prayed for the next eight years." She was later captured and sent to Auschwitz with her sister, Rosa, also a convert where they were put to death in the gas chambers.
Needless to say, I know very little about the life of this courageous lady and perhaps it is time I made an effort to become more acquainted with her. Have you met a saint today? I did and now just like any new friendship, it's time to learn more about her.
Wishing all a Grand day!
Thanks be to God.