Sunday, October 12, 2008

Apple Picking

Yesterday Ron and I went to a friend's dad's house to pick apples. The trees were so over burdened with the apples that some of the branches were bowed and even broken. They weren't big apples or "store" pretty apples, but tasty they were. The bees were buzzing and humming over the ones on the ground, but do not fear. We thanked God for their presence.

When we were done. We loaded up the ladder and gathered the bags and went right down to Mother Theresa's Treasures and the Newburgh Food Pantry. Kathy was there to receive these tasty morsels and we were grateful that we could offer them. Ron and I had the opportunity to give of time, talent and the treasure of God's creation. And to give credit where credit is due. This was a wonderful idea, Ron had. For me, it was one of those Christ moments. He was there in our midst!!

~Thanks be to God~


  1. Very nice video, thank you for sharing.. have a wonderful day:)

  2. I bet you will be making tons of apple pies..or is that a different apple? Just shows how much I know about cooking LOL!

    Glad you had a great day!

    Peace, JOY & Love to you Cathy:)

    Marie xooxox

  3. That sounds like a very satisfying day, all in all, Cathy, and I think you have to accept some of the credit too since you were open to Ron's suggestion to go and pick the apples!
    Here in Ireland, Co Armagh is famous for its orchards of apple trees, 'though I've never had the pleasure of picking them I sure have enjoyed them!


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