Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sharing~~Bottled Water

I found this to be most enlightening. And though I don't used much bottled water, we Do keep it at home in case of an emergency. How much bottled water do you drink? Thanks to Sister Mary Alice Zander, SP.


Thanks be to God!


  1. The bottled water issue is big right now.
    Too much trash!

  2. This was interesting. Thanks for sharing. I just use plain old tap water. Sometimes I put it a pitcher in the frig to keep it nice and cold.

  3. Very interesting!! We refill a five gallon water jug at the grocery store with filtered water and we have a water dispenser that we use it with that keeps it super cold!!

  4. I actually love the taste of the tap water in New York, it's one of the best things about living here. But I have to admit, when we travel out of state, I always, always drink bottled water, and if we are in a restaurant, I always have sparkling bottled water, and I would be sad to see it go.

  5. cracks me up when people buy, not just bottled water...but BABY (ie Gerber brand) bottled water....

    then, when I took my oldest to the dentist for the first time their #1 question for me was 'do you drink bottled, filtered water or tap water'...because childhood cavities are ON THE RISE due to filters and bottled water taking out the FLORIDE that we add to tap water .... which we, as a nation, started doing in the 60s to combat...wait for it.....childhood cavities!!!

    only tap water for my family.


Your insightful comments are appreciated and I want all to feel comfortable and welcome.