Wednesday, June 23, 2010

~~Tea Talk~~

A book reads the better which is our own, and has been so long known to us, that we know the topography of its blots, and dog's ears, and can trace the dirt in it to having read it at tea with buttered muffins.
Charles Lamb

My teacup is...a plain white cup.I'm sipping a cup of Brown Palace Signature Tea. Delicious!

I'm feeling...satisfied. I have learned to use Quicken on the new Apple computer and life is good.

On my mind...Preparing for a long weekend that include the celebration of Sister Mary Maloney's 50th Jubilee at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. It also means returning on Sunday for a yearly gathering of Providence Associates and the Sisters of Providence. Oh, such wonderful anticipation!!!

High Tea at the Brown Palace Hotel while on vacation with
Ron's sister, Linda, was a highlight of the trip.

Thanks be to God!!!

Now won't you join me and visit Ruth at Celebrate Friendship is hosting Tea Talk at her house? Share a cup of tea with us.

Monday, June 21, 2010

~~The Fudgery~~

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We had so much fun watching the entertainment here that we watched this not once but 3 times. We also purchased the fudge...This is a great marketing tool!

Thanks be to God!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

~~Mosaic Monday~~

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What a wonderful time we had in St. Louis. The gathering of the descendants of Herbert and Lilah Stubbs. There was conversation, laughter, and sharing. We attended a baseball game, sat on the lawn for Shakespeare In the Park. We went to the top of the Arch and participated in the making of fudge at the Fudgery at Union Station. There is nothing that can compare with a gathering like this, a family together!!!

Thanks be to God!!!

Please visit Mary and The Little Red House. Her pictures are grand and so are the pictures of others!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Bad Haiku Friday

Family reunions are great.
St. Louis is a fun place
But hotter than heqq!

Hot enough here
To cook eggs on the sidewalk
Will try Applebee's

Wishing all a grand and adventurous weekend!!!! Go swimming, hiking or just dangle your feet in a stream. Visit God wherever you may be! He's waitin ' for your arrival!

Thanks be to God!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

~~Tea Talk~~

"Talk and tea is his specialty," said Giles. "He has about five cups of tea a day. But he works splendidly when we are looking."
-Agatha Christie~
Sleeping Murder

My teacup Tea Is the Cup of Life mug. And Life is GOOD!

I'm feeling...excited. Today we travel to St. Louis for the family reunion. Gonna be NOT and HUMID but conversation will be cool.

On my mind...All those we will miss because they could not come. And how nice it is that we are going to have a leisurely drive to the BIG CITY,

Wishing you all a grand weekend to come whether it be with family or not!!!

Thanks be to God!!!

Now won't you join me and visit Ruth at Celebrate Friendship is hosting Tea Talk at her house? Share a cup of tea with us.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Family Reunion

Off to the Stubbs Family reunion tomorrow in St. Louis. Lots to see and do. Lots of catching up to do. There'll be a Cards baseball game and so so much food.

Today David, Kelly, Maddie, and the Boys will arrive here today and we'll be off tomorrow on this wonderful adventure.

What adventure do you have planned for this weekend? Just link your adventure through Mr. Linky at the bottom and we can all share the anticipation with you!
Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Precious Moments

Those Precious Moments

There is a wonderful lesson dealing with in loss at Martin Family Moments. Anyone visiting there can certainly put themselves in her place.

One summer's day many years ago the Boys were playing "crew sock football" in the house ("It wasn't the football, Mom.") while I was at work. They knocked one of my Precious Moments off the shelf and broke it. Older Sister patiently glued it back together. She did such a wonderful job that I didn't even notice it until I got a duplicate for Mother's Day and she showed me the difference. Of course, I was surprised, awed and completely taken aback! Had I known what had happened the day of the accident, I would have been most angry and an appropriate punishment would have been dealt out. But as it was, the wisdom of the eldest prevailed. She fixed it the best she could and then the rest of them set about making it right for a later date.

I learned much that day. First, my children are most resourceful. They are gifted in many ways. They were frightened at what might have happened to them if I knew what they had done. Most important of all to me was that they loved me enough to repair and replace what it was they thought I cherished. What they didn't know at the time was that on that day I became aware of what I truly cherish the most, God's wonderful presence in my life through them!!!

Thanks be to God!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Wonders of God's Creation

Sunrise Over Eastern Colorado

Sunset Over Western Missouri

The Creator's palate is so marvelous that even trying to capture his handiwork on film, does not compare to the real thing. This is just some of the treasures we were able to gather while we were traveling.

Thanks be to God!

Please visit Mary and The Little Red House. Her pictures are grand and so are the pictures of others! As soon as I get used to the new computer and it's new programs I be participating in Mosaic Monday soon I hope

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

One of Many

Mitakuye Oyasin
(We are All Related)

Just one of the many sidewalk sculpture in Rapid City, SC. When I'm up and running again will share a number of the sculpted Presidents!! They are fantastic.
Thanks be to God!!!

Sunday, June 06, 2010

I'm Disappointed

South Dakota Prairie, 2010

When we got home yesterday, I emptied the trunk/car and Ron went to pick up Duchess at the Dog Sitters. I started the PC and went to sort the laundry. Next thing I knew there was a horrible noise in the office. As it turns out, the computer CRASHED!!!!!

So now I'm computer shopping and hoping the info on the hard drive can be until I can get the new computer I won't be able to offer anything for Mosaic Monday. And so my disappointment. Will still be visiting others tomorrow and maybe you can visit there too.

Please visit Mary and The Little Red House. Her pictures are grand and so are the pictures of others!

Thanks be to God!!

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Rocky Mountain High

Just thought I'd drop in and offer you a bit of Rocky Mountain High!!!! Having a grand time!


Thanks be to God!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Bad Haiku Friday

Images of God
The sunset is glorious
Treasured are these gifts

Thanks be to God!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Rocky Mountain Dreamin'~~Mosaic Monday~~

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Will be leaving on vacation in two days. Will be traveling to Montana to visit Mom and attend Megan's graduation from high school. Then on to Colorado for more visiting and revisiting old memories. God has blessed us abundantly and we are so lucky to be able to travel. Will try to blog along the way, but don't want to make any promises. Will visit you all as often as I can.

Thanks be to God!!

Please visit Mary and The Little Red House. Her pictures are grand and so are the pictures of others!

Friday, May 21, 2010

End of the Week Humor

Wishing all a grand weekend
full of laughter and cheer.

Thanks be to God!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

~~Tea Talk~~

A woman is like a tea bag,
you cannot tell how strong she is
until you put her in hot water.
Nancy Reagan

I'm having...Irish Breakfast tea. Refreshing on the morning that is again cloudy. Still have rain in the forecast.

My teacup Irish mug. Thought that was appropriate.

I'm feeling
...excited. Yes indeed, for next week at this time I will be on my way to MT. I will visit with Mom and attend Megan's high school graduation. Family!!!! Isn't it grand?

On my mind...The reunion cookbook is finished!!!! And all that is left to do is to take it to Staples for printing.!!! Praise God!!!

Because I will be traveling beginning next week, I will not be able to post Tea Talk for a couple of weeks. I thought I would leave you with this essay from a wonderful little book called Tea Time With God, published by Honor Books, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

A Little Ceremony, Please

And ye shall find rest unto your soul.
Matthew 11:29

Afternoon tea at London's Ritz Hotel is descried as the last delicious morsel of Edwardian London. Helen Simpson offers this description in the London Ritz Book of Afternoon Tea:

"In the elegantly columned Palm Court, the light is kind, the cakes are frivolous and the temps is calm, confident, and leisurely. Takers of tea perch on rose-colored Louis XVI chairs at marble tables, sipping their teaming cups of tea...There are no clocks, and although it is just possible to glimpse the flash of Piccadilly's taxis and buses if you look hard in the direction of the doors, a strange sense of taking a holiday from time heightens the pleasure of taking tea here. People look more beautiful than they do in real life due to the flattening lighting. Here is one of the few places outside church...where a woman may wear a hat and feel entirely at ease...Those approaching the Palm Court clad in such garments as jeans, shorts or sneakers will be reluctantly turned away--and no one is admitted without a reservation. The dark tea leaves are steeping in boiling water when brought to the table with a selection of tiny finger sandwiches, scones and cakes."

Why all that fuss over a cup of tea and a snack? Because the "ceremony" of drinking afternoon tea provides more refreshment than the food and drink alone can deliver. It requires the participants to cease all other activities for a short period of time, take in a little sustenance, and give attention to others who are sharing the repast. It is an opportunity for one to put down whatever knotty problems have been occupying the day thus far and take up lighter issues for a few minutes. The body gets refreshment and rest (no one stands for tea) and the mind gets a little vacation.

Tea time also provides a natural opportunity for the spirit to be refreshed. Taking tea alone gives one the chance to reflect on the ups and downs of the day in quiet prayer, receiving fuel to move confidently through the rest of the day.

If you are "taking tea" with a friend or friends, why not share one thing that God has done to each of you. Praise at tea time gives a new meaning to the phrase "high tea!"

So I encourage you to offer a bit of praise to God by sharing that wonderful thing he has done for you this day. For me the gift comes in the form of a completed project with less stress then anticipated. Until my return to Tea Talk, may you all be abundantly blessed.

Thanks be to God!!!

Now won't you join me and visit Ruth at Celebrate Friendship is hosting Tea Talk at her house? Share a cup of tea with us.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Favorite Teacher...

I have struggled with numbers my whole life. In 2nd grade I spent my lunch time catching up on my math. I had trouble adding columns. In third grade it was multiplication times tests and while most of the class was on their 7 tables I was still on the threes...And so it went. My freshman year I had algebra I. I enjoyed it but my test grades were less than stellar. Mr. Downing told my mom that I seemed to comprehend the subject in class, but when I took the test I showed no grasp of the concept.

That brings me to geometry. Mr. Devers taught high school math. He was my geometry teacher that year. He had the patience of Job and a sense of humor as well. I struggled, I mean STRUGGLED in his class. I could not understand or remember axioms. The logic in the whole thing escaped me, for most of the year. But during the last quarter I have to admit I really was not sure I was going to pass. This generous man worked with me all year. After the final exam, a friend and I saw him in the cafeteria. We approached him and I asked how I did on my final. He simply said, "Cathy, I will give you the lowest 'C' I have ever given if you will promise to never take another math class." Yes, he did. He gave me a "C."

I am grateful for his perseverance, understanding and his sense of humor...When numbers get in the way, as they often do, I smile and thank Mr. Devers for being my teacher.

Thanks be to God!!!

Now if you'll visit Laura at Catholic Teachers Musings, I'm sure your will be entertained and enlightened by others and their tales of their favorite teacher.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Simple Women's Daybook

While it's been a long while since I've done this I do visit those who contribute. So after you visit here please visit Peggy at The Simple Woman and journey along the path of life we all share The Simple Woman's Daybook.

1. I'm thinking...that it has been so long since I've done this. Had not realized how long until I started looking at the ones done earlier...

2. From the Kitchen...there is the smell of cinnamon toast. I do love a good piece of cinnamon toast. I'm considering a Crockpot meal today but don't know which one to fix.

3. I am creating...(knitting) a lap afghan!

4. I'm red long sleeved nightgown...It's still cold outside!

5. I am reading..."Her Royal Spyness," a mystery by Rhys Bowen. I'm really enjoying it.

6. I'm hoping...I can get shopping done for birthdays and graduations done today!

7. I am hearing...glorious silence.

8. Around the house...There are signs that Thanksgiving is just around the corner.

9. Few plans for the rest of the finish the Reunion Cookbook (I know I've been saying that for weeks.), prepare the house for our absence while on vacation, and purchase flower for the boxes.

10. One of my favorite things is...watching Master Piece Mystery on PBS. Miss Marple returns on Sunday.

11. Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

Sammy Cat nesting and resting.
Thanks be to God!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Garden Revisited~~Mosaic Monday~~

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Grateful for a weekend of companionship, humor and hospitality with the Sisters of Providence, Associates, and Candidates. Community is wonderful when sharing the love of God!

I fancy you may think you have seen these pictures before but indeed I can assure you these are new. It's simply the glorious evolution of the colors, buds and blossoms in the Garden of the Creator.

Thanks be to God!

Please visit Mary and The Little Red House. Her pictures are grand and so are the pictures of others!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

~~The Gathering~~

Remember me this weekend as I gather with Sisters of Providence, Associates and Candidates to reflect, pray and support each other. May God bless you all this glorious weekend!

Thanks be to God!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

~~Tea Talk~~

Tea was such a comfort.
Edna St. Vincent Millay

I'm having...Apricot tea steeped for just 2 minutes. Just right

My teacup is...I bought this set on a "Girls Day Out" three years ago. We had such a grand day together. One should always have at least one memory of shopping with the girls in the family...daughters, daughter-in-law, and granddaughters.


I'm feeling...excited. There is a grand weekend planned here with Providence Associates and the Sisters of Providence. We gather for prayer, conversation and spiritual growth.

On my mind...Getting pictures downloaded and burned to CD so Ron's web page and be opened.

Thanks be to God!!!

Now won't you join me and visit Ruth at Celebrate Friendship is hosting Tea Talk at her house? Share a cup of tea with us.