Tuesday, July 06, 2010

~Adventure Tour Express~

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This is such a wonderful summer. We have done so much traveling and revisiting places dear to our hearts.

When I first met Ron he was a student at Colorado School of Mines. He was studying metallurgy and minoring in "gold panning." Often dates were spent up on Clear Creek panning. In the Spring when the thaw began you could be sure that he would be up their early in the morning until late at night. He should have been a "49er" but he was born too late.

After we married, Ron would take my brothers and their friends up on the river to work the tailings. Tom, Phil, and friends have probably got tales of their own to tell, but not today.

It had been probably 20 years since he'd been up on river, but this summer we decided we would do it again. Here are the pictures of this adventure.

The boulders that need to be moved to get the dirt to pan.

Tools of the trade.
(Only a small part as we didn't bring the sluice.)

Panning it down.

Checking the results.

And the earth gave up ONE flake of gold.

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But when all is said and done it wasn't all for the gold. It was for the thrill of being on the river again and playing in the dirt. There of memories of the past and the one newly made. And Clear Creek still flows on.

Thanks be to God!

To join in the adventure simply copy and past the button into your post and sign in with Mr Linky! So All Aboard!!!

It's Really Tuesday

For the last two weeks I've had Monday off, one because of vacation, the other because of the holiday. So what's the problem, Cathy, you may ask? Well, the first day back to work seems like Monday and then the rest of the week is all MESSED up. Complaining? NO! Befuddled? YES! But I'll survive. Just understand that until I get back on schedule, I can't be held responsible for what I may or may not do because my biological calendar (is there such a thing?) is all messed up! Have a grand day!

Thanks be to God!

Sunday, July 04, 2010

~~Mosaic Monday~~

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It was a grand 4th of July here in hot and humid Indiana. The kids and grand kids were here. The pond was repaired and little fish added to the pond. We had Thai chicken by Jimmy, a specialty of his and we haven't had it in oh so long. There was "slip 'n' slide" in the back yard and the walk to the river for the fireworks. There were the dogs, Cocoa, Duchess and Sandy. Indeed, it was a weekend to celebrate all the things for which we have to be grateful.

God bless America
Thanks be to God!!!!!

Please visit Mary and The Little Red House. Her pictures are grand and so are the pictures of others!

4th of July Fireworks!!!!

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It was a grand adventure last night as we walked to the river to watch to fireworks. The kids were real troopers and we all had a grand time!!!

Thanks be to God!!

Oh!!! Just as an aside...It is really hard to take good pictures of fireworks!!!

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Happy 4th of July

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I was going through pictures of our trip to Montana and Colorado early last month. It's so grand to see the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains. We saw antelope and deer, elk and horses. There were lovely groves of trees and mountain glaciers. Amazing what the glory of God has to offer. All of this is in a country in which I have been privileged to live and explore at my leisure. This country has an abundance of resources both natural and human. Please let us resolve not to waste any of them. Please from this day forward do not take them for granted.

Thanks be to God!!!

The family all begin to arrive tomorrow evening. Wishing you all a GRAND 4th of JULY!!! May all your fireworks be bright and all your gatherings be blessed with friendship and love.

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

~The Flag, May It Ever Wave~

It is wonderful to see the flag displayed with grace and grandeur. It is also treated with respect and dignity. She is hoisted high in the morning and at sunset she is taken down. She is folded with care and put away until the next day.

And why do we care how she is treated? It is my considered opinion that if we contemplate her origins and her history it's hard to separate her from any part of who we are as a nation. It is a legacy handed down to us and one which is hard to deny. We have a history that at times is dismal and embarrassing. She was there when we have not been a kind and gentle nation. And she was there at the times when we were at our best. We are reminded by her that freedom isn't free and even when this nation is struggling to continue to promote that freedom we have her to bolster and encourage us. Long may she wave!!!

Thanks be to God!

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Picture Puzzle Day

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It has been so long since we've played with puzzles here I thought we'd do it today. Summer was always a good time to put a puzzle together, especially when it was too hot to go outside. Please come and join the fun!!!

Join in the fun! Enter the world of JigZone and play along today! Share one of your pictures for Picture Puzzle Day by linkin to Mr. Linky .

Thanks be to God!

A Walk At the Woods

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I have to return to work today, but before I do I just want to share with you A Walk At the Woods. There are only a few pictures to whet the appetite. St. Mary-of-the-Woods located in Indiana is the home of the Sisters of Providence. It's the campus for Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. Most of all it is the Shrine of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, foundress of the congregation.

Having spent time there again, I can tell you it is a privilege to walk the grounds where the good saint walked, taught and counseled. And it's hard to leave.

Wishing all a grand day!

Thanks be to God!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

~~Mosaic Monday~~

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As I was going through pictures I took when we were on vacation I was struck by the value each offers to our life. Today I think I'd like to contrast the beautifully fragile iris and the sturdy evergreen. Both are fragrant. Both most exquisite in their composition. Yet we only enjoy the iris for a short time in the spring. Because of the shortness of it's stay we mourn its passing, looking forward to it's rebirth next spring. The evergreen, because of its apparent strength we take for granted, yet every spring it puts for lovely "flowers" of its own. Without its special blossoms this bold tree could perish. In its strength there is weakness.

Thanks be to God!

Please visit Mary and The Little Red House. Her pictures are grand and so are the pictures of others!

The Gathering

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Will be at Saint May-of-the-Woods today and tomorrow for a gathering of the Sisters and Associates. Pray for us, as we commune, that the Spirit will guide us.

Thanks be to God!

Friday, June 25, 2010

~Adventure Tour Express~

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“A man practices the art of adventure when he breaks the chain of routine and renews his life through reading new books, traveling to new places, making new friends, taking up new hobbies and adopting new viewpoints” ~Wilfred Peterson

It has been suggested that perhaps some would like to share their vacation adventures with others and maybe it could be done under one umbrella. So starting today, there will be an opportunity for anyone who wishes to join in sharing your adventures whether they be close to home or far away by linking your post here. Please feel free to jump on the Adventure Tour Express!

I begin with an adventure today that is brought to life by a walk down memory lane. Two weeks ago, already now, we visited a place Ron and I both hold dear to our hearts. I was attending Mercy Hospital School of Nursing in Denver, CO. City Park was the place where we girls would go for a walk to get out of the hospital for a while. We could walk around the lake, visit the Natural History Museum, or go to the zoo. Funny what simple things could relieve some stress or anxiety.

Ron was just across town at Colorado School of Mines and we met through mutual friends. Neither of us had much money so a date was usually Friday night to a movie and a hamburger after. Sometimes a date was as simple as a "walk in the park."

The park was oh so beautiful in the fall. The color of the trees at sunset were stunning. In the spring the exciting shade of green filled you with anticipation of the flowers to follow.

Museum of Natural History
Ron's favorite place was the gem and mineral
displays, especially the gold nuggets.
The entrance to the park.

The fountain in the middle of City Park Lake
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The Band Stand on the Lake

I also remember times as a child when we would meet The Aunts for a picnic in the park. Oh my, what fun we all had!!!
For all the memories relived through a grand adventure, I say,
Thanks be to God!

To join in the adventure simply copy and past the button into your post and sign in with Mr Linky! So All Aboard!!!