Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Sometimes You NEED a GOOD Laugh...

Lead In My Pencil
Originally uploaded by *ian*

Mom has done it again. Wishing you all a LAUGH OUT LOUD DAY!!!


1. The roundest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi.

2. I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian.

3. She was only a whiskey maker, but he loved her still.

4. A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class because it was a weapon of math disruption.

5. The butcher backed into the meat grinder and got a little behind in his work.

6. Now matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationery.

7. A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering.

8. A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum Blownapart.

9. Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie.

10. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

11. A hole has been found in the nudist camp wall. The police are looking into it.

12. Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

13. Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway. One hat said to the other, 'You stay here, I'll go on a head.'

14. I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me.

15. A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center said: 'Keep off the Grass.'

16. A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to a hospital. When his grandmother telephoned to ask how he was, a nurse said, 'No change yet.'

17. A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion.

18. It's not that the man did not know how to juggle, he just didn't have the balls to do it.

19. The short fortune-teller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large.

20. The man who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran.

21. A backward poet writes inverse.

22. In democracy it's your vote that counts. In feudalism it's your count that votes.

23. When cannibals ate a missionary, they got a taste of religion.
24. Don't join dangerous cults: practice safe sects!


Thanks be to God

Saturday, January 31, 2009

UE in Snow

UE in Snow
Originally uploaded by Scuddr
Since I haven't gotten my pics down loaded yet. Thought I'd share this one from the campus at the University of Evansville. We still have no Vectren electricity, but we do have the generator running. The laundry is nearly finished and then it will be time to shut some things off to use the stove to fix dinner. Thought SOS (creamed chip beef on biscuits) sounded pretty good.

They are talking about not getting everyone back on line until the middle of next week. They say more snow is in the forecast for early next week. We are so fortunate to have been able to get the generator and have the kerosene heater. We'd be happy to have guests but the neighbors have all made other arrangements. You are welcome to drop by for dinner if you wish.

God bless you all for your kind words and prayers. And Thanks be to GOD!!!!! Thanks, too, to Scuddr at UofE for the pic.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Quick Update...

Awoke this morning to find we were not one of 40,000 people without electricity but 55,000 and may not have it until first of next week. So the Tucson trip is off as well. The generator is working well on the frig and furnace...get to watch some television and read. God is good, all the time. Going to add tomorrows The Quotable and then eat dinner...


And give thanks be to God!!!

Will catch up on visiting when the electricity is up and running again.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Short Note...

Have been without elelctricty since about midnoc. Ron and Roy drove to Terre Haute to meet Marianne and Eric who picked up two generators they got from Lowes in INDY. Computer is only on long enough to ask you to pray for the 40,000 people without electricity in this area and Eastern KY, as well. (The computer is a luxury right now.) Roads are awful, as before we go the 6 inches of snow there was an inch of ice and freezing rain for nearly all day yesterday. God will provide and indeed he has in the generosity of those here. God bless us all and you, too.


Thanks be to God!!!

As in "The Quotable"
There is no contradiction in
his kindness, nor any defect in his wisdom.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Joining the Journey...

I would ask you to visit Kim at a new blog Falling On His Grace. She is a precious neophyte and I think she has a sincere heart and a story to tell just like all of us. I enjoyed my visit. You will, too. She has just joined us on the journey. Welcome, Kim!


Thanks be to God!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Billy Graham's Prayer for Our Nation

'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and Set us free. Amen!'

Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio program, 'The Rest of the Story,' and received a larger response to this program than any other he has ever aired. With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we again can be called 'One nation under God.'

Think about this: If you forward this prayer to everyone on your e-mail list or place it on our blog, in less than 30 days it would be heard by the world.

Thanks be to God

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Words of Wisdom About Grandparents

Can you beat this? I received this from my dear friend Karen. This is wonderful and makes you smile each time you see it. The wonders of grandparenting. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Grandmas are moms with lots of frosting.~Author Unknown

What a bargain grandchildren are! I give them my loose change,
and they giv
e me a million dollars' worth of pleasure. ~Gene Perret

Grandmothers are just 'antique' little girls. ~Author Unknown

Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild.
~Welsh Proverb
A grandmother is a babysitter who watches the kids instead
of the television. ~Author Unknown

Never have
children, only grandchildren. ~Gore Vidal

Becoming a grandmother is wonderful. One moment you're just
a mother. The n
ext you are all-wise and prehistoric ~Pam Brown

Grandchildren don't stay young forever, which is good because
Grandfathers have only so many horsy rides in them. ~Gene Perret

When grandparents enter the door, discipline flies out the window.
~Ogden Nash

Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting to see just
you all day and now the day was complete. ~ Marcy DeMareeGrandmas never run out of hugs or cookies. ~Author unknown

Grandmas hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our
hearts forever.
~Author Unknown

If I had known how wonderful it would be to have grandchildren,
I'd have had them
first. ~Lois Wyse

My grandkids bel
ieve I'm the oldest thing in the world. And after
two or three hours with them, I believe it, too. ~Gene Perret

If becoming a grandmother was only a matter of choice, I should
advise every one of you straight away to become one. There is
no fun for old people like it! ~Hannah Whithall Smith

It's such a grand thing to be a mother of a mother - that's why the
world calls her grandmother. ~Author Unknown
Grandchildren are God's way of compensating us for growing
old. ~Mary H. Waldrip

You do not really understand something unless you can explain
it to your grandmother. ~Proverb

An hour with your grandchildren can make you feel young again.
Anything long
er than that, and you start to age quickly. ~Gene Perret

The best baby-sitters, of course, are the
baby's grandparents. You
feel completely comfortable entrusting your
baby to them for long
periods, which is why most grandparents f
lee to Florida. ~Dave Barry

I wish I had the energy that my grandchildren have - if only for
self-defense. ~Ge
ne Perret

Grandmother-grandchild relationships are simple. Grandmas
are short on critic
ism and long on love. ~Author Unknown

Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do.
Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of
little children. ~Alex Haley

- a wonderful mother with lots of
practice. ~Author Unknown

A grandparent is old on the outside but young on
the inside. ~Author

One of the most powerful handclasps is that of a new
grandbaby around the finger of a gr
andfather. ~Joy Hargrove

It's amazing how grandparents seem so young once you
become one. ~
Author Unknown

If your baby is 'beautiful and perfect, never cries or
sleeps on schedule and burps on demand, an angel all the
time,' you're the grandma. ~Teresa Bloomingdale

Grandparents are similar to a piece of string - handy to have
around and easily wrapped around the fingers of their
~Author Unknown

What is it about grandparents that is so lovely? I'd like to say
that grandparents are God's gifts to ch
ildren. And if they can
but see, hear and feel what these people have to give, they
can mature at a fast rate. ~Bill Cosby

Grandchildren don't make a man feel old; it's the knowledge
that he's married to a grandmother. ~G. Norman Collie

Thanks be to God!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Tagged Once More

I was tagged by Tracy and RoyalTLady some time ago to do two different MEME's but very much the same in some respects. Catch up is what this is called and I think I can combine them without offending anyone, because they ask me to consider things about who I am.

So, dear friends, these are the rules slightly altered to condense time and space.

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself and things that make you happy.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

So here it is. I will tell you what makes me happy and tie it to that random thing that brings our that happiness.

1. My faith. I am privileged to be lector in my parish of St. John the Baptist.

2. My family. I love family reunions. Laughing, loving and telling stories.

3. Sharing my faith. I am in awe of those I meet each year who wish to enter our faith community, as I am privileged to work in the RCIA process at St John's.

4. My grandchildren. From oldest to youngest they make me so happy. Happy because I can see the love and warmth with which they are nourished by their parents.

5. Bible Study. I've always been curious about the Bible and its wealth of instruction. Now I belong to two groups that are nourishing me.

6. My job. I cannot think of a time when I didn't want to help someone. When I was little I would read the monthly Maryknoll Magazine and tell Mom I wanted to be a missionary. Well, Providence led me to nursing. And in a way I'm a missionary as I must help and aid others daily, even to the point of prayer.

I hope this works and no one is offended by this combination but for me this was a wonderful time for reflection on how these two topics really are one. Thank you!

I choose to tag:








Thanks be to God!

Picture is by tomate d'spingles with thanx!

Thanks and Gratitude...

I am humbled to find that there are two who think I deserve this gift. So I say thank you to Esther at A Catholic Mom in Hawaii and Tracy at A Catholic Mom in Minnesota.
“These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”

So I offer this award to:

A Catholic Notebook

Are We There Yet

Eileen on Him...At least I try!!


Sailing by Starlight

~~A Truckers Wife~

The Dutchess


As Mom would say, "And one to grow on..."

Catholic Teacher's Musings

God bless you all. There are so many of you that brighten my day, lift my spirits, and challenge my humanity. Thank you very much, each and every one of you!


Thanks be to God!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Lemonade in January!!

I've been blessed by having this award bestowed on my by Lisa at Are We There Yet. I have been late in posting this but receiving it makes me pleased to know others think I can "make lemonade from lemons" and not just walk around with "sour" disposition. Life is way too short to allow the "sour" lemons to win! Soooo, get out the pitcher, squeeze those lemons and put in sugar (or Splenda if you must) to taste and the SMILE!!!!! Thank you Lisa!

I now offer this award to:

Christ's Rose

Spreading Joy

Unexpected Journey

Catholic Mom in Minnesota

~UKOK's Place~

Crocus in the Valley


Thanks be to God
Tracy and RoyaltyLady do not despair. I'm thinking about those "6" things.