Friday, February 13, 2009

Schoolhouse Rock- How a Bill Becomes a Law

Do you think this educational tool used to teach our kids about voting on a bill could be of any assistance to Congress and the President today? The topic here is ACTION, or the lack thereof.


I still say, "thanks be to God!"

Don't want to live anywhere else!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Seriously Frustrated!!!

Our Bible Study is Catholic Scripture Study. We meet every Thursday night, barring severe ice storms and heavy snow. We are studying the Book of Revelation. It comes with a wonderful text, excellent questions and the group in which we participate allows for informative discussion and helpful insights. There are about 40 all told in the class and 8 in our group!

Enough about the demographics. Since "Simon" got sick the only thing I miss is the speakers outline (OH, I forgot to tell you there is a film lecture at the end of the class). I had found it helpful when listening to the speaker. Well, since "Simon's" healing I can't print it out because it is encoded and I CAN'T figure out how to un-encode it!!!!! (HUUUFFFFF).

So with questions answered, PRINTED quotes from the CCC and the concordance helps printed. I will attend class tonight without my Lecture Notes! Such is life! But if anyone knows what I am talking about and can help me UNLOCK the CODE (I sound like Indiana Jones--get it INDIANA Jones) I would be soooo grateful. If not PLEASE have a GRAND day!

Thanks be to God!

Free clipart, animations and web graphics

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Wonder what the weather has in store for us here today...We're supposed to have 50-60 MPH winds. It may be September, 2008 all over again. We lost electricity then for four days! Guess we'll need to batten down the hatches!!! Or it could just pass over. Will have to wait and see! Who said living in Southwest Indiana was boring?!

Have a grand day wherever you are!


And thanks be to God!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

God, Our Companion On the Journey

A gift to me, I have tried to adapt this into my prayer life, some days more successfully than others. It's a wonderful text that calls one into prayer, guiding and affirming.

Today as he left for work, Ron, for the first time, voiced his concerns about his workplace. A BIG meeting is scheduled for day after tomorrow and he is anxious. Let it be known that The Kellers have been tested and survived. Certainly not as painfully as some, but tested none-the-less. God has ALWAYS provided us with the grace and courage to succeed in answering his call. Though anxious, we have every reason to be sure that whatever the outcome we will be provided for. In our life together there has never been a time when he has not guided us along the next step of our journey.

And so it was, when I opened my prayers this morning with this source, that I was led to Tobit 13: 1B-8. I just want to share with you the verses that comforted me.

If you turn to him with all your
heart and with all your soul,
to do what is true before him
then he will turn to you
and will no longer hide his
face from you.
So now see what he has done
for you;
acknowledge him at the top
of your voice.
Bless the Lord of righteousness
and exalt the King of the ages.

Tobit 13: 6

I take comfort in these words. For:

O God, you search me and you
know me. all my thoughts lie
open to your gaze. When I walk or
lie down you are before me ever
the maker and keeper of my days.

Bernadettte Farrell
Text based on Psalm 139

Comforted by this I go out today, knowing that, indeed, he cares about us and we can rely on his justice and mercy. Wishing all a joy filled day!


Thanks be to God!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

The Quiet Man Film Locations, Cong, Mayo. Ireland

Tis the season...Yes, it is. Today in preparation for the Academy Awards TCM is showing The Quiet Man. Long has this movie been a favorite of mine. So visit with me the site of it's filming. Please enjoy!


Thanks be to God!
And will no doubt be watching it
on the feast of Feast of St. Patrick. It's a tradition...