Thursday, August 07, 2008

Would you look at this...

Sam the Regal Cat...

...resting on his royal throne.

The irony is that Sam really appears to look like the cat on the throw...I could only laugh as he seemed entirely oblivious to the camera and me. I wasn't going to ruffle his "royal" feathers. This was my bit of humor today and it was well worth waiting for. Hope you can get a chuckle out of it, too.


Good evening
Thank be to God!!


This was not going to be my post today. I awoke this morning and opened my blog to find that an entire days comments had been eliminated from the Cellphone Popcorn post. I was certainly dismayed to see that. I had actually enjoyed reading the comments and found. even though you can't pop corn with the cellphone, ('twould have been handy if marooned on a desert island and until the battery ran down) it was fun to read and share each comment.

Then, to my horror, it occurred to me that those who were no longer in the comment box might think that I had erased theirs. Well, please let it be known that I did not delete the comments from August 6 2008, and if anyone knows how I can retrieve them please let me know. I'd really like to have them back. It's like I lost an entire my age that's risky!

Wishing you all a good day and please comment, if only to say, "Hello."

Thanks be to God

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Cellphone Popcorn...

Picture by lla

Okay, I know I am gullible...Anyone in my family can tell you how easy it is to "gotcha" me! Soooo, I'm asking, is this really true and can it really happen?

Cellphone Popcorn

And if it can happen, WHY?


For all I do not understand
or will never understand,
Thanks be to God!!!

It allows me to use that faith offered so freely!

Monday, August 04, 2008

Interesting Facts About the State of Colorado...

Mom sent me this in an email. It was so good that I just had to share it with you. My only regret is that I have no new pictures of my "home state."

Here are some curious things you might not know about Colorado .

Highest Climb. The highest vertical climb is not on a mountain but up the north side of the Black Canyon . Rising 1,700 feet, this sheer rock face is even higher than the famous Diamond on Longs Peak and was not conquered until 1969.

Deepest Snow. In 1899 Crested Butte recorded 254 inches of snow near the top of Kebler Pass. That year, snow buried a train near Leadville and left only stove pipes showing above cabins at many mountain towns. Usually, Wolf Creek Pass near Pagosa Springs gets the most snow in Colorado .

Oldest Hotel. The Peck House in the little town of Empire , near Berthoud Pass , is Colorado 's oldest hotel. It was built in 1859 by James Peck. Early guests included President Ulysses S. Grant and other famous people.

Highest Town. Leadville is the highest (10,200 feet) incorporated town in Colorado and the entire U.S. It has also had the highest rate of premature babies in the U.S. Researchers concluded that the altitude causes smaller babies.

Largest Nuggets. The biggest gold nugget in Colorado weighed 135 ounces and was found near Breckenridge in 1887 by miner Tom Broves. The biggest silver nugget weighed 1,840 pounds and was found at an Aspen mine in 1894.

Largest Elk Antlers. Measuring 52 inches at the widest point, the antlers of an elk: killed in 1899 near Crested Butte are still on display at that town's visitor center. In 1961, Boone and Crockett researchers declared it to be the largest elk rack in history.

Toughest Climate. No crops are grown around the town of Silverton, north of Durango . At 9,318 feet elevation, Silverton's growing season between frosts is only two weeks. San Juan County here is reportedly the only county in the U.S. without a single acre of agricultural land.

Worst Drought. About every 40 years, Colorado experiences a drought, according to tree-ring researchers. The worst was in the 1200s. It lasted 25 years and may have driven the Indians from Mesa Verde. During the Dust Bowl on the eastern plains, one cloud of dust on April 4, 1935, gathered itself to 1,000 feet high and 200 miles wide. It traveled at 60 miles an hour, suffocated hundreds of animals and damaged many people's health.

Driest Town. Delta, south of Grand Junction, gets less rain per year than Tucson, Arizona .

Musical Dunes. Winds blowing around the Great Sand Dunes near Alamosa create sounds resembling music. That's how Music Pass above the dunes got its name.

Women's Rights. Colorado was the second state in the U.S. to give women the right to vote. Wyoming was the first. You would think the eastern states would have been more progressive, but it took the frontier adventure to make men realize how strong and intelligent women were.


Thanks be to God!!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

One of the Deadly Sins...

Well, in the last several weeks I have been traveling from blog to blog enjoying all these wonderful homes...I must say I was "envious" of the beauty I have been finding in these places. So in my desire to be "beautiful " too, I sought a way to transfer the blog I had to a new template. I did what I could to transfer my insignificant information into the new template only to find that when I clicked "OK" I lost all my side bar information. Envy does reek havoc!

I have done my best to replicate the side bar, but you know I'm not just sure what all was there. So, if you don't see yourself at "Blarney Corner" right now that doesn't mean you will not return. I've just misplaced you.

You know the funny thing I realized about all this is that AGAIN the "grass is not always greener on the other side."

I do want to thank you all who have told me how much you like the new look. I really appreciate it. It was fun and I didn't lose anything. (I'd already lost it! HEHEHE!)


Thanks be to God!!!

Aside: Picture is of grand-daughter, Ainsley, last summer in MT. She's peeking through a hole in the fence to watch the kids next door bounce on the trampoline. Kids are so darling and innocent!

China Little Flower

It's time for the monthly update. And with the Olympic Games coming to China, I thought I would share the notes from Shannon and the pictures she sends. Please pray for her and all who assist her in her work with these lovely children of God.

Thank you
Thanks be to God!

Friday, August 01, 2008

Bad Haiku Friday

mother cradles child

she caresses her with love

that's what mothers do

Done and done...because of a double dog dare I could not resist from Bia. It was challenging to say the least and the words did not "flow." It must take a lot of practice for it seems to me these words lack the grace and tenderness of others I have read. Pretty rough around the edges, wouldn't you say?

I would also encourage you to visit Suzy Q and find out about her give-away! It will be worth your while.


It IS Friday, so for that I say,
"Thanks be to God!"

Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Reunion That Never Ends...

Today's reflection in Praying with Saint Paul, edited by Father Peter John Cameron, O.P. reminded me of two things. First, family though not near, is always family. And memories of family, even after the reunion are precious and dear, if not emboldening. And then that the family of God is always near. They, too, support, encourage and support us. A family in every way!!!

Family Ties
Father Gary Caster

"Conduct yourselves in a way worthy of the gospel of Christ, so
that, whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear news
of you, that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind
struggling together for the faith of the gospel, not intimidated in
any way by your opponents."
Philippians 1: 27-28

Saint Paul's words to the Philippians remind me of something my parents used to say to me and my brothers and sisters whenever we were going to be away from home or our on our own: "Behave yourselves." This was their simple way of reminding us to be the persons they raised us to be, and not to be "intimidated by whatever conflicting influences we might encounter. Unfortunately, there were times I failed to do so. It was then they would point out how my behavior didn't faithfully reflect the way I had been raised. Saint Paul uses similar words to encourage his spiritual children. He wants them to remember that in all ways and at all times they are members of the Christian family. Their conduct should therefore reflect "the way of the Gospel" in which they have been raised. as sons and daughters of God, their actions should depend--not on whether Paul is with them--but solely on the truth of who they are in Christ. Standing firm in this is a positive safe-guard against difficult situation and opposing voices. Saint Paul know they don't have to be told how to behave; they simply need to be reminded who they are. As Christians, our conduct, should flow naturally from the one spirit that binds us together as a family. The way of the Gospel requires a unity that goes beyond personal preferences, social bonds, or individual comfort levels. as one that draws us together in good times and in bad, In sickness and in health, in riches and in poverty. Only as a family united in mutual and loving concern, only as a family--one in mind and heart--can we live in peace undisturbed by those who fear, reject or are opposed to the way of the Gospel.

Heavenly Father, through the power of your spirit, let me alway live according to the truth of who I have become in Christ, never forgetting who I am, standing firm before the world ever confident in your love.

So I am encouraged, in many ways, to thank my family for the love, support, encouragement and loyalty. I can say I have never doubted their love. Then I thank my family in Christ through which this very same love, support, encouragement and loyalty has been shown to me. Through these loving people I have been guided in a mutual love of God and would be lost without them.


Finally, I say heartfelt and sincere,
"Thanks be to God!"

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Who'd have thought...

First Class

Ron and I have traveled some in our 40 years of marriage, though not extensively and it has mostly been to visit family. So when this summer's vacation itinerary was adopted we knew it would be exciting and challenging...

The first trip to MT started off a little rocky with a storm delay in INDY that caused us to miss our scheduled flight out of Minneapolis. Northwest took great care to make sure our flight and plans were not disrupted to dramatically. As a matter of fact, when we got off the plane in Minneapolis they already had our tickets to Billings available to us and much to our surprise we were up-graded to 1st Class.

The next trip was to the Stubbs Family Reunion in Santa Fe. All went well in our travels until our flight home. It seems the American Airlines plane that arrived the night before from LA had smoke in the cabin and it needed to be test flown to make sure it was safe to carry passengers. We were going to be late leaving Albuquerque by about 1 1/2 hours. American was great and had our flight to INDY scheduled without too much delay. When we arrived in Dallas, Marianne noticed that there was an earlier flight to INDY and so we decided that since we would not lose our seats if we chose to fly stand-by we'd give it a shot...Well, we made the stand-by flight and much to our surprise and delight we were again seated in...YES, 1st Class.

Knowing this may never happen again, Ron and I have laughed and shaken our heads in delight. It will be known as the Summer of 2008 Keller's Great Travel Adventure that began and ended in FIRST CLASS!!!


Thanks be to God!!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Unspectacular Quirk MEME

My daughter-in-law, Kelly, tagged me. And it's only fair that I respond because I have tagged her so many times...

So, here goes...

1. I always have cold hands...Mother said the only reason I got into nursing school was because I passed "the cold hands test."

2. I was reminded this last week just how much I dislike hominy. It was served with every Mexican food dish I ordered this weekend. (Ron was in "hog heaven" because he got to eat all of mine!)

3. I hate to iron...Thank goodness for Downy Wrinkle Release Spray.

4. I love to travel but darned if I know why I clean the house before I leave. I'm not going to enjoy this while I'm gone.

5. I realllllly hate good-byes!

6. I become distraught when newscasters and reporters cannot use proper grammar. I throw my hands up in despair and frustration. Does that bother anyone else?
So, there they are, and now I will charge 6 others to do the same, including, but not limited to , No Body Said Life Was Fair..., Crocus in the Valley, A Truckers Wife, Aussie Coffee Shop, Made for Joy, and A World of Beauty.

It's so good to be back. When I get the pictures all sorted and ready to show from the wonderful travels I have enjoyed, you'll be the first to share them!

Thanks be to God!

Feel free to check my grammar...I usually need help, too.