Saturday, October 24, 2009

Picture Puzzle Day

Click to Mix and Solve
Niagara Falls
June ,2000

Have missed the puzzle this week. Perhaps this a good time to do it. It's a lazy Saturday and I can sit with a cup of tea and just relax.

Having been to Niagara Falls I must say I was awestruck by it's grandeur. When standing right next to the river I was aware of the power the water contained!!! It was magnificent!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend full of lazy hours!!!

Thanks be to God!

Here is the link to JigZone so you can create and submit your puzzle. And Mr. Linky is available below for you convenience so we can enjoy your puzzle.

You are invited to leave a comment, too. Please join in the fun!!! I can hardly wait to put YOUR puzzles together!

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality

The lesson last night was an instruction in how to move our Catholicity to a higher level. I have had this book for two years. In that time, I have used it as a resource in my preparation for my RCIA presentation numerous times.

Quick story...I received my copy of Rediscovering Catholicism two years ago when we visited our son, Jimmy, for Christmas in Alpharetta, GA. His parish, Saint Brigid Catholic Church, gave this book to the entire church, members and visitors alike, for Christmas and was distributed Christmas Day. I took it home, read it and was awed.

A couple of months later I used it in one of the RCIA classes as part of the topic on Reconciliation. When all was said and done, the Director of RCIA, asked where I had gotten the book. I pulled a postcard from the book that suggested one could get 2 free books to share with others and so she took it to see if she could get those two plus purchase enough for the class...about 10 candidates. The next time I saw Bev I asked her if she was able to get the books. She told me that, not only was she able to get those two books, but she was sent free of charge enough books for the rest of the class and each of the sponsors.

Enough said! This man practices what he preaches!

So that brings us to those Seven Pillars...This topic is an entire section of the book.

Those pillars are:

The Mass
The Bible
Spiritual Reading
The Rosary

When I heard these topics explained I realized that by integrating each of these pillars sincerely into my life I can't help but become "The Best Version of Myself." It's got to be laborious, for nothing good can come from stagnation and laziness. I say, "Give it a TRY." You and I certainly have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Wishing you a GRAND day!!

Thanks be to God!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Matthew Kelly and A Better Version of Myself

We came home last night, after hearing Matthew Kelly, invigorated and hope filled . When the lesson is offered in positive manner, when the instruction is given without condemnation and when you are sitting in the midst so many on the journey hanging on every word, it's hard not to come away with the intention of making every effort to, as Matthew said, "Become a better version of yourself."

He's right! I am too busy. And because of this busy-ness, I neglect ME!!! When I neglect ME then there are so many things that suffer. I was hearing last night that there are many positive ways for me to improve this "version" of me. I can only tell you that when I hear Matthew speak in a way that affirms I am important, then I WANT to do something about it. When I take care of me then I am able to care for others more efficiently and compassionately. It's not being selfish to want the best for yourself, for when you are at your best then you can offer the best to others!!!

It was truly a GRAND experience last night. I'll be back again tonight!!! Wishing you a wonderful day!! In the meantime you can visit his website, Matthew Kelly Foundation.

Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Matthew Kelly: Rediscovering Catholicism

I cannot tell you how excited I am that the next two days offer me an opportunity to experience the talents of Matthew Kelly. He is a wonderful speaker who can, with his enthusiasm, lift your spirits, and motivate you to be, as he says, "A better version of yourself." And so again, I will be privileged to hear his presentation tomorrow and Thursday nights here at St. John the Baptist Church!


Thanks be to God!!!

Grandma Gretchen's First Annual Recipe Contest

I decided to enter a recipe contest. Yes, I did. I've never done this before. I've posted other recipes that I like but never was so bold as to post mine much less enter a contest with it. But this sounded like fun. So here is my entry.

New England Clam Chowder

5 medium potatoes
1 medium onion
2 cans of minced clams
2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
1 cube butter/margarine
1/2 cup flour
3 cups milk
2 cups whipping cream

Peel potatoes and dice into small cubes. Finely chop onion. Place in large pot with clam juice from minced clams. Add just enough water to cover potatoes. Bring to a boil and cook until potatoes are tender, about 15 minutes.

Add minced clams, salt, pepper, milk and cream. Make roux from melted margarine and flour. Blend hot milk from chowder pot to roux to thin the roux's consistency and then while stirring over medium heat add roux to chowder. Continue to stir chowder until heated through. Do not bring to a boil. This should thicken the chowder to a velvety consistency.

Serve with salad and warm buttered French bread. May be topped with grated cheddar or Colby cheese if desired.

You can find the contest rules by visiting Spices and Stuff. The background for the contest can be found at My Wonderful Life. Think it over and go out on a limb! Who knows you may be the next chef featured on the Food Network!

Have a grand and glorious Autumn Day...I'm making clam chowder for dinner tonight!


Thanks be to God!

Picture by doe-c-does

Monday, October 19, 2009

Word Verification...

Do you ever wonder if any of those words that are used for word verification are real? Well on occasion I have looked them up in the dictionary or tried to get away with one as a word while playing scrabble only to find it didn't exist and I couldn't fool anyone else by using it. I find that they just do not exist...I cant remember in the last 2 1/2 years getting a REAL word!

Well, much to my delight, this morning when I was commenting at Bernie's House I actually had a word I knew! Yes, indeed!

It put a smile on my face and will be reminded, when I have to spell a word verification 3 times to post my comment, that once upon a time I got a REAL WORD!!!

Have a grand day!!!
And thanks be to God!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Eight Question MEME

Friend Jenny sent me this via email. I have shared this with all my email friends. Now, since it's been such a long time since I've done a MEME on my blog, I thought I would add it here today. And so we begin...

Six names you go by:
1. Cathy
2. Cat
3. Kate
4. Grandma
5. Mom
6. Catherine

Three things you are wearing right now:
1. Brown pants
2. white sweater
3. black socks/shoes

Three things you want very badly at the moment:
1. Hot tea
2. Visit with Mom
3. To shop for my dress for Jimmy and Kelly's wedding

Three things you did last night/yesterday
1. Went to Bible Study
2. Went to work
3. Did some laundry

Two things you ate today
1. English muffin
2. Hot tea

Two people you last talked to on the phone:
1. Marianne
2. Ron

Two things you are going to do tomorrow:
1. Work at Mother Teresa's Treasures
2. Finish laundry

Your three favorite beverages:
1. Hot tea
2. Fresca
3. Raspberry Iced Tea.

Here's what you're supposed to do. Copy and past the questions into your blog. Then delete my answers and type in your answers. Send this to 5 people and link the answers so that we can all enjoy the fun!

I invite:




Queenmother Mama


And two (2) for good measure



Wishing all a grand Saturday!

Thanks be to God!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bad Haiku Friday

Root canal is done!!!! 'twas a breeze!!!!!
Thanks be to God!!!!!

A toothache is no fun
Neither is a root canal
But pain will be gone!

This is a smidge early but my appointment
for the root canal is at 6:50 a.m. CDT
tomorrow morning. Had to get this in
under the wire.

Thanks be to God!

Countdown to Root Canal

In a little more that 24 hours I will have had my root canal and all will be better again...Anyone have a humorous story they will share about their dentist or experiences at the dentist to brighten my day? Please share! Laughter is so healing!!!!

Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Picture Puzzle Day

Click to Mix and Solve

Washington, DC,
Fall, 2007

Picture was taken the weekend of the National Book Festival. It was a grand time as always. Washington, DC is one of my favorite places to visit!!!

Saw my dentist today. He put me on an antibiotic, gave me some pain medicine and made my appointment for my root canal on Friday!!! Whew. I'll be glad when it's done. It will be such a "pain reliever."

Thanks be to God!

Here is the link to JigZone so you can create and submit your puzzle. And Mr. Linky is available below for you convenience so we can enjoy your puzzle.

You are invited to leave a comment, too. Please join in the fun!!! I can hardly wait to put YOUR puzzles together!