Thursday, April 29, 2010

~~Tea Talk~~

Tea and books-Mmmmm, two of life's exquisite
pleasures that together bring near bliss.
Christine Hanrahan


I'm having...Black Cherry Berry tea by Celestial Seasonings. MMMMM (again)!!

My teacup is...another of my teapot/tea cup sets. This was a Mother's Day gift from Wes, Annie and the Girls.

I'm feeling
...rejuvenated. Yesterday, I completed most tasks I set out to do.

On my mind...The Hagemeier Family as they bury their husband, father and grandfather today. He was a grand man, farmer and cattleman. In his 90 years he touched the lives of many people. May God greet Henry and embrace him as he enters the home of his Father.

Thanks be to God!!!

Now won't you join me and visit Ruth at Celebrate Friendship is hosting Tea Talk at her house? Share a cup of tea with us.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Getting Reacquainted

My first harp. A humorous story for
another day!

Recently, I became reacquainted with my friend, Harp. Today we begin a new journey. It's one that is filled with fear and trepidation. "What can this be?" you might ask. Well, I have been away from Harp and have only just picked her up again. Yes, tuned her and plucked her. But for the persistence of a friend, that may have been all I would have done. Cyndi is a gifted and talented harpist. She is also a music therapist at Saint Mary's Medical Center here.

Every other Tuesday a group meets at the hospital on 6 South and plays in the waiting room. Well, dear friend, today I am going to join skill is lacking and there is much to be said for my talent, but for some reason I am being called to join this group. Think of me at 5:00 this afternoon. Please pray the angels will be conducting and doing the editing...

Thanks be to God!!!

Oh, before I forget Carol at My Painting Room is having an anniversary give away. It has been a year since she began blogging. Stop by and visit! She has a delightful blog.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spring Progresses~~Mosaic Monday~~

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It's been a rainy weekend. Not much to see but the trees, the birds and plants all dealing with the elements. Still a beautiful sight!
Thanks be to God!

Please visit Mary and The Little Red House. Her pictures are grand and so are the pictures of others!

In Praise of God

Love is a mystery that transforms everything it touches into things beautiful and pleasing to God. The love of God makes a soul free. ~Saint Faustina Kowalska

It is important that our Lord be praised in the love offered to us, and so I praise Him.

I praise him in my children and grandchildren, for the gifts and talents he as produced.

I praise God in the love of my husband for the example of generosity and compassion he offers to others.

I praise him in Sundays, those holy days of rest.

I praise him in my friends who support me and care for me

Thanks be to God!!!
Now venture over to My Chocolate Heart and read others words of praise and perhaps add your own! It's been some time since I have participated but it does do a body good to write it down or say it out loud, "Praise God!"

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Information of National Importance to Women!



I can't believe I was doing it wrong all these years.

Thanks be to God!

I don't know to whom I should give credit for this but it made my day! So I guess I will thank Karen who sent it to me!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Crockpot!

In the POT...boneless turkey roast, red cabbage and scalloped potatoes.


It was very tasty!

I have loved cooking with the crockpot for over 30 years. And for Valentines Day I got this wonderful set of crockpots. It cooks an entire meal!!! It will keep foods warm not cooked in the crockpot for serving. I really enjoy using this terrific kitchen tool...
Thanks be to God!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

C. A. J. E. Rally Tonight!!!!!

As I prepare to attend the annual Congregations Acting for Justice and Empowerment (C.A.J.E.) rally tonight at St. Benedict Cathedral in Evansville, I was considering the reason I attend these. We, personally, have only been "rallying" for a few short years, but C.A.J.E. has been working for the needs of the poor and disenfranchised here in the area for a number of years. They work with area leaders in government and education to encourage improvement in the lives of those in need. This year's continued topic is affordable housing and expansion of transportation. It's amazing what numbers of people can accomplish. A few short years ago a free dental clinic was built out of concern and determination. It works. One must persevere. With large numbers together One becomes Many and if we all persevere GOOD will prevail.

The poor must know that we love them, that they are wanted. They themselves have nothing to give but love. We are concerned with how to get the message of love and compassion across. We are trying to bring peace to the world through our work. But the work is the gift of God. by Mother Teresa from Love: A Fruit Always in Season

And so tonight, I rally! I encourage! I am encouraged! I live in a place where rallying seems to make a difference.

Thanks be to God!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Before and After...

I did it!!!!!!!

It took a couple of days and commitment and the avoidance of distraction but I did it!!! I cleaned up the office and my space...The hard part was the avoidance of distraction. That is what has taken me so long to clean the office in the first place. I'd find something and get side-tracked. Start reading something and poof the time was gone. BUT not this time...NO!!! I DID IT! Now how long it will last I cannot tell.



Have you any Spring Cleaning Nightmares to share? Wishing you all a productive Spring Day.
Thanks be to God!

Felt like a little Carly Simon music today...Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Spring In Full Bloom~~Mosaic Monday~~

It has been a glorious weekend and a walk about proved to be a wonderful journey into the gallery of our Creator!

Thanks be to God!
Please visit Mary and The Little Red House. Her pictures are grand and so are the pictures of others!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Friend In Need of Recipes...

There's really no grand story behind this recipe except that a friend, Theresa, at Aussie Coffee Shop is wanting some new recipes. Maybe you could help her by sharing some with her and posting them for us as well. So here is my offering...

Chicken Brunswick Stew

2 medium onions, chopped
3 large chicken breasts
2 (15 oz.) cans cream style corn
1 (28 oz.) can crushed tomatoes
1 (12 oz.) bottle chili sauce
1 (14 1/2 oz.) can chicken broth
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
1/4 cup butter, cut up
2 tablespoons cider vinegar (or red wine vinegar)
2 teaspoons dry mustard
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon pepper sauce (Tabasco Sauce)

Place onion in a 4 quart slow cooker; place chicken over onion. Add corn and remaining ingredients . Cook, covered at HIGH 4 hours or until chicken is tender. Remove chicken, shred and return to stew.

This is wonderful with Sour Dough Bread or warm French bread. It really is good any time of the year because cooking in the crockpot doesn't heat the house and yes, I do fix it all year round.

Wishing all a grand weekend!!!
Thanks be to God!

When you've finished posting your recipe for Theresa. Please link to it here so we can all share in the delights of you recipe box!