Monday, November 03, 2008

The road to recovery is sublime...

As the sun was going down this evening on my way home from work, I noticed the glow of the trees in all their glory. It seemed their color alone could light the way. That, the Glory of God.

Tonight as Duchess and I went outside for a few minutes while she sniffed the fresh air and scouted the back yard, rising was not only the moon, but also Venus and Jupiter. That, the Glory of God!

Healing has come. The throat is less sore and the cough less frequent. Today the beginning of antibiotic therapy. That, the Glory of God.


Thanks be to God!!!

A Simple Woman's Daybook

While it's been a while since I've done this I do visit those who contribute. So after you visit here please visit Peggy at The Simple Woman and journey along the path of life we all share.

So I begin.

1. I'm thinking...the trees still are in all their glory. God is allowing us to appreciate them a little longer this year..

2. From the Kitchen...and this morning it's hot oatmeal.

3. I am creating...and have nearly completed my presentation for RCIA Wednesday night.

4. I'm wearing... robe and slippers. (Some things never change.)

5. I am reading..."The Words we Pray" by Amy Welborn, again.

6. I'm hoping...I'm completely over this sore throat by Wednesday and tha I don't sound like an old fog horn. It is still sore and the cough is such a nuisance.

7. I am hearing...Duchess, the dog, snoring.

8. Around the house...There are signs that Thanksgiving is just around the corner.

9. Few plans for the rest of the week...Get it readiness for my 1st meeting with Sister Dorothy and we journey the road to my becoming a Providence associate.

10. One of my favorite things is...the color of trees this time of year tha remind me that they are again preparing for a new resurrection in the Spring.

11. Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

Thanks be to God

Sunday, November 02, 2008

China Little Flower

This letter from Shannon at China Little Flower is just a reminder to all that we are entrusted with the care and nourishment of souls that cross our paths. In this month in which we give thanks for all our blessing. Please take time to investigate how you can personally become involved in the lives of those in most need. God will be good to you just as he has always been.

I received this gift from Esther. I am pleased she thinks this blog is HOT. So, I will pass it on to some other Hot Blogs. Thank you Esther!!!

1. Mike at This I Do
2. Angie at Sonflower
3. Joy at Norwich Daily Photo
4. Tracy at A Catholic Mom in Minnesota


Thanks be to God!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

A reason be to QUIET...

Well, wouldn't you know? The Feast of Saint Blase isn't until February 3. Can't remember the last time I had a sore throat like this. It feels like I had my tonsils removed all over again...Dr. Kris said the best thing to do is just rest my voice for the weekend as I have had this for about 4 days now and being quiet would help. (A boss's gentle way of saying,"Be still.") The cough medicine worked now if only the honey and lemon would do their part...

You all have a restful, holy weekend and perhaps by the time I am due to lector tomorrow, all will be "well."

Thanks be to God!!!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Bad Haiku Friday


It is a quandary
It's a mystery to me
Why some can't comment.

Of late I've gotten emails from friends, long-time blogging friends who tell me they are unable to leave a comment on my blog. I got another yesterday. I've worked again on the settings and tried to figure out why some can and others seem to have difficulty. As a system's check, would you just say, "Hi"? This boggles the mind, of which I seem to be missing the technical part. Thank you!

Thanks be to God!