Thursday, June 25, 2009

Trek to the Biltmore

We had some more fun last weekend. We took a trip to Ashville, NC to visit Biltmore House

Grandpa and Dad get the kids
settled in the car.

Then we follow the leader.

It's a really good picture of the Clan.

The boys are off to get their hands wet in the fountain

And as we drove to the winery
we passed the garden.

Will have to return just to do the garden walk.
It was a lovely experience and a grand way
to celebrate
Father's Day!

Thanks be to God!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Honest Scrap Award

My sincere thanks to Lisa at Are We There Yet and Eileen at Umma's World for this delightful award. Both of these ladies offer me a place to go and enjoy the environment and down home friendliness. I will try to do justice by them in accepting this award and sharing a bit of who I am.


1) Say thanks and give a link to the presenter of the award.
2) Share "ten honest things" about myself.
3) Present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me.
4) Tell those 7 people that they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving it.

Ten Insights I may not have shared before:

1) I knit, crochet, embroider, and do counted x-stitch (not all at the same time) but cannot skillfully use a sewing machine. My poor mother really tried, but I am totally inept!

2) I played the organ at church for 5 years, but found it to be the most difficult thing I ever had to do. I felt as if I never celebrated Mass on Sunday because I was so concerned about "getting it right." I am grateful I was able to assist in this ministry, but am most grateful to have passed it on to another.

3) I take real pleasure in being a part of the RCIA process here at St. John the Baptist Church. Being "used" in the preparation of those entering the Catholic faith has been one of my great joys. Witnessing the work of the Spirit in the lives of those choosing to enter is a thrill!

4) I love to travel. Will spend a good deal of this summer on the road! YEAH!

5) I have 5 children born in four different states, Colorado, California, Oklahoma and Indiana.

6) When in nursing school I found that the worst patients in the hospital were the Dr. and nurse. I was determined that when I was in the hospital I would not be demanding and bad humored. I hope I was successful.

7) Giving birth in a military hospital is an interesting experience. One is not allowed to lie around and feel sorry for oneself. The next day the corpsman comes in with your sheets and towels and gives them to you so you can get ready for breakfast. You shower, change your sheets and then get breakfast. (That was 30 years ago so I'm not sure if it has changed.) Not much time to develop postpartum blues.

8) I enjoyed Forensic and Debate in high school. There's a lot to be said for being able to stand in front of a group, perform, and take the criticism...Like American Idol?

9) Would much rather watch a live sporting event than watch it on TV...No on can hear me yell when I'm home alone watching!

10) One of my favorite flowers is the day lily! When we were in NC this last weekend I saw BLANKETS of day lilies on the highway medians!!!! It was glorious. I just wish I could have gotten a picture to show you all!!!!!

Now for the hand-off (football term)!

Abbey at Abbey's Road

Anita at Castles, Crown and Cottages

Eileen at Eileen on least I try!

Dorothy at Musing at 85

Jennifer at My Chocolate Heart

Sarah at Ora et Labora--Journey of Truth

Esther at A Catholic Mom in Hawaii

It just occurred to me that two of the women above are in Hawaii! INTERESTING!


For all this fun and ecxcitment I say,
"Thanks again
Thanks be to God!!!"

Gold Fever II - Clint Eastwood

So, Paint Your Wagon is a family standard. Unless you have ever experienced gold fever or been around someone who has it you probably won't understand. It's a disease...

We laugh about it now, but 30 years ago it was an all consuming "hobby." Weekends were spent at the placer, concentrating and the rest of the week after work was spent panning it down.

It was fun! We got to take the kids to wonderful places. They learned what it was like to be a '49er. Totin' bucket, dirt, sluice, diggin', pannin'...all that work! When all was said and done it was a great lesson in life. One in which none of the kids wanted to pursue. All passed on the back braking work and chose to go on to other endeavors, no less demanding, but less physical.

Following are more pictures.

The owner, mine boss, and miners-in-training

The Stamp Mill where the gold was processed.

Tight quarters...

Not a glamorous job, at all, at all.

And so ends chapter two of the Gold Saga. There's still gold out there. It's still hard work and of all the jobs in the world out there, it has the most risk and the least guarantees. All for the sake of GOLD!


For the gift of adventure,
Thanks be to God!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Gold Fever Part I

This last weekend we spent Father's Day in North Carolina with David, Kelly, The Boys and Maddie. I cannot tell you how much fun it was for us. It was a weekend full of fun and surprises. The first surprise came Saturday morning when David announced we were going to Reed's Gold mind. Ron's eyes lit up and his ears turned red.

Background: Ron is a '49er! Born too to late but a '49er non-the-less. He has dredged for gold in Colorado instead of attending classes at Colorado School of Mines. He has dredged for gold in California, from the American River to dry creek beds on the Monterey Peninsula. He and his children, all, have panned for gold in Indiana at Gold Creek. (no kidding...that's the name.)

So, you see when David told his dad of this adventure, Ron was up and ready to go. The following are videos of Dad/Grandpa panning and instructing.

"There's gold!"

Grandpa teaches them how!


It was a glorious day.

Thanks be to God!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Bad Haiku Friday

Haven't done this for awhile so thought that I'd use it as a preview for what is to come on our travels this weekend.

We're off to Charlotte
Family and play

Happy Father's Day!

Wishing all a grand weekend of family and friends. ENJOY!!! Will be back Tuesday!


Thanks be to God!!!