Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Friday, May 29, 2009

Sweet Anticipation

This song, a long time favorite of Ron's and really a Keller Family theme song, always heightens my excitement and anticipation for the journeys to be traveled.

Today I was reminded that, starting in June, we will begin one of the busiest vacation summers we have ever undertaken. It will be so busy that we didn't invest in potted summer plants this year because we didn't want the house sitter to have to be responsible for all the plants, too. It is exciting to contemplate these adventures. Yes, indeed, adventures!


6/5~~To INDY for Lindsey's "Victorian Birthday Tea."

6/19~To Charlotte for Father's Day with the NC Kellers

6/27~To The Woods for Sister Dorothy's 50th Jubilee

7/3~~Off to Montana and Colorado for 10 days visiting Mom and family
Traveling by auto to see this glorious country

8/5~~Flying to Carson City, NV to visit brother, Tom.

I fully intend to cherish this precious time. I am privileged to have this time and I will not waste it.

And so I will close with my "Bad Haiku Friday" offering.

With the journey to begin
The visits soon to be shared
Life filled with goodness


Thanks be to God!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Training of Children, Job Description

The Keller Kids

I never fail to be surprised when I have been lead to a reflection. One that draws on so many memories, that there just doesn't seem to be enough time to take it all in. My children have been and still are a tremendous source of pride. I am surprised this time by a quote by Bishop Fulton Sheen.

Home life is the God-appointed training ground of human character, for from the home life of the child springs the maturity of manhood, either for good or for evil.
The Quotable Fulton Sheen

What is he saying? What he says to me is most important. My children have been given to me for the purpose of bringing them home to the Father. I have been charged with the training of these "special deliveries." Their father and I are charged with their care, nurturing and training. We are to be guides in the path of right and wrong.

These children are treasures! They have given us at times disappointment, anxiety, happiness, and joy. They are a never ending source of growth for me. They have brought me to maturity. I can only hope that the path we have traveled will bring us all to the same generous, compassionate, loving Father.

Now I have grandchildren. They, too are a source of pride and joy. But this time, I can only counsel, not mold or teach...Oh, my how difficult it is for me to keep my observations to myself sometimes. But step back I must for I am not the MOTHER this time.

I know you all have similar stories. Take time to reflect on those memories. They can be fulfilling. They may cause us to regret decisions we have made in the past. But if we can REALLY reflect on those times I truly believe you will be aware of the Holy Spirit's guidance. Though things don't always work out for us and our children the way we'd like, I know the source of strength of parenthood comes straight from the Wisdom of the Spirit!


Thanks be to God!

Please visit NC Sue at IN HIM WE LIVE AND MOVE AND HAVE OUR BEING. She has a wonderful story about a "Cracked Pot." It is grand!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Saturday in INDY

Reitz Memorial High School Winter Guard

Is it possible that when you are a grandmother you are more sensitive about watching family members perform? I don't remember tears in my eyes when I watched Laura or Wes perform at solo and ensemble. I didn' t even cry when Wes sang Bridge Over Troubled Waters at his high school graduation. But yesterday watching Kellie (3rd from the left) perform her teams winter guard performance tears did indeed well up in my eyes. Perhaps that's the reason I succeeded in getting only one good picture! They were disappointed in their performance, but when all was said and done they were 5th out of 35 school. Quite an achievement!


Earlier that morning, Ainsley, my 6 year old granddaughter, and I had a chat. She jumped on the sofa and said "Grandma, I'm so excited!"

GM: What are you excited about?

AK: Aunt Mimi (Marianne) is going to have a baby and I am so excited. I love family.

GM: I love family, too.

AK: It is so much fun to have us all together and now you know there will be 12 of us.

GM: Yes, I know and it will be fun.

AK (With a twinkle in her eye): That means that along with Maddie you have another one of us to put on your sweatshirt.

And with a giggle she was off. You know she's right! It is fun when we are together! Family is a wonderful treasure given to us by the Father. Oh my, how fortunate I am.


Thanks be to God!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

the lesson

the lesson
Originally uploaded by pioforsky
Five (5) lessons to make you think about the way we treat people.

1 - First Important Lesson - Cleaning Lady.

During my second month of college, our professor
gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student
and had breezed through the questions until I read
the last one:

'What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?'

Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the
cleaning woman several times. She was tall,
dark-haired and in her 50s, but how would I know her name?

I handed in my paper, leavin g the last question
blank.... Jus t before class ended, one student asked if
the last question would count toward our quiz grade.

'Absolutely,' said the professor. 'In your careers,
you will meet many people. All are significant. They
deserve your attention and care, even if all you do
is smile and say 'hello.'

I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her
name was Dorothy.

2. - Second Important Lesson - Pickup in the Rain

One night, at 11:30 p.m. , an elderly African-American
woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway
trying to endure a lashing rainstorm. Her car had
broken down and she desperately needed a ride.
Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car.
A young white man stopped to help her, generally
unheard of in those conflict-filled 60s. The man
took her to safety, helped her get assistance and
put her into a taxicab.

She seemed to be in a big hurry, but wrote down his
address and thanked him. Seven days went by and a
knock came on the man's door. To his surprise, a
giant console color TV was delivered to his home.
A special note was attached..

It read:
'Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway
the other night. The rain drenched not only my
clothes, but also my spirits. Then you came along.
Because of you, I was able to make it to my dying
husband's bedside just before he passed away... God
bless you for help ing me and unselfishly serving

Sincerely, Mrs. Nat King Cole.

3 - Third Important Lesson - Always remember those who serve.

In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less,
a 10-year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and
sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of water in front of him.

'How much is an ice cream sundae?' he asked.

'Fifty cents,' replied the waitress.

The little boy pulled is hand out of his pocket and
studied the coins in it.

'Well, how much is a plain dish of ice cream?' he inquired.

By now more people were waiting for a table and the
waitress was growing im patient.

'Thirty-five cents,' she brusquely replied.

The little boy again counted his coins.

'I'll have the plain ice cream,' he said.

The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on
the table and walked away. The boy finished the ice
cream, paid the cashier and left. When the waitress
came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the
table. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish,
were two nickels and five pennies..

You see, he couldn't have the sundae, because he had
to have enough left to leave her a tip.

4 - Fourth Important Lesson. - The obstacle in Our Path.

In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a
roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if
anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the
king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by
and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the
King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did
anything about getting the stone out of the way.

Then a peasant came along carrying a load of
vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the
peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the
stone to the side of the road. After much pushing
and straining, he finally succeeded. After the
peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed
a purse lying in the road where the boulder had
been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note
from the King indicating that the gold was for the
person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The
peasant learned what many of us never understand!

Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.

5 - Fifth Important Lesson - Giving When it Counts...

Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a
hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who
was suffering from a rare & serious disease. Her only
chance of recovery appeared to be a blood
transfusion from her 5-year old brother, who had
miraculously survived the same disease and had
developed the antibodies needed to combat the
illness. The doctor expl ained the situation to her
little brother, and asked the little boy if he would
be willing to give his blood to his sister.

I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a
deep breath and saying, 'Yes I'll do it if it will
save her.' As the transfusion progressed, he lay in
bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did,
seeing the color returning to her cheek. Then his
face grew pale and his smile faded.

He looked up at the doctor and asked with a
trembling voice, 'Will I start to die right away'.

Being young, the little boy had misunderstood the
doctor; he thought he was going to have to give his
sister all of his blood in order to save her.


This is one of those emails you get from friends that you just have to send along. You needn't forward it if you don't want to. If you wish just link it if you so desire. I do believe the more who read this the more people will find a reason to see the value in one anther! Don't you?


And for Sylvia who sent this to me I say,
"Thank you and thanks be to God!"

Monday, March 09, 2009

The Simple Women's Daybook

It's been so long since I've done this I"m not sure how this will turn out...It requires some thought and reflection on what my week may be. so to begin.

After you visit here please visit Peggy at The Simple Woman and journey along the path of life we all share.

1. Outside my's dark again. Last week the sun was rising, but today its will be coming up as I start for work.

2. I'm thinking...this week should be less demanding as I have fewer meeting to attend and less projects that require immediate attention.

3. I'm thankful for...having spent quality time with David and the rest of the Charlotte Kellers via the webcam. It's finally up and running again.

4. I'm wearing... robe and slippers.

5. From the Kitchen...Will come Tuna Helper, green beans and fruit for desert. Lent is a good time for reflecting on being satisfied. I need to remind myself the being full is not comfortable, but being satisfied is.

6. I am creating...the work of counted x-stitch Laura gave me to make for her birthday 3 yrs ago. I'm embarrassed! I think it's one I would not have chosen and it's hard to finish...But her birthday is in May and I am determined to finish it!

7. I am reading...Mother Theodore Guerin A Women for All Time by Penny Blaker Mitchell

8 . I'm hoping...we will have the opportunity to travel to INDY to see our granddaughter Kellie perform with her Winter Guard Unit from Memorial High School.

9. I am hearing...Duchess snoring. She is asleep on the floor next to my feet.

10. Around the house...It's decorated for St. Patrick's Day. Sure and won't that be a grand time.

11. Few plans for the rest of the week...Grouping with my Cursillo friends, baking some MORE Irish Soda Bread, preparing to spend time with family this weekend.

12. One of my favorite things is...Watching old Charlie Chan movies. Had time to do that this last weekend as I worked on the x-stitch. It was most relaxing.

13. Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

The Hope of Spring.


Thanks be to God!

Friday, January 02, 2009

Bad Haiku Friday

The New Year has come
Hooray and Hallelujah
Peace and Joy to ALL!


Had such a grand day yesterday! We went to see Bedtime Stories with Kellie and Neil. All went to Sonic and I got my New Year's Cherry Lime Slush. We came home and watched the Monk Marathon. Now, can there be anything better than that?

Ron, Kellie and Neil are all sleeping in and now I must get ready for WORK!!


Thanks be to God!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Bad Haiku Friday

Christmas was Merry
But the best is yet to come
Today we gather.

Not all will be here
In spirit they all will be
And thanks be to God!

This year is the Keller year to have what I call the Extended Christmas Celebration Day (or ECCD). Jimmy and Kelly have been here since Christmas Eve and with all the Ackermans we had the traditional Clam Chowder dinner.

Mass was attended on Christmas Day. Always, joyful, it was a bit somber as Kelly's grandmother passed away only Sunday. So as the "babe" was blessed and placed in the manger, I reflected on how fragile life really is and was reminded again how the treasure of life should be acknowledged to everyone at all times.

Returned home the share time and watch videos not related to the holiday. We laughed, cringed, and yes, nodded off. We all went to the Laura and Roy's (daughter--The Ackermans) for dinner and WII, A really great day!

BUT today, all but the Charlotte Kellers will arrive. There'll be turkey, stuffing and all else. YUMMMM!!!! Finally, in late afternnoon we will share that special time when the little ones will open their gifts and we can rest in the glow of the family.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's Great To Be Back...

photo by OldTasty

but tomorrow we are gone for the weekend again. Off to INDY to visit and go to the Children's Museum at Christmas! It always a grand place to go. I have to tell you that the glass ceiling as above is just as beautiful as the picture. I am really looking forward to seeing all the Christmas docorations!!! Will be back in the groove soon and will share the trip with you!

I'm so glad Simon is home because now I can travel the world and visit. Missed you all! Will chat soon! I have some catching up to do!!

Thanks be to God!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Bad Haiku Friday

Leftover Friday
Turkey, stuffing, sweet taters
Much more Thanksgiving!

All with the family
No day more cherished than this
For all are cherished!


Truly, Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Journey of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day is a wonderful time to reflect on all the things we for which we have to be grateful . And we do it in the presence of family and friends. Actually, everyday is thanksgiving day if we are saying grace at meals and thanking God for who we are and what we have either alone in prayer or in the assembly of others as we publicly give Him Praise and Thanksgiving.

This year we are off to Charlotte, NC to share Thanksgiving with David, Kelly, the Boys and Maddie. The trip to Charlotte is a beautiful drive. And, as it has just occurred to me, the only other time we have been there was again at Thanksgiving. Like a child, I am so excited! Can hardly wait for the journey to begin.

And so it is that I will be away for a few days laughing, playing and EATING...God Bless All and may Thanks be duly given to Him our Creator!

May God be gracious to us and bless us;
May God's face shine upon us.
May the peoples praise you, God;
may all the peoples praise you!
The earth has yielded its harvest;
God, our God, blesses us.
May God bless us still,
that the ends of the earth may revere
our God.

Psalm 67: 1-2, 4, 6-8


Thanks be to God!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Picture MEME

Cy at Therese's Roses tagged me for the Picture MEME. Here are the rules: Go to your pictures, go to the 6th file, go to the 6th picture and then post it.

So this is Ron and Jimmy on the grounds of the High Museum of Art in Atlanta. We had a grand day. We were there to visit the Louvre Exhibition. We got there early and walked to a Starbucks down the street for breakfast and a chat. It really was a wonderful day!

And so I tag:

The Dutchess
Marie at View From the Pews
Kimberly at Our God is an Awesome God


Thanks be to God!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Book of Wit 'n' Wisdom

The Book of Win 'n' Wisdom

Bia at La Dolce Vita: the sweet life with three sons asked recently about the Book of Wit 'n' Wisdom. Thought I would share it with you.

The Book of Wit 'n' Wisdom is a project I started about 10 yrs ago when our David married. It is an accumulation of shared stories, verse, Scripture, or advise given my family and friends to the Newly Weds. Everyone who wants can contribute and then I put the book together with pages of wit and wisdom by the "masters" and The Master. Since I first stated this project, it has been given to family and friends for weddings, anniversarys and birthdays. It's great fun for me and those who receive it seem to enjoy it. It used to be a surprise, but not any more...I suspect there would be disappointment if were not presented to the remaining members of the family who know of the tradition.

The explanation of the book is on the opening page.

The Book of Wit 'n' Wisdom is a Keller Family tradition based on the willingness of the Iris to always have advise to give, tales to tell or memories to share by family and friends for every occasion or celebration. The Keller Clan wishes [happiness to all in life's Adventure] full of tales with just enough Blarney to make them worth telling.

The books have ranged in size from the first one in 5x7 albums to Father Gene's regular sized album of the celebration of his 25th Anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. They have all been a grand adventure for me as I get to participate in sharing of the family's "treasures" they wish to share.

Please feel free to begin your own projects for birthdays, Baptisms, Confirmations, or Graduation. Anytime you wish to celebrate Family and Friends and gather it together in one place as a lasting memory of those you love. A book much like one given us by our Creator Father in his Words of Wisdom in the Most Holy Bible, a book we have TREASURED for all time. His words are often found repeated in the pages of the Book of Wit 'n' Wisdom. Consider joining this adventure. It has certainly be worth the journey for me.


Thanks be to God!

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Simple Women's Daybook

Again it's been awhile since I've done this but it was a grand weekend a I've a lot to be grateful for. Please visit Peggy at The Simple Woman and journey along the path of life we all share.

So I begin.

1. I'm's incredible that this far into the month of October that it is so beautiful.

2. From the Kitchen...I'm fixing my cream of wheat.

3. I am creating...and have nearly completed Marianne's "Book of Wit 'n' Wisdom"

4. I'm wearing... my nightgown, robe and slippers. It's 5:00 a.m. CDT (I need to find a different time to do this)

5. I am reading..."Love, Mercy and Justice." A publication by the Sisters of Providence.

6. I'm hoping...I can stay focused on the plans for the coming weekend.

7. I am hearing...The kettle boiling for my tea.

8. Around the house...There are pictures I want to get framed and hung in the Family Room.

9. Few plans for the rest of the week...Gathering and organizing packing for the trip to INDY and Marianne and Eric's wedding on Saturday.

10. One of my favorite things is...being with family and sharing in their happiness. All the kids will be together for the wedding and I am SO excited.

11. Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

Autumn at the Woods
Saint Mary-of-the-Wood, Indiana


Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

A Grand Weekend (Part II)

Marianne's Bridal Shower

Thank you to all who prepared for and came to celebrate at Marianne's Bridal Shower. The company was grand, the food was great and the laughter and stories a delight. I had such a good time, as mothers are want to do!


Thanks be to God!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Praying with St. Paul...

The Keller Kids

Again, I am touched by the words of St. Paul. I become more grateful each day that our Pope has designated a year to him. I find those with the wisdom and knowledge teaching me through his words the ways of Christianity and reinforcing what I already believe.

The example for today is from Praying With St. Paul, edited by Father Peter John Cameron, O.P. So let us begin.

Sister Genevieve Glen, O.S. B.

"Let the peace of Christ control your hearts, the peace into which
you were also called in only body [...] be thankful. Let the
word of Christ dwell in your richly, as in all wisdom you teach and
admonish one another, singing, psalms, hymns, and spiritual
songs with gratitude in your hearts to God."
(Colossians 3: 15-16)

"Please go away and leave me in peace!" pleasds the weary mother beset by a gorde of toddlers, all clammoring for her attnetion. She echoes the cry of all those who seek relief from demands they cannot meet from attentions they do nto want, from hostility they cannont withstand. In fact, all of us tend to imagine peace as the cessation of something--demand, disturbance,suffering. However, peace is not an absence but a presence. Real and lasting peace is the gruit of disorder put fight. The peace of Christ is the gruit of the cross throught which Christ righted the order of a sorld gond mad in sin. To enter into Christ's peace, we must seek out that right order. Saint Paul tess us here to seek it by allowing Christ's word to dwell in us richly. Taught by those entrusted with the ministry of the Word, admonished by one another as we share in one another's wisdom, formed by worship--"singing psalms, hyms, and spiritual songs"--, shaped by the Eucharist, whose name means "thanksgiving," our hearts will gradually abandon all the sources of disorder that tear us apart, and will grow into right order of the Gospel. as the peace of Christ, born of a life of selfles strengthen the bonds that unite us to one another as members o Christ's Body. Thus individuals and Body confirm one antoher mutually in a growing peace which can spread outward to embrace family, neighborhood, workplace, and world. The work is slow. The disorder is deep. Individually, and together we will fall out of peace again and again as we struggle. But god is faithful, the promise is sure, and one day Christ's peace will prevail. Our task in the meantime is simple and humble: "Let the word of Christ dwell in you."

God of all peace, you have called me to live Christ's peace in a troubled world. Strengthen your peace within me and in those with whom I share my faith, worship, and life, so that I may be a living sign of hope amid violence and despair.


As I reflected on this reading I was astonished at its timing. First, on the grand scale with all the campaigning and political bantering. Most importantly, though, today of all days it impresses on me the wealth of love that can be administered if we only choose to participate in it. Let me explain. Today is the Envoy Conference at Gibault School in Terre Haute. It is a school for those children that come from painful and/or violent environments who are being offered their last chance to participate in this human family with order and dignity. It is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus of Indiana. Please learn more about this endeavor. These young people have left Gibault knowing what it means to have been cared for, loved, nurtured and affirmed. Some fail to make it, but more do because of the care, family atmosphere, and help with the "disorder" in their lives that is often still there when they leave.

I pray you all have the opportunity to offer your services to places like this. If not by your physical presence, then perhaps by financial offerings. God is GOOD all the time and we can prove it by DOING!!!

Please, have a grand weekend. Spend quality time with family and friends and above all, when at church tomorrow, SING your hearts out!!!

Thanks be to God!!!

Friday, September 05, 2008

You know how it is...

This is one of those weekends when plans made become unmade. All in the matter of hours last night plans changed.

A broken arm of two weeks ago has not healed correctly so surgery is required tomorrow. The loan on the new house is coming due and it requires an extension from the bank as the house is not completed yet. The meeting is at the bank tomorrow.

The Penrod Art Fair is only one day. So rather than drive 4 hours to visit with no one and go to a fair we attend because it is family time, Ron and I are staying home to do things in the family room and other parts of the house here. Soon we will be in INDY again to help Wes and Annie move and yet again in October for Marianne and Eric's wedding.

Twas not meant to be...Best weekend ever to you all.


Thanks be to God.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Penrod Arts Fair

We were actually at this one...had to miss last years shows but NOT this year. It is a really wonderful opportunity to see the work of the gifted and talented. So we're off tomorrow for INDY and the Penrod Arts Fair, as well as, celebrating Wes' 36th birthday. You all have a grand weekend! We will!

Thanks be to God!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Reunion That Never Ends...

Today's reflection in Praying with Saint Paul, edited by Father Peter John Cameron, O.P. reminded me of two things. First, family though not near, is always family. And memories of family, even after the reunion are precious and dear, if not emboldening. And then that the family of God is always near. They, too, support, encourage and support us. A family in every way!!!

Family Ties
Father Gary Caster

"Conduct yourselves in a way worthy of the gospel of Christ, so
that, whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear news
of you, that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind
struggling together for the faith of the gospel, not intimidated in
any way by your opponents."
Philippians 1: 27-28

Saint Paul's words to the Philippians remind me of something my parents used to say to me and my brothers and sisters whenever we were going to be away from home or our on our own: "Behave yourselves." This was their simple way of reminding us to be the persons they raised us to be, and not to be "intimidated by whatever conflicting influences we might encounter. Unfortunately, there were times I failed to do so. It was then they would point out how my behavior didn't faithfully reflect the way I had been raised. Saint Paul uses similar words to encourage his spiritual children. He wants them to remember that in all ways and at all times they are members of the Christian family. Their conduct should therefore reflect "the way of the Gospel" in which they have been raised. as sons and daughters of God, their actions should depend--not on whether Paul is with them--but solely on the truth of who they are in Christ. Standing firm in this is a positive safe-guard against difficult situation and opposing voices. Saint Paul know they don't have to be told how to behave; they simply need to be reminded who they are. As Christians, our conduct, should flow naturally from the one spirit that binds us together as a family. The way of the Gospel requires a unity that goes beyond personal preferences, social bonds, or individual comfort levels. as one that draws us together in good times and in bad, In sickness and in health, in riches and in poverty. Only as a family united in mutual and loving concern, only as a family--one in mind and heart--can we live in peace undisturbed by those who fear, reject or are opposed to the way of the Gospel.

Heavenly Father, through the power of your spirit, let me alway live according to the truth of who I have become in Christ, never forgetting who I am, standing firm before the world ever confident in your love.

So I am encouraged, in many ways, to thank my family for the love, support, encouragement and loyalty. I can say I have never doubted their love. Then I thank my family in Christ through which this very same love, support, encouragement and loyalty has been shown to me. Through these loving people I have been guided in a mutual love of God and would be lost without them.


Finally, I say heartfelt and sincere,
"Thanks be to God!"

Friday, July 18, 2008

"Back Home Again in Indiana..."

What a trip!! We had adventure, magnificent weather, and family fun! Montana is a great place to visit! It started off a little bumpy in INDY as we were delayed for over an hour because of severe thunder storms. So, we missed our first flight to Billings. When we landed in Minneapolis Northwest Airways already had us booked on the next flight and we were up-graded to 1st class...Have never flown 1st class and probably never will again, but it was GRAND!

There is so much to tell you and so little time (I'm doing the laundry as we speak), so I thought I would share one of the unique sandwich places to which my brother, Phil, took us. Actually, he and Ron ate at the same place in Bozman the day before...Ron just had to have another sub so they took Mom and me the next day.

It is from the Pickle Barrel...

This is just 1/2 of the Cougar Sandwich and Mom and I only ate 1/3 of it...
Whew!!! But is was good!!

To which we all said after lunch,
"Thanks be to God!"

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

100th Anniversary of St. Philip Neri in Pictures

Proclaim with me the greatness of Yahweh,
together let us extol his name.
I seek Yahweh, and he answers me
and frees me from all my fears.
Psalm 34:3-4
The New Jerusalem Bible

The University of Notre Dame Handbell and Celebration Choirs as they prepare for the concert.

The glory of the Easter celebration continues as we begin our worship together.

Father Jason visits with his family after Mass.

Father Tim, Christel and Dennis Butrum, and Kay and Allen Hagemeier. Friends for many years.

Ron speaks with Nina Marczak, the church historian and Frank.

Father Jason sends us forth with his blessing.
A grand day was had by all, to be sure.


Ron and I would personally like to thank Father Jason and the Family of St. Philip Neri for their hospitality, generosity, and love. You truly are wonderful and we are proud to call you Family. May God bless you in His generosity for another 100 years!!


Thanks be to God!!!