Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Easter Prayer

Risen Lord, Oxford
Picture by Lawrance OP
uploaded 5/17/2007

We sometimes forget that there is more to Easter than the celebration of our Lord's Resurrection Day. In fact, we have the privilege of celebrating it for seven weeks. I was reminded of that as I picked up Fr. Rohr's Radical Grace, Daily Meditations. Here's today's reminder that we should still be having a party!

A Week of Easter Prayers:
Make Us Truly Catholic

God Make us truly catholic people. Make us bearers of the Incarnation. Make us not afraid of life and not afraid of this earth. Make us strive for justice and believe in peace. Make us not afraid of the cross and neither afraid of the Resurrection. Make us, Creator, not afraid of enjoying this world, of celebrating and protecting this world.

Teach us, Jesus, how to do liturgy, how to do life. Teach us, God to continue to make things beautiful, because you have made us beautiful by your choice of flesh.

We thank you for this world. and we thank you for our Holy Catholic Church.

Eternal God, make the Catholic people truly catholic. Make us whole. Renew our Church, Lord, in our time. And make us a whole and holy people. Heal us, Lord, from our hurts from Holy Mother Church. Show us how to forgive our Mother. Reconcile us to our tradition, to our past, so we can move into our future, so we can walk with your, loving God.

We ask for all of these blessing. We invite you into our world. We invite you into our lives in Jesus' holy name. Amen.
from The Price of Peoplehood

Thanks be to, God.


I would also like to ask you to pray for our oldest daughter, Laura, as she undergoes a colonoscopy today to find out why she is having such severe abdominal pain and why her colon is inflamed.

Monday, March 31, 2008


The Duke

Belle, Wally and Duchess.

Yes, just imagine 4 dogs and 3 adults. I realized this weekend that having that many dogs in one space at the same time, well...leaves me speechless. You might say, "Why do you have that many dogs?" This weekend was Ron's birthday, and though three of the kids and their families had some distance to come, Marianne came from INDY.

Let me explain. We have two dogs, The Duke and Duchess of Keller. Duke the patriarch, being 15 years old, really is not interested in play and the antics of his young friend, Duchess. Marianne has Wally, the Earl of Keller and his friend, Belle, and were coming for the weekend to celebrate Dad's birthday. Well, if you can imagine the barking, posturing, and rivalry of three of the dogs with the Master simply looking on. (Oh! and Sam, the Secretary of State--the cat, who is the epitome of diplomacy, merely avoiding the entire group.)

This was a tremendous learning experience for us and in all honesty, except for the first 30 minutes after their arrival, Duchess and Belle got on pretty well. Except when Belle, woke up in the middle of the night lost and frightened in a new environment with a blood-curdling howl. The girls especially liked running in the muddy backyard together. (Yuck!!!)

Blackberry Pie Birthday Desert

The party was grand and after dinner we played party games. We played Rummiekub and Clue and it was late enough that the decision-making during Clue became laughable at best. We had so much fun and really hated to see it end.

All in all it was a grand weekend.


Thanks be to God!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Funny story about me!

I just came from a visit with Mike at This I Do. It was all about waiting on the Lord and receiving answers in his good time. It really struck home this morning. When I pray, you know, being patient is not what I do best. But of late He has been asking me to do just that.

I can give you a personal illustration, and an image of how impatient I can be. Remember the YouTube video a few days ago titled "Alleluia by Randall Thompson"? Well, I tried to upload it directly on Monday, not once, but five times. Each time I would wait and check the blog and it was not there, so I'd do it again. Finally, I was able to use another process and I was successful. When I opened my blog this morning, much to my surprise, there were ALL five uploads. Now, I don't have any idea where these were for the last three days. Floating around in cyberspace, no doubt, and finally decided to land. I could only laugh at myself and at the zeal with which I wanted you all to experience my excitement.

Yes, this morning I see it as a lesson I must be taught again and again about being patient. And, I suspect, until I get it right. Only He knows when I will be even slightly successful.

Though this project did not have anything to do with prayer or being sure I am following his plan for me in my life at that time, it just goes to show that if I would just WAIT, there would be an answer. It doesn't mean I should stop praying, it teaches me that maybe I should not nag (uploading, uploading, uploading...). In three days I got the answer, not yesterday as I hope, but an answer nonetheless. And yes, I got three days! As Mike says, "May we know His strength as we wait upon the Lord."

God is Good!!! All the Time!

Thanks, Mike, and thanks be to God!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Seven Random Things About Me!

Eileen at Eileen on least, I try! asked me before Easter to do this and I postponed it until now. I know there are those out there who have been just holding your breath to acquire this information about me. First I must say thank you to Eileen for tagging me...Now I must THINK (not an easy task some days) of seven things you absolutely must know about me.

First, here's the list of rules....

1. When tagged place the name and URL on your blog.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write 7 non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. Name 7 of your favorite blogs.
5. Send an email/comment on their blog letting them know they have been tagged.

Well, here goes...

1. When I was a freshman in high school I was playing softball with some classmates. I was tall and "skinny"--at the time--I'm still tall, but "skinny" has been gone for some time--At any rate, I hit a home run. The supervising teacher yelled, "Splinters, I didn't think you had it in you!!" Thus, the nickname.

2. I have five children, two girls and three boys. The girls are the oldest and the youngest with the boys sandwiched in between (the meat between the delicate bread).

3. God planned the family that way...He knew I would need at least 10 years between the girls in order to plan the weddings. He did such a good job that the youngest is still a maiden and her sister is now married 16 years. (but I see a wedding in the future...)

4. None of the children wanted to go into nursing. They were most adamant. Just didn't want to work in the medical there mother. So, Wes is an athletic trainer who works for orthopedic physicians and is a trainer and cast tech. Marianne works for Eli Lilly as a study coordinator working with physicians on a regular basis...Yep, and I'm still working as a nurse.

5. I love to travel. And though our trip to Ireland has been put on hold until next summer (we WILL be going) we plan trips to Montana and New Mexico this summer, all family related! Yeah!!

6. I love to knit and crochet. I'm working on the baby afghan for David and Kelly's new arrival in August. She will be my 4th granddaughter.

7. Finally, I really, really like the West Wing and think Martin Sheen should run for President!!!

Since I realize that nearly everyone who is reading this will have already done this MEME, I will invite those who are new to my blog to pick this up and run with it...It was great fun and hope if you do you will let me know so I can read yours.


Thanks be to God!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Alleluia by Randall Thompson

Cy suggested I listen to this and he was right it is beautiful. Thank you, Cy.
Thanks be to God!

He is Risen, Alleluia!

The Risen Lord
porcelain by Therese Meisling

Two thoughts for the day. The first is offered as an introduction to Easter Sunday's Mass in Magnificat and written by Pope Benedict.

Faith in the resurrection of Jesus says that there is a future for every human being; the cry for unending life which is a part of the person is indeed answered. Through Jesus we do know 'the room where exiled love lays down its victory.' He himself is this place, and he calls us to be with him and in dependence on him. He calls us to keep this place open within the world so that he, the exiled love, may reappear over and over in the world...God exists; that is the real message of Easter. Anyone who even begins to grasp what this means knows what it means to be redeemed.
Pope Benedict XVI

The other is offered by Richard Rohr, O.F. M. in his book Radical Grace.

The Subversive, Risen Christ

Jesus is among us now in a new way as the Risen Christ, the Christ who is everywhere, beyond all limits of space and time. On Good Friday we say the relationship of all humanity to God: We kill what we should love. We're afraid of the gift that would free us. On Easter Sunday we celebrate Jesus coming back into a world that rejected Him.

If you have ever been rejected, you know how unlikely it is to come back into the midst of those who have said, We do not want you. Yet that's the eternal mystery we celebrate: God is always coming back into a world that for some unbelievable reason does not want God. It's almost impossible to believe that could be true. And yet Jesus, in his humility, finds ways to come back. Jesus knows we didn't like the first time what he had to say. We weren't ready for that much freedom or that much truth. Humankind can't bear that much reality or that much love in one moment of history.

So God had to come back in a disguised form. God had to come back, as it were, secretly, as a subversive, hidden--the Risen Christ. Now he can be everywhere, but we can't capture him. We can't name him too precisely. He can always break through in new and unexpected ways. That's the Risen Christ the world is never ready for and never expects, and sadly, does not even want. That's the Christ who energizes his Church, The Christ forever beyond our control.
from For Teens on the Risen Christ

We have been given so much in the love of God. If we could just accept the gift of life offered with humility by our Risen Lord! We are such frail lace tatted by the hand of God. The strength of the fiber is in the love of the Risen Lord and the intricacies of the life of that work is in the working of the Holy Spirit!


Thanks be to God! Alleluia!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sacred Space

The Crucifixion
porcelain by Therese Meisling

This Good Friday reflection will be my last until Easter Monday as I begin my celebration of the Triduum today. And this speaks for itself.

Mary, Mother of God
Luke 2:34-35, 42-50

His mother said...

Who are you, Mary? Did you wonder. too? Mother of the Son of God--no job description, no model no mirror, no precedent.

No wonder, in spite of Simeon's warning, you weren't prepared that day in the temple. Exhausted, foregoing food and rest to find him, fuming perhaps (after all, he was twelve...and you've given him some freedom...and you've made this trip before!) Could this be a mistake? Had you carelessly handled God's precious Gift? Fear and guilt and the feeling you'd been somehow tricked. Did these loose your tongue to echo our own ready responses to inconsiderate children?

Mother of the Son of God, what lessons you had to learn! How patient Jesus was--returning home to be predictable until the time was right.

Was it then, beneath the cross, you learned it all? Jesus--Son, Savior. Mary--beloved, redeemed. We stand with you, Mary, beneath his cross, muddling through, misunderstanding, learning who we are by learning who he is.

Jesus, help us hold these lessons deep with in our hearts.
Donna Streufert


May God bless us with deep love and appreciation for the gift of his Son
as we walk with Jesus on the path of our Salvation!!
Thanks be to God!


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Woman Healed


This reflection touched me because is gives hope to all who suffer in any kind of pain or anxiety. It can touch those who feel they have no worth or value.

A Woman Healed From Hemorrhages

Mark 5:25-34

A woman suffering...

You were captive to the bleeding, your life drained away, leaving you weak and ashamed and helpless, your money drained away by liars who left you for dead and considered you worthless. Twice victim.

Dear suffering sister, were you afraid to meet him face to face? Is that shy you crept up behind, shy, yet sure he had more power in the hem of his robe than all the charlatans you'd seen?

And you, Jesus, when you terned to her, calling her daughter, you turned to us as well. You assure us that it's O.K..., wanting to be whole. It's not O.K. to be a victim.

You draw us out and encourage us to tell the whole story, from beginning to end--just how it is--just how it feels--just what we want and need. Suffering in silence earns few points with you.

It takes Spirit-driven courage to lay hold of your promises to forgive and heal and empower. What must we risk as we step out, reach out, even with one trembling finger in faith? Perhaps to show we really care? Perhaps to reconcile? Perhaps to say the truth? Perhaps.
Donna Steufert

Again, I find in this reflection that we are not called to be passive individuals. If we want help we must ask for it, seek it, listen, be guided to it. Who will know if we do not ask? And then after we are aided in this quest by the Son of Man, we must accept it actively and aggressively with a thankful heart and soul.


Thanks be to God!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Resurrection Cookies

Monte Cassino, St. Meinrad, IN

This was a gift to us in this Sunday's bulletin. I really want to share it because it is such a beautiful journey for a child through our Lord's Passion and Resurrection.


1/2 cup pecan halves
1 tsp vinegar
3 egg whites
pinch of salt
1 cup sugar
Ziplock bag
Wooden spoon

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Place pecans in Ziplock bag and let children beat them with the wooden spoon to break into small pieces. Explain that after Jesus was arrested the Roman soldiers beat him. Read John 19:1-3

Let each child smell the vinegar. Put 1 tsp vinegar into mixing bowl. Explain that when Jesus was thirsty on the cross he was given vinegar to drink. Read John 19: 28-30

Add egg whites to vinegar. Eggs represent life. Explain that Jesus gave His life to give us life. Read John 10:10-11

Sprinkle a little salt into each child's hand. Let them taste it and brush the rest into the bowl. Explain that this represents the salty tears shed by Jesus' followers and the bitterness of our own sin. Read Luke 23:27

So far the ingredients are not appetizing. Add 1 cup sugar. Explain that the sweetest part of the story is that Jesus died because He loves us. He wants us to know and belong to Him. Read Psalm 34:8 and John 3:16

Beat with a mixer on high speed for 12 to 15 minutes until stiff peaks are formed. explain that the color white represents the purity in God's eyes of those whose sins have been cleansed by Jesus. Read Isaiah 1:18 and John 3:1-3

Fold in the broken nuts. Drop by teaspoons onto wax paper covered cookie sheet. Explain that each mound represents the rocky tomb where Jesus' body was laid. Read Matthew 27:65-66

Put the cookie sheet into the oven, close the door and then turn the oven OFF. Give each child a piece of tape and seal the oven door. Explain that Jesus' tomb was sealed. Read Matthew 27: 56-66

GO TO BED! Explain that they may feel sad to leave the cookies in the oven overnight. Jesus' followers were in despair when the tome was sealed. Read John 16:20 and 22

On Resurrection Sunday morning, open the oven and five everyone a cookie. Notice the cracked surface and take a bite. The cookies are HOLLOW! on the first Resurrection day Jesus' followers were amazed to find the tome open and empty. Read Matthew 28:1-9


Thanks be to God!1

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

I wish you, with all my heart, happiness and joy in the celebration of St. Patrick's Day. I also offer this meditation on the prayer, St. Patrick's Breastplate. God Bless you all!!

St. Patrick's Breastplate

In gratitude for St. Patrick and all the saints, I say,
"Thanks be to God."

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Short break...

As Bible Study will take place tomorrow night and we will travel to St. Louis to visit with family this weekend, I am leaving you with this Gift given me by my dear friend, Juliene.

I hope you will enjoy this as much as I did and will be back again to visit on St. Patrick's Day!! God Bless you all!!!


And for you all remember, I say,
"Thanks be to God"

Monday, March 10, 2008

"Listening as Spiritual Hospitality"

When I visited Poetry, Prayer and Praise the other day, I was reminded of a wonderful book by Henri J. M. Nouwen call Bread for the Journey--A Daybook of Wisdom and Faith. I have used this book for reflection for a number of years and go back to it frequently. I'm not sure I ever finished it because like all books like this I tend to skip the calendar day I missed and go on to the present date. Well, I picked it up today and this was the reflection offered me. A reflection on "listening." That means, "Be quiet, Cathy, I have something to say!"

To listen is very hard, because it asks of us so much interior stability that we no longer need to prove ourselves by speeches, argument, statements, or declarations. True listeners no longer have an inner need to make their presence know. They are free to receive, to welcome, to accept.

Listening is much more than allowing another to talk while waiting for a chance to respond. Listening is paying full attention to other and welcoming them into our very beings. The beauty of listening is that those who are listened to start feeling accepted, start taking their words more seriously and discovering their true selves. Listening is a form of spiritual hospitality by which you invite strangers to become friends , to get to know their inner selves more fully, and even to dare to be silent with you.

I fear that I am not a very good listener. No, I so want to make my point that I fail to "hear" the inspirations of others...And silence to me is frightening. I feel the "need" to communicate something, anything instead of being silent.

So, at the risk to my pride, I ask for instruction on being "quiet" and being a good listener...PLEASE! It's never too late to learn.

Thanks be to God!

One of my favorite parables...

As I read this reflection this morning I thought of how at one time or another in my life I have been the seed described in this lesson by Jesus as written in the Gospel of Mark.

Women in the Garden

Other seed fell into good soil and brought forth grain, growing up and increasing and yielding. Let any one with ears to hear, listen.
Mark 4:1-9

In the beginning, God created--formed us from rich, red earth. Created in God's own image, we are good earth, God's earth. God speaks like falling seeds and rain. "I have made you, you are mine. I am your Rock and Redeemer. I will bless you and be merciful."

Jesus, the Good Seed, is scattered into us. Listen, he says, listen! "Your faith has made you whole. Your sins are forgiven. I have come for sinners. I am the resurrection and the life."

Sometimes our good soil is trampled by heavy traffic and the seeds of love are snatched away. Sometimes there are hard and rocky places and tender plants of trust wither. Sometimes our good soil is overgrown with other demands, responsibilities, spirits, or messages and there is no room for Jesus. Always there is good soil where the cross and Jesus are planted, surrounded by a brilliant array of flower and fruits. The garden is lavish, abundant and ready to be given to others. We live in God's garden of good seed and good soil. We are in the middle of a spectrum of hearty plants that stretch to every horizon.

Spirit of God, cultivate our good soil and give a bumper crop that others may share in all your good gifts.

Eleanore Sudbrock


It seems that my analogy of the "gathering of the fruits and nuts" yesterday was not too far off. We are to BE the fruits of our labors and a gift of thanksgiving to Our Father, through His Son, Jesus!

Thanks be to God!!!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Dessert and More...

I thought of two things this morning when I was baking desert for after tonight's Bible Study . First, that this group of 12 dedicated people gather each week to share their thoughts and love of the Gospel. And in the center of the table is always dried fruit and nuts and lots of water (I'm not saying we are a verbose group, but it's not all salted nuts). Second, that the desserts invariably have fruit in them...thus, a gathering of fruits and nuts...

Any way, I am going to share with you tonight's "fruit desert" because it's easy and it is really good!!!

It's from a wonderful cookbook called Delightfully Southern Recipes by Lucy M. Clark.

Mandarin Orange Refrigerator Cake

1 Box Duncan Hines yellow butter cake mix 1 can Mandarin oranges, drained and chopped
4 eggs Icing (recipe follows)
1/2 cup Crisco oil

Combine eggs, oil and cake mix until moistened. Beat about 4 minutes on medium speed. Fold in Mandarin oranges. Bake in 3 layers at 350 degrees [according to box directions] until done .
(I bake it in a 9"x13" baking dish,)

1 small box instant vanilla pudding mix 1 (20 ounce) can crushed pineapple,
1 (12-ounce) carton Cool Whip, thawed well drained

Combine ingredients and ice cake layers, top and sides. Keep refrigerated.

Finally, I leave you with this bit of wisdom at the end of the page, "Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the harvest of love." God bless you all this and every day!!

Thanks be to God!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

The Wonders of God's Hand

From the ice storm in February,

to the snow we that was sent our way yesterday,

I find that two Friends have sent me "spring flowers".

Esther at A Catholic Mom in Hawaii and Marie from A View From the Pews have graciously given me this great friend award. I have met some tremendous people since I started this adventure nearly a year ago. I have been affirmed, guided, educated and I have laughed along the way! Thanks so much to you all. But I would like to add a special thank you to my daughter-in-law Kelly at Musings, for assisting me in starting this effort and would like to offer this award to her first. Thank you, Kelly, for your example and grace, sense of humor and gift for writing. As for those other gifted and talented friends I would like to add these who have shared much with me in friendship.

Oh, And...This
Eileen on Him...At Least, I Try!
...UKOK's Place...
Are We There Yet
Christ's Rose
Contemplative Haven asylum for your refugee soul
La Dolce Vita: The Good Life with Three Sons
And one for good measure!
Mommy of Four


Thanks be to God!!

Must add an addendum: While visiting UKOK I found that she had gifted me as well with these lovely flowers so to her I say, "Many Thanks!"

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Kellie and Winter Guard...

Tonight Ron and I were able to go to an exhibition of the Memorial High School Winter Guard, Drum Line, and Cadet Guard. Kellie was part of the Guard during Marching Band season. When one of the girls broke her foot early in Winter Guard, Kellie was asked to perform with them. Quite an honor for an 8th grader.

I tried to video with the digital camera but apparently I was not able to tape the entire performance of either the Cadet or High School Winter Guard. They both end abruptly, but you can see most of the Winter Guard's performance. I was trying, like any good grandmother, to keep Kellie in the frame. I was pretty successful I think, but all the girls are very talented. They have been competing weekly now for the last 5 weeks with their final performance to be this weekend, barring any bad weather.

The music is Phantasmagoria.

We were grateful for the chance to see them perform. And we wish them success this weekend!

For being a grandma I say,
Thanks be to God!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Hot Chocolate

We are still tasting Hot Chocolate weather here. We are to get snow on Friday. So, in order to add more joy to this still winter season, I thought I would share this e-mail with you from my friend, Maggie! I love hot chocolate, but after reading this analogy I don't think I will appreciate it in quite the same way anymore.


A group of graduates, well established in their careers, were talking at
a reunion and decided to go visit their old university professor, now

During their visit, the conversation turned to complaints about stress
in their work and lives. Offering his guests hot chocolate, the
professor went into the kitchen and returned with a large pot of hot
chocolate and an assortment of cups - porcelain, glass, crystal, some
plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to help
themselves to the hot chocolate.

When they all had a cup of hot chocolate in hand, the professor said:
'Notice that all the nice looking, expensive cups were taken, leaving
behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only
the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress.

The cup that you're drinking from adds nothing to the quality of the hot
chocolate. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases
even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was hot
chocolate, not the cup; but you consciously went for the best cups...
And then you began eyeing each other's cups.

Now consider this: Life is the hot chocolate; your job, money and
position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and
contain life. The cup you have does not define, nor change the quality
of life you have. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail
to enjoy the hot chocolate God has provided us.

God makes the hot chocolate, man chooses the cups. The happiest people
don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything
that they have. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.
And enjoy your hot chocolate!

Does any of this ring a bell? It sure does for me! And He has always been good to me...even if it isn't what I really wanted. He knows what's best!
Thanks be to God!!!

Urgent prayer request...

I remember last year at this time I was praying for my dear friend, Margaret. She was taken to be with our Savior on Good Friday. Today I am here to request prayers again for one who is suffering and will surely be suffering because of the treatments she must undergo. Melissa needs our prayers and I have been asked by Kathleen Miller at The Daily Grotto to link you to her blog so that you might have more information about Melissa and her status. Please pray for this young lady and her family as they endure these trial. God bless you all...
and Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Woman of the Day...

Mary Anointing Jesus Feet

Do you cower when you read the Gospel in which Mary boldly walks into a room full of people and proceeds to anoint the feet of Jesus? I find that I do. I am not courageous. Yet, here she is, the example for us all to follow (John 12:1-8).

"Mary took a pound of costly perfume made a pure nard, anointed Jesus' feet and wiped them with her hair."

Mary, you are outrageously bold. How did you dare such a display of intimacy--perfuming the feet of Jesus and toweling them with your hair, heedless of cultural rules and guests' comments? You passionately responded to Jesus' passion for the sick and lame, despised and outcast and the poor who are always around.

We sing the story of Jesus' Passion. But Jesus' passion led him bound and burdened to the hill of crucifixion. He walked the way of sorrows with fragrant feet. It is not a scene of polite, cool Christianity, rather the fire, brilliance and riskiness of passionate love. Mary, your boldness and tenderness teach us how to be in the presence of Jesus. When we gather with followers of Jesus, we can boldly and tenderly love and care and encourage. We can anoint each other for ministry with the poor, sick, oppressed and despised because we are people filled with holy passion.

Lord Jesus, we have experienced your life-giving passion. Our hears are fill with humbleness and thankfulness. Give us a passion for others that reflects you.

Elenore Sudbrock
Face to Face --Daily Lenten Devotions for Women


I thank God for those who minister to me. I thank God for those who encourage me in my poverty of faith, who bolster my weakness, who love me as He loves me!

Thanks be to Almighty God!!!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Thought for the Day...

I have read this before, but today I feel the need to share this offering sent me by a friend. Please read it and reflect on it, for it truly is a wonderful analogy!!!

"He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver."
Malachi 3:3

This verse puzzled some women in a Bible study and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God. One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible Study.

That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining Silver.

As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where
the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impurities.

The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot; then she thought again about the verse that says: 'He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver.' She asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time.

The man answered that yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.

The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, 'How do you know when the silver is fully refined?'

He smiled at her and answered, 'Oh, that's easy -- when I see my image in it.'

If today you are feeling the heat of the fire , remember that God has his eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image in you

Thanks be to God!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Letter from Shannon

By e-mail I got an update from China Little Flower and the work Shannon Walsh is doing for those unfortunate children she works with. And so this I share with you...


I could not get the letter to link so this is the best I could do...just click for larger view. And here is the link to Shannon's web page, China Little Flower

The work she does with these children and the love she gives them. Oh, my! And all this with the love and sincere trust of Our Lord! My best to you all and have a Grand Day!!!

Thank be to God!!!

Friday, February 29, 2008

The Way of the Cross

While I was on retreat last weekend, we were able to attend an organ recital in the Abbey Church. Marilyn Mason was the artist who gave the recital and was the first to perform on the organ after it had been newly install in 1963. She had numerous 1st's, but the one that stands out most vividly for me was the fact that she had been Professor of Organ at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor since 1947. She is the longest tenured professor in the university's 190 year history. This gifted, demure lady was still educating others in the art of music!

Fr. Gavin was the narrator for the recital and we all sat in anticipation of the music as well as the narration and pictures that would accompany it. Though Fr. Gavin's voice fairly "sang" as he spoke the words of the stations, the pictures were heartrending. The music itself was the most dissonant and discordant I had ever experienced. Yes, experienced. For in the hour and one-half that I listened to the music, I found I was in pain. There was nothing beautiful about this music. It hurt the ears and the organ fairly cried in pain itself. With each station, though I hoped the next offering would be less harsh, but I knew better. And at the end, I was exhausted!

The stations are never easy, but on reflection, and I did reflect for some time on this, I found it was not about the music. No, this was the screaming of pain our Lord must have experienced each time he was mocked, scourged, spit upon, crowned, and marched under the weight of the cross to his death. And for what? Yes, indeed for what? It was all for the salvation of my soul. All so that one day I might see Him face to face. He did this out of love for me, in Love of me.

Finally, I realized again that this is why the Resurrection is such a joyful reality. We must endure the pain of this life in order to experience the joy of our Resurrection. Hallelujah!!
For the Love of Jesus I say,
"Thanks be to God."

Addendum: For those who are interested I found a information about the composer of the Stations of the Cross. It is very good. The essay is at Music at the Chapel of the Cross.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

This is REALLY good!!!

A Crust Creations Meal by Pillsbury.

Taco Fiesta Pie

Prep 20 minutes
Ready in 30 minutes

1 (15 0z) pkg Pillsbury Refrigerated Pie Crust

1 lb. ground beef (ground turkey or ground chicken works, too)
1 (15 oz) can spicy chili beans undrained
1/2 cup salsa
1 small can chopped green chilies (I added)
6 oz (1 1/2 cups) shredded Cheddar cheese ( or cheese of your choice, I like shredded Colby)
1 cup shredded lettuce
1/2 cup chopped tomato

Optional: green onion slices, sour cream,
ripe olives, chopped jalapeños.

1. Unfold pie crust; place in 9-inch pie pan. Prick bottom and sides wit fork;flute edge. Cut 13 (1-inch) triangle pieces from remaining crust; place around crust edge. Bake at 425 degrees for 9-11 minutes or until light golden-brown.

2. In large skillet, brown ground beef; drain. Add chili beans, salsa and 1 cup cheese; mix will. Cook over low heat for 2 to 3 minutes or until cheese is melted.

3. Spoon meat mixture into baked shell. Top with remaining ingredients

16 servings


It was really easy to make!
Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Last night on the NBC Nightly News I stopped to "listen" to the results of one of their polls. It had to do with organized religion. It seems that many are not staying to practice the religion of their families when they were growing up. the poll says they are looking for religion "that fits their needs" [paraphrased]. Imagine!

They don't understand, they don't choose, they've already been chosen (Isaiah 43:1-8) ! They want a religion of "convenience," a religion where nothing of their self need be expended. What has happened to being of service to others. I wonder if they are indeed Christian churches if the only reason one attends is to take and not give, hear the Word, but find no need to apply it to their lives. I don't mean only financial giving. Where is the "time and talent" meant in the service of Our Lord? When He washed the feet of the disciples He said "Do as I do," not, "Do as I do when you feel like it." When will children learn this if they do not see their parents in the act of self- giving. The home is where we find the means to salvation. Jesus is in our midst. The Church is the community of support, that foundation that gives us strength and worship, but the family is the center of education and example.

Humanity is still in dire need of Salvation. We are "Looking for love in all the wrong places..." The love of God is not easy "love", not necessarily a feel-good love. Christ loved till it hurt and He died for love of us so we might enjoy His everlasting love. That is only to be experienced by our death to this life, and yet we just don't get it, do we? It can't be found in a church that fits my needs, only God knows my needs. How does a church become a "Fits Your Needs Church"?

For the example of my family!!

Thanks be to God.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Return From "Narnia"

One never knows what really awaits when you venture out on retreat. Again, this week we had an ice storm. It was not nearly as bad as the one last week, but it was an ice storm none-the-less. As we entered the grounds of the monastery at St. Meinrad I was reminded of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. It was all so surreal. Ice glistened on the branches of all the trees. Everything was white and pure. It was Holy!

And so it was for all of us as we began our "journey" at St. Meinrad Archabbey.

The icicles hung from the Celtic cross. The lawn was glazed as if with powdered sugar icing.
And then you enter the "kingdom."
All guests who arrive should be received as Christ,
for he himself will say,
I was a stranger and you took me in.
(The Gift of Saint Benedict by Verna a Holy Head SGS and Lynne Muir)

It was a time of peace and community. Women, gathering in the Abbey Church for vespers and morning prayer, sharing their love of God. The chanting of the monks and the beauty of the Word of God proclaimed in the midst of these men of God, and the Mass seeming to bring us to the Gates of Heaven. The retreat is not silent, but it is reflective. It was joyful, yet had its time for introspection. We laughed, cried, hugged and were affirmed. We were in the presence of God!


Thanks be to God!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Time for R & R...

Yes, Retreat and Reflection. Tomorrow is the day I begin retreat at St. Meinrad Archabbey. It's been a year and time again!!! But before I go, I want to leave you with a couple of my "treasures." First, as I was going through one of my books, I found this card. Wondered what had happened to it because it gives me such a boost at the end of the day. (Perhaps mislaying it is so I don't lose my appreciation for it.)

The prayer on the back goes like this:

Thank you, God, for love's unfolding this day through the people and events that touched my life. I entrust my night's sleep to your renewing care. Copyright, Abbey Press, 1994

The other thing I would like to leave with you is the name of a book. It's called Love in the Little Things: Tales of Family Life by Mike Aquilina. It is wonderfully tender book about Christ in the midst of family from Mike's own reflections.

And so it is that I venture off.

Thanks be to God.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Bit of Catholic Trivia

I thought this was interesting wanted to pass it along. It was written in the The Black Book.

The "Anchor Cross"

The anchor is a symbol of safety. Early Christians began to use it as a symbol of hope, especially at the time of death. Placing it on the funeral monument was an expression of trust that the departed had arrive safely at the port of eternal peace.

In the catacombs in Rome, this symbol appears as early as the second century. Since the shape of the anchor resembles a cross it was often depicted in the way that combined the anchor as a sign of safety and the cross as a sign of salvation.

This symbol aslo has its roots in Hebrews 6:19: "This we have as an anchor of the soul, sure and firm, which reaches into the interior behind the veil..."

Thanks be to God!

Monday, February 18, 2008

"Joanna, a Generous Follower"

This woman strikes me as most courageous. Living in Herod's house and following Jesus! What courage! All of the women who helped support Jesus and his ministry were bold, loyal, and brave.

Joanna, a Generous Follower
Luke 8: 1-3; 24:10

Oh look, there's Joanna, Cuzar's wife! Cuzar, you know, the one who got that great job managing King Herod's household. Oh, I know they say the queen really runs the palace and the king can be a dreadful bear sometimes. But imagine living in a palace! I've heard some strange stories about Joanna lately, though. They say she doesn't even live at the palace, that she follows that strange rabbi around wherever he preaches. Not only that, but I guess she even gives money and food to support him and his followers. She sleeps out on the ground sometimes when she could be sleeping in a palace! Do you think she's lost her mind?

And then there's Sydney. Someone said she just life a $100,000 a year job as a trial attorney to join the deaconess program. Fran Taylor serves meals at the homeless shelter every Wednesday night after work. and Greta Guzmann agreed to raise her daughters' three kids. (They say her daughter's on drugs.) Have they all lost their minds?

Jesus, were you out of your mind when you agreed to suffer and die for the sins of the entire world? When we come face to face with you, we must be prepared to follow where you lead us--even to the cross. Give us that strength and dedication.
Lois Sheer
Face to Face, Daily Lenten Devotions for Women

With all these wonderful examples of courage, how is it that I feel so inadequate and timid in my own life? I'm afraid to step outside my comfort zone...perhaps because I fear failure, or disappointment. If I use these women as examples perhaps there's hope for me...

Thanks be to God!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Gift of Community

This morning I found this picture to be a most delightful reminder of who we are and how we are to behave as a loving family of God. Kids have a way of letting us know how to love and share the love. I "love" the child in the pew in front of me, who dares me to smile at her and then when I do I am rewarded with that gorgeous grin! A distraction, maybe, but God's love is personified non-the-less. The picture accompanies a very good reflection and so it is that I share it with you.


Consider Yourself At Home

A big part of Sunday is going to a building without a second floor. There may be a balcony or a choir loft, but basically the ground floor of the church is the only floor. The altar and pulpit are elevated so people can see, but other than that it is a prairie.

This has ramifications for community. The shopping-bag lady and the real estate man and the cop in uniform and the blind guy who everybody helps to Communion and you...all stand and kneel and sit next to each other--as if we had something in common. On Sunday you know you belong. You might not be happy with those to whom you belong, but you are not in the Lost and Found department. An entire group of motley people has arrived with a claim check.

The first Easter brought back the disbanded. They of the fast footed fear were overtaken by the Hurrying One. And everyone was welcomed, a boundless hospitality with bread and wine for all. Sunday is solidarity even after we have been lost or have run away or just have been gone too long for reasons we can no longer remember. Sunday is the day we know there is nothing between us but the walls we build.
John Shae

Sunday, that Holy Event!!!
Thanks be to God!!!!!


Aside: Word of the Day (sent to me by a friend): "Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck." -- George Carlin (1937- )

Friday, February 15, 2008

Jesus and The Children

Jesus with children of the world

This reflection is taken from Face To Face, Daily Lenten Devotions for Women.

Her Child Was Blessed by Jesus

"Let the Children come to me."
Matthew 19:13-15

She sat quietly on a cool rock some distance from the crowd. her daughter on her lap gnawed on the crsut of bread. Jesus, the teacher, was speaking, but she could hear only a few words now and then. Suddenly a woman shouted, "Master, bless our children," and there was confusion and shoving as parents began to thrust their children into Jesus' arms. His helper pushed them back, trying to protect Jesus. The your mother on the rock watched with a mixture of fear and longing. Then she heard Jesus' voice so clearly, "Bring the children to me. Heaven is full of children." Slowly she made her way to Jesus' side and thrust her wide-eyed child into his arms. Jesus lifted her high in the air and broke into laughter as the baby tried to share her bread with him.

Yes, Jesus loves the little children, but does he love the terrible twos, feisty fours, silly sixes, troublesome adolescents, rebellious teens? Do we love the little children, every day, all the time--all their lives?

Lord, help us keep our children face to face with you always. Even when we can't face them, help to remember you called them to you, you died for them, you made them your children in their baptisms--forever. (Lois Scheer)

Thanks be to God!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Coffee Art!!! more time.

This is not meant to cause those who gave up coffee for Lent any extra penance, but to perhaps appreciate even more the beauty in "that cup" each day. It is sent to be my a friend and I just had to share it...Here is hoping that this time I will be able to do so.

There is a restaurant in Vancouver...actually three...where they dress up the get to watch them create the pictures. Just see what can be done with coffee, cream, milk and imagination...Too good to drink?


For the talent and gifts to create these works of art

Thanks be to God!!!

And TWO for Good Measure...

It has been called to my attention that I may have overlooked a site that deserves this award as well as all the others!!! I agree and so it is with pleasure that I offer this award to Oh, And. . This and yet another A Catholic Warrior. To you both I say thank you for your contributions and God Bless!!!

I am always open to suggestion and I think with the assistance I received this is GOOD!

To all I say, "Thank you and thanks be to God!!!"

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Again, I have been remiss...

Both Esther of A Catholic Mom in Hawaii and Lisa at
Are We There Yet have honored be in different ways. First Esther bestowed on me the honor of The Bloggers of the World award some days ago. This new and coveted award! I have been asked to bestow this on 10 others. And so I will do my best.

1. This I Do. Mike in England
2. Sailing by Starlight. Though she will be not be posting until after Easter.
3. Beyond Horizons3. Pia in Italy.
4. What I Choose Today... From Colorado
5. Are We There Yet. Another Colorado site I love to visit
6. Budapest Daily Photo. Brings beauty into my life.
7. Norwich Daily Photo. Brought me my first crocus of the year.
8. Prayer Poetry and Praise. Brings me serenity and oft times inner peace.
9. Contemplative Haven, asylum for a refugee soul. Brings me to reflection.
10. A crocus in the valley. Though she too will be on sabbatical until after Easter as well.

Now Lisa from Are We There Yet tagged me for The Saint MEME. I have enjoyed this one because it caused me to contemplate more deeply the lives of those saints I do admire. Thank you, Lisa.

1. First saints you met. Saint Catherine of Siena and Saint Therese of Liseux .

2. Favorite saints. St. Therese, St. Catherine of Siena, and St. Theresa of Avila.

3. Patron saint for the year. St. Stanislaus Kostka

4. Favorite book by a saint. Interior Castle by St. Theresa of Avila

5. Saint book you are reading now. The Kings Good Servant, But God's First (St. Thomas More)

6. Favorite movie about a saint. Thomas A Beckett

7. Favorite autobiography/biography of a saint. The Story of A Soul by St. Therese

8. Favorite novel/book of a Saint. Mother Theodore Guerin, A Woman For Our Time

9. Saint (besides your favorites) you'd want to meet. St. Padre Pio, St. Thomas More, St. Maximilian Kolb.

10. Saints you look to for help. St. Anthony, St. Padre Pio, St. Francis Xavier Cabrini

11. Favorite saint quotes. ""Love is a debt you owe to everyone." St. Catherine of Siena; "We shall steer safely through every storm, so long as our heart is right, our intention fervent, our courage steadfast, and our trust fixed firmly on God." St Francis de Sales

12. Favorite holy card(s).

13. Favorite story about a saint. About St. Patrick as he drove the snakes out of Ireland.

14. If you could go anywhere on pilgrimage to what saints homeland, where would it be. Ireland and all it's saints.

15. any Blessed or Venerable you would like to become canonized. Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

I will tag:
1. Ukok's Place
2. Mommy of Four
3. Grandma's Musings
4. And anyone in my Group on Tuesday night.

My thanks to all who have challenged me to grow and improve who I am, as Matthew Kelly would say, "A better-version-of-myself."


Again I say, "Thanks be to God!"

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It finally happened...

Yesterday, it snowed! Yep! It did. It was such a beautiful sight. Wow!! It started about 3:30 p.m. The kids were already home from school because of concern about the storm.

And then it turned to freezing rain! In all His glory God can change his palate and turn the same scene into a different texture.

And so it is with the Master Artisan! He exchanges beauty for beauty.

~Be still and know I am God~
Psalm 46:10

And now I must get ready to venture out into His handiwork! I wish you all a Grand Day!!
And for this day
Thanks be to God!!!