Friday, April 14, 2017

Good Friday

Love had died that day
The world trembled and went dark
The Savior had died

A mother's sadness
Her wounded and broken heart
Still trusted in God

Thanks be to God!!


Please visit Rebecca at recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!! 

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Off On a Great Adventure

As we leave today for Spain and Portugal I am reminded of our trip to Italy in November.  The memories of walking down to the coliseum in Rome.  It was just a few blocks from the hotel.  What a thrill!  We walked the Palatine Hills, visited the Pantheon and had a delightful lunch at a sidewalk cafe.  We chose to walk back to the hotel.  It was a grand adventure.  Just crossing the streets is a thrill in Rome.  That night after dinner we walked down the street again to visit the Coliseum lit up after dark.  It was just breathtaking!  I'd go again in a heartbeat.  So now on to another Great Adventure!!!

"I think risk taking is a great adventure.  And life should be full of adventures."
                                                                                Herbie Hancock

Thanks be to God!!


Friday, March 17, 2017

The Road Less Traveled


“May your thoughts be as glad as the shamrocks.
 May your heart be as light as a song.
 May each day bring you bright, happy hours.
That stay with you all the year long.”

Took a walk the other day when the weather was unseasonably warm, and reveled in the glory of  God's creation.  I didn't see any snakes, deer, little foxes.  There were no croaking frogs or chirping locust.  Yet in all the silence I heard and felt the "breath of God!"  I was not alone.  Maybe I realized this more that day because I had no time constraints and no particular place to be, but it was a joyful moment on this "road less traveled" with a beloved companion.


Though the road be long
And the journey's end unknown
Steadfastly go on

Revel in  the breeze
With your silent companion
Experience hope


Please visit Rebecca at recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!! 

Thursday, March 09, 2017

Lenten Retreat at The Woods

Church of the Immaculate Conception
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, IN

Starting tomorrow I will be on retreat at Saint Mary-or-the-Woods.  The Sisters of Providence have been in Indiana since 1842 when Saint Mother Theodore Guerin set foot in these lovely woods.  The Woods is a place of serenity, peace and quiet.  Yes, and it is the campus of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College.  It is an amazing place and I am so excited to be able to spend time there with the sisters and other associates. 

I will make my retreat in HOPE.  I'm not sure what I am hoping for but then that is the reason I am making a retreat.  I pray the Holy Spirit will guide me and that I have the willingness to listen.

"But our hope is in the providence of God
which has protected us until the present, 
and which will provide, somehow,
for our future needs. . ."
Saint Mother Theodore


Hope is in the Spirit
Companion on the journey
He is counselor

Thanks be to God!


Please visit Rebecca at recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!! 

Saturday, March 04, 2017

Rainbow For Renewal

Rainbows add joy to our lives.

It seems I got so busy last year that my home here has taken a back seat to the other thinks in my life.  Life is good and all has been well, but for some reason A Bit of the Blarney had to be quiet.  Perhaps, it needed time to rejuvenate.  We will see.  For the time being I'b back.  

Last year became very busy.  In March we went to France and enjoyed our time there.  There was the Keller Family Reunion in July!  What a treat that was in the beautiful city of Charlotte, NC.  After Labor Day we went to Montana so we could visit the western part of the state and and especially Glacier National Park.  Sharing the time with my youngest brother and his wife was so very enjoyable. 

Beautiful forests in Glacier National Park

Last fall we returned to Italy, this time to visit Venice and revisit Florence, Assisi, and Rome.  It is such a thrill to walk where the ancients have walked.  There is just not enough time to see all that you want to see.

So this month we begin a pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes.  To visit those places where miracles have happened.  I want to experience this for myself.  I just cannot put into words what this will mean to me.  


Begin the journey
Pilgrims in Holy Places
Find solace and love

I guess that's what I hope I will find there.  Just to keep on journeying is such a thrill.

Thanks be to God!!


Friday, April 22, 2016

After the Rain

Sunrise after rain
Morning dew upon the grass
Misty morning joy

After the rain fell
Blossoms appear to have wept
Not in sadness, joy



Sunday, April 17, 2016

Springtime on the Ohio

It's been a wonderful weekend and as I was sitting at the computer I thought I'd just take some time to play with some photos!  Yesterday we took a walk to the river.  It was about 3:00 in the afternoon and the weather was incredible.  I got this photo as we were walking back home.   I'm not sure why, but there is a beautiful orb in the lower left.  Thought it was a problem with my camera or lens, but none of m other photos taken at that time have the same artifact.  At any rate, it was just the most wonderful day to walk!

So I took the above photo and thought I'd play with PicMonkey to see what I'd get.  Well, there is a new effect called Edge Sketch and the result is below.  That is the closest I will every get to "painting" an abstract picture.  And, it was fun!!

Along the way, I took some other photos of the Spring that has finally arrived here.  All of nature's most beautiful colors were on display!  Indeed, it was grand!

Thanks be to God!


Today, I have a frivolous post to share with Mersad.  I invite you to join Mersad at Through My Lens.  There are wonderful posts there.  

Please visit Judith at Lavender Cottage for Mosaic Monday and share in the beauty offered there.

Mosaic Monday

I think you should take some time to visit Imagin-in-ing.  You're sure to enjoy it!

Friday, April 15, 2016

Sunlight and Serenity

Quiet and serene
A single beam of sunlight
Gives rise to comfort

Quiet and serene
Basking in its warmth and glow
Gives rise to comfort

Thank be to God!


Please visit Rebecca at recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!! 

Finally, I am joining A Soulful Life for Soulfood Friday

Saturday, April 09, 2016

Roses In Bloom

 When we were in Baton Rouge a couple of weeks ago, we went to the Botanic Garden at Independence Park.    It was cold and not much was in bloom.  There were a few iris budding but not many in bloom.  And then we came upon the Rose Garden.  Bushes were in bloom everywhere.  Just being in the midst of this color and fragrance of the roses diminished the chill.  

My dad loved roses and took a great deal of pride in his garden.  I guess that is where I learned to love them, though I do not claim to be an expert in their growth and care.  There were so many varieties in the garden that day that I could not possibly know which was which.  All I know is I really enjoyed my walk through them that day. 

And so I ascribe to William Shakespeare's quote, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."  Is it enough to appreciate a rose and not know if it is hybrid or English rose?  I hope so.

Thanks be to God!


Today, I share this post with Mersad.  I invite you to join Mersad at Through My Lens.  There are wonderful posts there.  

Please visit Judith at Lavender Cottage for Mosaic Monday and share in the beauty offered there.

Mosaic Monday

I think you should take some time to visit Imagin-in-ing.  You're sure to enjoy it!

Friday, April 08, 2016

Before Spring in Paris

Paris, before Spring
In the distance a tower
The Eiffel Tower

A panorama
Blue skies and people watching
A joy to behold

Thanks be to God!


 recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!! 

Finally, I am joining A Soulful Life for Soulfood Friday

Saturday, April 02, 2016

The Saga of Super Pup

The Saga of Super Pup began with our trip to Italy in November. His traveling companion at that time was Buddy, already a world traveler and companion to my sister-in-law, Linda.

With our arrival home and the knowledge that Buddy could not stay forever I found that Super Pup had a cousin called Vagabond.  He too had been a traveler and would be a terrific companion for S-Pup on our next travels to France.

Meet Vagabond.

We were so excited as we began our adventure to France.  They enjoyed their flight from Evansville to Detroit and were super excited to be in a big airport like Detroit.  They napped all the way to Nice, France, and were ready willing and able to begin the tour.  They enjoyed the view of the Mediterranean from  the heights and they had a ride on the Yellow Submarine.  

I think the best part of the tour was when S-Pup and Vaga met their Monte Carlo cousin Jean.  They got on famously.  We even toasted the day. . .with water.  

The pups became the highlight of the tour as everyone looked after them, and delighted in their tales.  There is more to come with a twist in the story.  

Stay tuned.

Thanks be to God,


Today, I have a frivolous post to share with Mersad.  I invite you to join Mersad at Through My Lens.  There are wonderful posts there.  

Please visit Judith at Lavender Cottage for Mosaic Monday and share in the beauty offered there.

Mosaic Monday

I think you should take some time to visit Imagin-in-ing.  You're sure to enjoy it!

Friday, April 01, 2016

In Praise of Creation

When beauty arrives
Exquisite in its being
Praise the creator

Beauty is present
Precious is the life it shares
Praise the creator

Beauty is captured
Creation is of your God
Gentle on the eyes

Thanks be to God!


 recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!! 

Finally, I am joining A Soulful Life for Soulfood Friday

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Antonia Plantation

Live oak trees, azaleas
The majesty and color
Beauty through ages
"God is the experience of looking at a tree and saying, 'Ah!'"
Joseph Campbell
There was a beautiful wedding here last night.  The glory of God's creation and the beauty of man's handiwork were ever present. Oh, the joy we all felt!

Thanks be to God


 I'm here to play and invite you to join Mersad at Through My Lens.  Should be fun!

Please visit Judith at Lavender Cottage for Mosaic Monday and share in the beauty offered there.

Mosaic Monday

I think you should take some time to visit Imagin-in-ing.  You're sure to enjoy it!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Holy Is His Name

Holy is His name
He is compassion and love
Always merciful

Holy is His name
He is father and brother
The family of God

Holy is His name
I must honor him in love
For he first loved me

Thanks be to God!!


 recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!! 

Finally, I am joining A Soulful Life for Soulfood Friday

Monday, March 21, 2016

On the Rock, Mont Saint-Michel

Panorama from the heights of Mont Saint-Michel

Looking toward the monastery from the cemetery. 
There are 300 steps to the abbey.

The Cloister

The tide is out.

And, oh, so many doors.  They were all very different and all works of art in their own right.  I can only imagine how many hours it took to build a door without power tools.  The sweet beauty of them all created by hands that loved and caressed the wood.  And what is behind each door, a laundry, small chapel, a monk's cell?  They are treasures all.

Thanks be to God!


 I'm here to play and invite you to join Mersad at Through My Lens.  Should be fun!

Please visit Judith at Lavender Cottage for Mosaic Monday and share in the beauty offered there.

Mosaic Monday

I think you should take some time to visit Imagin-in-ing.  You're sure to enjoy it!

Friday, March 18, 2016

Mont Saint-Michel

Mont Saint-Michel
 Normandy, France

I will build my church
For praise and glory to God
Redeemer be praised. 

Salvation is ours
Through death and resurrection
Of Jesus, the Christ.

And the rock still stands
Forever in praise of God
Holy is his name. 

Mont Saint-Michel took my breath away.  It is incredible!  I walked the streets, climbed the stairs to the abbey.  It is another masterpiece, created to the glory of God.  When you stand on the parapets, you cannot help but be touched by the immensity of the undertaking.  And immediately I recalled the words of our Lord, Jesus Christ in Matthew 16:13-18.

When Jesus went into the region of Caesarea Phillipi he asked his disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?"  They replied, "Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, still others Jeremiah or one of the Prophets.  "He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?"  Simon Peter said in reply, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." Jesus said to him in reply, "Blessed are you Simon, son of Jonah,  for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father."  And so I say to you, You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld will not prevail against it.

And so I heartily say,
Thanks be to God!!


 recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!! 

Finally, I am joining A Soulful Life for Soulfood Friday