Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Duke and Duchess of Keller

The Duke and Duchess Of Keller

The reason for this entry was initiated by my grandson, Ben, who early this week sent me an email to tell me he liked Duke and Duchess. Some 14 years ago we got Duke. He is a timid usually quite dog unless he suspects someone is invading his domain. That means barking loudly if someone strolls past our house. And his throne is at the top the stairs where he can view his "vast" dukedom. ( you should really hear the two in concert at the arrival of guests!) Duchess is only two years old and is most energetic. These two are friends and companions, yet individually they are very different. Duke really is shy. He deliberately walks away and HIDES if he thinks he will get his picture taken. He will not look at anyone with a camera. Duchess, on the other hand, will even pose for pictures.

Duke has aways, unless he was treeing a squirrel when he was younger, been content to stay indoors. Duchess finds mole and rabbit hunting, or running laps (she can turn on a dime) preferable to the quiet life.

In either case, they fun to have around. Duchess can entertain herself by playing ball alone. It is comical and yet she does so enjoy it. Duke has not lost his knack of sitting quietly next to your chair at the kitchen table waiting for his leftover dinner treat, though he doesn't seem to find any fun in his running laps any more. It seems arthritis has become his other companion.

I guess I can see in these two friends how life changes and we can grow in who we are by what they have to teach us in their aging...Lord knows I can identify with the changes.


Thanks be to God!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Always I Am Guided by the Spirit

Photo by Elisa Mary Pamelia, 2006

Yesterday I read in the blog Poetry, Prayer, and Praise a wonderful prayer for the souls in purgatory by St. Gertrude. To my surprise, this morning I opened my book of meditation for Pope John Paul II to find this . Today is the feast of "St. Gertrude, the Theologian of the Sacred Heart" and so if you will allow I will send this to you for reflection.

I wish you abundant heavenly favors in your commitment to preparing yourselves for the tasks awaiting you in life and accomplishment of good. . .a propitious occasion for living the Christian life intensely and opening the doors of your hearts to Christ.

I would particularly remind you of the great German mystic St. Gertrude (1256-1301). . .and she has rightly been described as 'the theologian of the Sacred Heart.' It is important indeed to know the personalities and spiritualities of our saints so as to be able to imitate them in the life of grace and testimony and to call upon them at moments of bewilderment and of temptation.

As St. Gertrude often recommended. I exhort you also to have always total trust in Jesus, or Redeemer and Friend, so as to be good. . .and worthy of esteem, making yourselves and those who love you happy.

I impart my blessing to all from my heart.

16 November 1983 from Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II
And to this I say, "Thanks be to God."

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Cleaning house...

As I cleaned out some folders today I came upon one of my favorite analogies. And so I share it with you. Perhaps you've already ready it, perhaps not. Whatever the case it never hurts to have a little "guidance" along the way.


Thanks be to GOD!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Living the Mysteries

As I was listening to the Gospel reading at Mass this morning (Luke 20:27-38) I began to consider how the early Church Fathers would have approached the topic of the resurrection of our bodies as they taught the neophyte, the newly Baptized. When our Lord was, as Scott Hahn puts it, given the riddle of the seven brothers and childless widow Dr. Hahn says "...God's Law wasn't given to ensure the raising up of descendants to earthly fathers. The Law was given, as Jesus explains, to make us worthy to be 'children of God'--sons and daughters born of His Resurrection. "

The following is a sermon by St. Leo the Great called Pilgrims on Earth.

Introduction: St. Leo urges us to see heaven as our true home and to live here as if we were just passing through. These are the marching orders that mystagogy gives us. We are to live in the afterglow of the Ascension and in anticipation of Jesus' coming. We proclaim in every Mass: 'Christ will come again!' and He comes to us again, in every Mass!" (Scott Hahn and Mike Aquilina)

And so, dearly beloved, let's rejoice with spiritual joy, and let's gladly give God the thanks He is due. Let us freely raise the eyes of our hearts to those heights where Christ is. Hearts that have heard the call to be lifted up must not be held down by earthly desires. Those who are made for things eternal must not be occupied with the things that perish. Those who have begun the way of truth must not become entangled in the snares of falsehood. The faithful must make their way through these temporal things, keeping in mind that they are pilgrims in the valley of the world; and, even though they find some attraction along the way, they must not sinfully embrace them. but bravely pass them by. . .

Let's resist this deadly evil and 'aim at charity' (see 1 Cor 14:1, CCD). . . By this path of love, Christ came down to us; by it, we too, may ascend to Him. And to Him, with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
Living the Mysteries
by Scott Hahn and Mike Aquilina


And so it is that we, too, must travel the road of the neophyte. For which one of us can truly say, "I have nothing more to learn. I have all the insights. I need no more instruction." It certainly is not me. And now I see that my trek "home" is just as our Lord told the Sadducees. "They can no longer die, for they are like angels; and they are the children of God because they are the ones who will rise." (Luke 20:36)


Thanks be to God! Amen!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Traveler is Home

Do you member my remark about the neolithic-looking meteorites? Sure you do... Well, Ron's home from his great adventure and has brought home some beautiful works of celestial art.

I guess from what he tells me these are rare finds and the joy is seeing what is on the inside not what is on the outside. And the privilege of the first to see the handiwork is also awe-inspiring.

This meteorite, though not apparent in this photo has what is called "an inclusion" or void in the middle. This is a picture he took of the outer edge of it.


A "slice" of another meteorite has complex geometric designs. When etched and polished I am assured it will be an even grander work of art.

And whose art might that be? I think that is easy...I only have to go back to Genesis chapter one for that answer.
All glory and praise to God who makes all things.

Thanks be to God.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Are You Ready for This?

I have been ever so careful all week not to close the back door behind me when I took out the Duchess...This morning at 5:30 a.m., for some unknown reason, I closed that very door behind me. Imagine my surprise when we tried to go back into the house!! No, we were the only ones in the neighborhood up at that hour. Yes, I had on my heavy robe and slippers. No, there is no key under a stone by the back door ( but some kind of arrangements will be made now). I did not...I repeat, I did not panic, even though the garage door opener was in my locked car outside the garage. So, I decided Duchess and I would sit on the front step until we saw a light go on in a neighbors house. But salvation came in the guise of the paper delivery man. He had a cell phone and I was able to call the Ackerman house and Roy came to unlock the front door. Whew. They live 30 minutes away, it was 43 degrees outside, but I was able to sit on the step and watch the sunrise and say my morning prayers with much gratitude in my heart and relative comfort, for though it was chilly there was no wind...God is GOOD, all the time!!!

Ron will be home tomorrow from his "adventure" and I will be truly glad...I've had about all the excitement I can take for one week...
Thanks be to God!!!!!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Latin Is a Dead Language.

St. Mary-or-the-Wood College, Indiana

I had taken two years of Latin in high school and that was our favorite excuse when exams were returned and we hadn't done as well as we had anticipated. I have this wonderful book now, written by Archabbot Lambert Reilly, O.S.B of St. Meinrad, IN. It's called Latin Saying for Spiritual Growth. Let me share this with you, because I have found there is Life in words in whatever language they are spoken (or not spoken...anymore.)

Cor gaudens exhilarat factem

('A joyful heart light up the face')

St. Teresa of Avila says, "Deliver us from frowning saints!" This doesn't mean that we are to be Pollyannas, blind to the harsh realities of life; but it does mean that in our hearts we know that whatever happens, the Lord is dealing with us as we should be dealt with.

When we realize that whatever we are experiencing is something to help us along the road to eternal life, we can bear it, and we can bear it in hope. That inner hope then finds its way to our countenance, and we'll live the truth that Paul expresses in Romans when he says, "We rejoice in our suffering, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope" (Romans 5:3-4).

The joy in our heart that we experience when we realize that the Lord loves us and would never leave us will reflect His light for all to see.


Thanks be to God.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


~~~Sam, the Protector~~~

At about 3:30 this morning I was awaken by sounds made by Sam. At first I thought he had just gotten stuck under the bathroom sink again or leaped up onto the hamper and tried to sit in the window sill (but forgot the window was closed). Well, that wasn't it and I couldn't even find him so I went back to bed. Then I heard the noise again and so I got out of bed again and went to the kitchen thinking he had no water or he was "batting" about the feeder because he couldn't get the food to come down. Well, that wasn't it either. About ten minutes later into the bedroom he prances with something that "squeaked". OH, my GOODNESS. Sam had caught a mouse!! No bigger that a small Jalapeno pepper, he sat there on the floor in front of the closet preparing his meal. Then he did, yes he did, he began to eat it...Well, needless to say I had to leave the room. When I returned about 20 minutes later Sam passed me in the dark hall appearing to be quite content and proud of himself. As for me, I crawled back into the bed, pulled the covers up and went back to sleep with a strange feeling of security knowing now I didn't have to set out the "winter" traps.

Oddly enough, I had seen him bear his prize moles to us so we could see and praise him for a "job well done", but I never saw him devour them. But, as he proved this morning he is more that a pretty cat or "that lazy cat". He is a valuable member of the family. He keeps us safe from "little" rodents, this Mouser Extraordinaire.

Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The Trek of the Meteorite Apprentice

A Cluster of Meteorites

I thought as I posted this picture, it almost looks neolithic. They are not beautiful or glamorous to me, but to Ron, "the earthbound astronaut" they rank up there with bars of gold bullion.

Today he begins his quest to learn how to process them for sale. You see he wants to turn his love of space and its specimens-come-to-earth into an opportunity whereby retirement, when it comes, will not bring boredom. There is a gentleman in Syracuse, NY who has cut and etched meteorites for 25 years and Ron is going there to learn the process from the master. So the truck is loaded and ready to go, and just like a kid he can hardly wait to get started.

So it is that I wish the star gazer and meteorite lover a safe journey, patience, and a continued appreciation of the wonders of God's creation along with the prayers offered for a safe return.

Then God said, "Let there be lights in the dome of the sky, to separate day from night. Let them mark the fixed times, the days and the years, and serve as luminaries in the dome of the sky to shed light upon the earth." And so it happened.
Genesis 1:14-15


Thanks be to God!!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Immunization for the flu.

The other day a young father brought in his sons for their annual flu vaccinations. Both boys, followed by Dad, walked up to me. The three year old smiled and boldly proclaimed, "This shot isn't gonna hurt!" His six year old brother, on the other hand, said, "I cried in the van on the way here." When it came time to have the injection the three year old stepped up and sat on the table, but as I approached him with the shot he squealed and began to cry loudly until I had finished. The six year old, though, sat on the table and got his injection quietly, with just the glimmer of one small tear running down his cheek.

I was really touched by this experience! You see we have a lot to learn from our children. They are very much as we are. Some of us who are bold cover our fear with a facade of bravery, consternation, and assertiveness. Others of us, admit the fear, but work none-the-less as hard as we can to overcome the fear and move onward, even if it's with one glistening tear running down our cheek. A real lesson in humility!

And again in this journey of mine, children are my best and favorite teacher.
Seek the Lord, all you humble of the earth...
Seek justice, seek humility;
perhaps you may be sheltered
on the day of the Lord's anger.
Zeph 2:3


And I bet you all thought I was going to give you a "medical hint" for the day. Well, the truth is, it wouldn't hurt you to get a flu shot if you work in the service sector or have chronic medical conditions that diminish your ability to fight off the infection.

OH, both boys were sent home with 2 (not 1) but 2 suckers.

Thanks be to GOD!

Friday, November 02, 2007

All Souls Day

Today is the day we remember, as a people of God, those "who have gone before us with the sign of Peace". My reflection today came from A Catholic Woman's Book of Days by Amy Welborn.

But he said to them, "Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here."
~Mark 16:6~

Today we remember, mourn and pray for the faithful departed. We're not the first to do this. A couple of thousand years ago, some women watched their friend and teacher die. They saw his lifeless body carried to a tomb and see the tomb sealed with a stone, separating them from their loved one forever.

Or so they thought until three days later when they found the tomb empty and heard these words: "do not be alarmed." The words came first from the angel, and then from the teacher himself--Jesus, no longer dead but alive. No longer gone but present. The call was clear: Be not afraid for death had been conquered and is no longer the end.

So today we remember, we mourn--because we are human-- and we pray. But we do so in hope no longer afraid.
Loving God, my the souls of the faithfully departed rest in peace.

And for this family of God I say,
Thanks be to God!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


The Angelus

When reading "A Nun's Life" this morning she introduced me to another blogging nun. Isn't it interesting that they are still teachers but many in this media now. I love it!!! Sr. Julie interviews Sr. Anne Flanagan, Daughter of St. Paul. Drop in for a visit. It is really interesting.

II send you this offering of the Angelus. It is really beautiful and easy to pray from Sr. Anne.

I hope you like it enough to share it with others. You all have a GREAT day.

And for you all I say,
Thanks be to God!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

A Vera Bradley Weekend

This is a tale of what can happens when one experiences a faux paux. This is the 2nd Annual Keller Girls Day Out. In other words, shopping and lunch. It all started last year when I wanted to have Kellie spend time with us "bigger" girls because she is older than her other cousins and younger than the rest of us. Last year we went to the art museum (culture), had lunch and shopped. This year we eliminated the culture and went right straight to the shopping.

And so, the Vera Bradley tale begins. We had been shopping for a while and some of us were thirsty. Marianne and Annie got fruit slushes we shared. While in one of the shop, Marianne, holding her Styrofoam cup by the bottom inadvertently pushed her fingers into the cup causing a small spill...most of which ended up in her purse. Off to the bathroom she and I went to see if there was anything to be salvaged. We cleaned off the pager and keys, and the wallet was okay. Not sure how much damage has been done to the cell phone, but the purse went into the trash.

As we were walking toward another shop Marianne spied a shop with purses in it. Well, she and I succumbed and we both bought Vera Bradley bags. Later that afternoon, we went the the Vera Bradley store at Metropolis, Plainfield, IN and Laura and Kellie both got their purses there. Cannot tell you how much fun it was, and to have an excuse (?) to purchase a Vera Bradley. Well, I guess Marianne is the only one who had an excuse, but the rest of us all had sympathy for her and had to help her feel better, right? Annie is the only one who came away unscathed as she already owns one.

Well, we did indeed have lunch. We were joined at Brinkleys by Dad, Wes and Eric. We had a wonderful lunch. And you have to know that even though they are only 3 and 4, Lindsey and Ainsley are seasoned shoppers. It was such great fun. Maybe next year the "Charlotte" Kelly can join us on this great adventure.

Oh, as an aside, there seem to be no duplications in the Vera Bradley patterns chosen so there will be no mix up at family gatherings. I understand Kelly Keller has chosen a red pattern.

And so in gratitude for his great love for us all,
I say, "Thanks be to God!!!"

Monday, October 22, 2007

Life can get so complicated...

Yesterday one of the girls in the office was a party sponsored by her husband's employer. She was riding with Jason's boss on the four-wheeler and I'm still not clear as to what happened but somehow Sarah ended up with the four-wheeler on top of her. The boss was arrested for drunken endangerment and Sarah was life lined to INDY and IU med center. Sarah went to surgery today knowing that the prognosis for her recovering the use of her legs was poor. Her spirits were high I am told but Jason is not handling any of this very well. You see I forgot to tell you...They had just returned from their honeymoon in Hawaii last weekend and they have only been married for two weeks. Who could have known what turmoil their live could be sent into when we wittnessed their marriage. I ask everyone to pray for the entire family!!! There are so many emotions that one feels at a time like this. Only God can calm the sea, and bring them safely to shore.

And so,Sarah is in surgery even as I post this. Pray heartily!!!

Thank you and Thanks be to God!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


You know, there is nothing like those childhood memories. On the Nightly New with Jim Lehrer last noc there was a segment on the Colorado Rockies and the World Series. Well, homesickness set in almost immediately!!!

Before there were the Broncos, Nuggets, or the Rockies, there was the Denver Bears! Yep! at one time or another they were the "farm club" for the Yankees (ONE of the reasons my dad was such a fan of the team--many others exist higher on the list) and the Cubs, as I remember. I remember the 4th of July and going as a family to the ball game and watching the fireworks at "Bears Stadium". It wasn't a tradition or anything like that, but when we went it seemed it was always on the 4th. I guess that is why I have enjoyed going to Otters baseball games here on the 4th because it is intimate and just plane fun.

Though I'm not sure how well they will do, I'm certainly proud they will be in The Series. So GO Rockies!!!


And for the memories I say, "Thanks be to God!"

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Today is Marianne's Birthday!!!

Must share with you one of those "God Moments". I've already shared this with Marianne, but wanted to share with all anyway. The last week was one of joy and anxiety. Joy because Jimmy came from Atlanta to visit. We had a really good visit with dinner at Rafferty's with the Laura, Roy and the Kids and then our lunch on Wednesday. Anxiety because Ron was so sick with a fever and body aches that have lasted nearly 8 days (yesterday, I think the fever finally was gone.). He's never sick and so when he is I get anxious. Ron is on the mend and all seems well today. Enough explanation!

SO, this morning after Mass, Joe, a dear gentleman who is an "institution" at St. John's, came to me and asked where my youngest daughter was. I told him Marianne's not here as often because she has moved to INDY. He simply said, "You know, I miss her." Then we hugged. He had no way of knowing how truly wonderful that gift was to me. It made me fully aware, and allowed me to recognize in this humble man that God holds us our joy, anxiety, and others of this Holy Family we have in the name of Jesus Christ!! And on her birthday, too!!! What a gift.


Thanks be to God!!!!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

The Evolution of the Our Father.

Wow!!! When I was working on my presentation for those in RCIA Inquiry Wednesday evening I found this "treasure" in the Catholic Source Book regarding the earliest English translations of the Bible to date. The book does comparisons of the "Our Father" and it is really interesting to see it evolve. My how we have grown. Just had to share it with you...(If you double click on the page it will enlarge it so you can read it.)
Thanks be to God!!!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Saints Among Us.

I was visiting Sr. Julie's blog this a.m. She was sharing her reflections on her reading of the life of St. Teresa of Avila. It is interesting how their lives were no different than mine. There was a time when I was in third or fourth grade that I had these grand ideas about martyrdom, but that is all the were...ideas. I never quite took any step to seek out the reality. Here is an excerpt of Sr. Julie's entry.

"In Chapter 1 Teresa writes of her childhood. She tells of a time when she was 7 and her brother was 11. After having read the lives of the saints, they decided that martyrdom was the quickest and easiest way to get to heaven.

We settled to go together to the country of the Moors, begging our way for the love of God, that we might be there beheaded; and our Lord, I believe, had given us courage enough, even at so tender an age, if we could have found the means to proceed; but our greatest difficulty seemed to be our father and mother.

The footnotes indicate that the two children set out on their journey but shortly after leaving they were met by one of their uncles who brought them back to their mother. Teresa herself says that she really wasn’t motivated by love of God but by the thought of quickly getting to heaven to enjoy the wonderful things she had read about!"

I remember, and often reflect on, the lives of saints. In my family, when an example of strength, truth, or an example of obedience was called for my father always guided us through a brief history of the said example. St. Catherine of Sienna and St. Francis of Assisi were often guides to me. As a child, as now, I am in awe at the Spirit and how He could change the most turbulent, seemingly sinful life into one of grace and love. I fear that since Vatican II the examples of the saints as a treasure for growth in our lives and our children have been lost to Spiderman, Superman, et. al. Mom would read books to us before bed at night about the saints, with an occasional “Winnie the Pooh”. Then came television and things seemed to change in the things the family did together. I fear my children suffered as outside influences guided us and other families in other pursuits. A real tragedy. And that I truly regret.

What I do not regret is that family is still important to my children. And because we are family, I can be sure that theirs will, in many ways, reflect the work of God and our Savior in them. I see this everyday in every way!!!
Thanks be to God!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

District Band Contest...

Waiting for the Memorial Band to perform, Neil, Ainsley and Lindsey did some art work of their own.

Much to my chagrin, my attempt at taking movies of the Memorial High School's performance at the District Band Contest Saturday was not very good. I had never used my digital camera to take extensive movies before and so did not set it up very well. There is another chance, though for me to redeem myself as the band did advance to regional competition in INDY in two weeks. In the meantime I will see if I can perfect the skill and maybe get better pictures to share with you.

We had a great time at any rate. We took Ainsley and Lindsey with us and they were a joy. They seemed to really enjoy all the band performances and Ainsley even gave a "YaHoo!" after Memorial completed its competition.

A funny aside of the afternoon came when Ainsley was standing next to me watching another of the bands perform when she broke into song herself. She had heard the song early that day before we came to pick them up for the trip...she was singing, "Bye, bye Miss American Pie, drove my Chevy to the levy but the levy was dry..." Her rendition was really very good, even if it was out of context from the band performing. She was singing it again as we left Wendy's after dinner. She said, "This is my favorite song today." Was so glad we got to share in it.

OH!! When I told the girls we needed to be still for a few minutes while I read the map so we wouldn't get lost. Lindsey said, "You mean like Grandpa did on the way to MT?" Laugh!!!!! Oh my goodness. Didn't think they would remember that but I guess Grandpa now has a legacy, at least two of his grandchildren will never forget.


Thanks Be To God!!!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Women Who Influenced Who I Am

"The Lady from Dublin"
Sketched by Wiliam Breault, S.J.

Though I can give most of the credit for this to my mother, The Aunts, and Pat, for who I am. I realized that I have overlooked a few who had a relevant impact on my life. I have not reflected of late on the religious women who also shaped who I am. It has only come to mind when I read a response on Catherine McAuley, who founded the Sisters of Mercy in Dublin on Sister Julie's blog.

My life has been visited by women in the religious life through the Sisters of St. Joseph, who taught me in 1st and 2nd grade at St. Mary's School. Then, the Sisters of Loretto for my religious education there after. But the greatest impact has come from two communities. The Sisters of Providence, in the person Sr. Dorothy Rasche whose ministry has been to the poor and those in prison. She has been a model of perseverance and quiet listening with a touch of gentle persistence.

The other community is the Sisters of Mercy. For three years of my life they taught, nurtured, and gave example to me. The school of nursing was place where the purpose, first of all, was to teach the students to care for the sick and dying. But in that education, you became immersed in the work of Christ. No one says to you "You are doing Christ's work." It is understood. Compassion, sensitivity, and love are the focus of the education. The skill could be learned. But for many of us the others had to be acquired. The innate value of human life was stressed above all. "God made us, we have value."

And so it is that I'd would personally like to thank Sr. Julie. Because of her Blog "A Nun's Life" (see The Blarney Corner) that I have been called to reflect on the wealth I have gained by these women who have touched my life.

I must also share with you a short story about how I came to find the book about Catherine McAuley's life. While on retreat at St. Meinrad last February I went into a small library on our floor and found the book The Lady from Dublin by William Breault, S.J. Knowing I could not have time to read it there I was able to find it on, yes, It's a short biography of her life and sthe trip the author takes in Dublin tracing her history. His sketches are also grand. Let me know if you wish to borrow it. Catherine was a grand lady.

Share, if you would, stories of women who have had an impact on your life as you grew and matured.


For all the Ladies in my life I say,
Thanks be to God!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Peace in the Family

Caught this picture before I left for work on Friday morning. Thought it was funny because I never see Sam and Duchess together much less in the same room. Funny, too, because when I'm gone all day long, they just might be spending more time together than I think they do. They must not like each other, you know, the cat-and-dog thing. Well, here they are and there is peace in the family.

Wow! I'm grateful for family. It is my ever present treasure. That gift from God that keeps me connected to Him. Yep! Reflecting on all in the family and the differences He has brought to this "community" by their membership in it, I can only be grateful endlessly for these blessings.


Thanks BE to GOD!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

It's That Time of the Year...

IT'S FALL! And...

For the first time in YEARS Ron and I went to a Marching Band Invitational. My how times have changed. The last time we were at a marching band event was when Wes was a sophomore in high school. I guess that would be in 1989? It was a lot of work then...but, my, it seems with the addition of sound systems, et. al. the work is multiplied.

I must tell you that I was in awe of the talent and skill of those who marched. I was struck, too, by the dedication of those who planned, choreographed, and worked (maybe "toiled" is a better word) so that the performances were presented with beauty and grace. I personally know from working with the North Knox band that this is not an easy task and though it all appears to work out front, without those behind the scenes, mainly family and friends, it just won't work. And to think that this is not the work of a few weeks, but the work of all for the entire year! For as one year ends, plans for next year have already begun. Whew!!!

I think Psalm 98 speaks to this. It is clear that there is value in "Sing[ing] a new song to the Lord" and each time, whether we are aware of it of not, we should be glad of the opportunities to witness His work again in all things. Yesterday I was able to see it and today I can rejoice in the memory.

Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth,
break into song, sing praise.
Sing praise to the Lord with the harp;
with the harp and melodious song,
With trumpets and the sound of the horn
shout with joy to the King, the Lord.
Let the sea and what fills it resound,
the world and those who dwell there.
Let the rivers clap their hands,
the mountains shout with joy,
Before the Lord who comes...

Psalm 98:3-8

Thanks be to God!!
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

One Simple Offering...

From A Catholic Woman's Book of Days, by Amy Welborn.

"Blessed are you who weep now,
for you will laugh."
~Luke 6:21~
Those images will never leave us. We sat, stunned in front of our televisions, seeing the unthinkable happen over and over again in the footage replayed and the images were seared into our souls.

One plane, then another. Still more. Buildings in flames, then, unbelievably, collapsing. A hell of flames and choking dust and debris. Worst of all, bodies falling. Our imaginations not allowing us to stop picturing the mothers clutching their babies, teachers holding fast to their young students; nor could we stop hearing the brave calls home with last words of love.

To believe that one day all this weeping could ever be overwhelmed by joy would require answering a radical and some might say bizarre, promise.

Jesus knows the weeping. And nevertheless, he promises.


Lord, today we pray for all victims of violence over the past year. We pray for peace.

Thanks be to God.

Monday, September 10, 2007

As luck would have it...

Friday noc as we were traveling to INDY my Camry stopped running. Yep, on I-70 at 9:00 p.m. with a puff of smoke and a head of steam we came to a stop along the side of the highway. I have to boast a little about our insurance company, USAA. They were right on top of it. We had a tow truck there in about 45 minutes and Wes picked us up at Ron's (AAA-rated) Repair shop. Of course, the shop was not open on Saturday so we rented a car to get home. It's not my Camry, but it did get us home.

Well, Ron spoke to someone at Ron's and he told Ron that the water pump went our and so the engine had to be replaced. So, the Camry is getting a new engine and I am going to have to do some savings adjustments as we will be dipping into our "Ireland Trip" fund to pay for it. But, the good news is that the engine comes with a 100,000 miles warranty. We have gotten such good results from the shops we have had USAA refer us to that I feel certain that this one is no different. I'd like to say we were in good hands with USAA.

GOD is GOOD...all the time. And you can call it the "luck of the Irish" if you like.


Thanks be to God!!!

Monday, September 03, 2007

The Finished Product

It is beautiful. Do you remember how awful it looked in the beginning? Well, here it is all done. Ron has worked diligently with the help of Roy to make the room look so lovely. Thanks to Laura. We had the pictures hung with her eye for structure and continuity. Today though Ron and Roy are putting in the treads for the stairs. This is much more precise then I thought it would be and of course, unlike yesterday when the weather temperature was glorious, it is hotter than Hades here today...I am so grateful for all that Ron has done. He not only removed all the wallpaper, but also painted the walls and ceiling as well. He was the one that put up all the new baseboards and moldings around all the doors...all the way down the hall. And the fruits of his labors are so beautiful. Please note all the pictures are not yet on the piano. That will require some arranging on my part.

Thanks be to God!!

Saturday, September 01, 2007


This article was in this months issue of Ligorian Magazine I found it to be a valuable lesson on what I place value. It is short and a good reflection if you are willing to take the time to reflect on what or in whom you place value. The title of the article is the "$ale-vation of Our Souls" by Father Byron Miller of New Orleans.

An economics textbook I used in college noted that money captivates people. It is the only commodity that has no value in and of itself--it will not feed, clothe, shelter, or entertain us. It has value only when we use it. . .

The wise, stammering old Benedictine monk in the best-selling book Father Joe: The Man Who Saved My Soul by Tony Hendra says, "P-p-possessions are the extension of the self, you see. . .The more possessions, the less likely will be your release from the p-p-prison. in our community, property is forbidden because it gets in the way of love and trust between its members. if every man had his own private property, the community would just be a collection of individual p-p-prisons, wouldn't it?"

Have we become a collection of individuals in prison with cable television and Internet access in each cell? The christian community know detachment from possession is the "Get Out of Jail Free" card that releases us from the imprisonment. . .Hard earned riches and even those won rather freely are worthy blessing from God. In theory, no harm comes from owning things or from the pleasure derived from their ownership.

Then why did Christ freely adopt poverty and simplicity when, as the Son of God, he could have easily chosen a more lavish lifestyle? Christ associated with those who had means, but his message called them to use their means for a greater end. The rich man in the parable is not condemned because of his wealth nor because he dressed and ate well. (See Lk 16:19-31.) When John Paul II visited New York City in October, 1979, he stressed that the rich man was condemned because he ignored the beggar, Lazarus: Christ does not condemn the mere possession of material good, but he does have harsh words for those who use their possessions selfishly without caring about their neighbor who lacks life's necessities. In essence, the Pope was saying that those who know how to detach themselves from their possessions and their power so as to put them at the service of the needy are blessed.

Christ commands us to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strenght; that we should also love with our pocketbooks is implied. The second commandment is to love others as much as we love ourselves. (See Jn 13:34.) Love of God and others becomes two side of the same coin, for when we love one another God dwells in us and God's love within us is perfected. (See 1 Jn 4:12) Those who adhere to Christ's commandment of love "are not far from the kingdom of God" (Mk 12:34). Conversely, love of mammon over God takes us away from the reign of God, as demonstrated by the young man who "went away grieving, for he had many possessions." (Mk10:22).


Enough said! Thanks be to God.

Light Reading

As I have been reading a lot this summer, and much of it thought provoking, and with Bible Study beginning in earnest again this week, I find myself rereading the book Bumping Into God By Dominic Grassi. It is thought provoking, but it is a book of individual stories that allows one to put it down and not have to read again the two pages before because you have forgotten where you were interrupted. It's personal and causes one to consider those places you have "bumped into God." So, maybe, give it a try.


In gratitude for time to read I say,
"Thanks be to GOD"

Friday, August 24, 2007

My Partner Moves On...

"May he give you the desire of your heart
and make all your plans succeed."

Psalm 20:4


Today my partner and friend, for the last 7 years, leaves to pursue her dream. Tricia will start the completion of her nursing degree. She now has to be a full-time student which means she has to leave us at the office. Tricia has become a dear friend, a prized sounding board, and companion on the journey. Tricia and I work as a team. We always know what has to be done and we do it. It is the kind of teamwork that requires no "assigned jobs". It just got done. I will soooooo miss that.

Tricia is a gifted and talented young lady with tremendous potential. She is a loving mother whose sons one day will know and realize her devotion to them. She is a wife who knows the value of compromise. All this and more, she knows and values the presence of God in her life.


And so it is with mixed feelings, Tricia, that I wish you success and know we will be seeing each other soon over breakfast to share our friendship.

Finally, I think this best describes Tricia and me.

The joy of sharing
the same sense of humor.
Separate and shared.
Yours, mine, ours.
Always there when needed
to back each other up.
One of God's best gifts.



Thanks Be to God!

Thursday, August 16, 2007


"Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you."
1 Peter 5:6-7


This verse struck me this morning as most personal. You see because of my "being" I am a worrier. I want all to be the best. I don't want unfairness. I don't want hurt or pain to inflict itself on my family and friends. Yet even KNOWING and understanding that I should give them over to God and offer up my concerns I still cling to them. I am a mother, wife, daughter, and friend who cherishes those He has given me. I want everything to be perfect! NOW.

Yes, perfection comes from years of living this life and is the reward attained by loving and living in the here and now. In turn it is gained as our heavenly reward. So I pray that the Good Lord will lift from me today those things that cause me to be anxious. And I will give my worries to him, for I know he has the strength to bear them.


And I sincerely say, Thanks be to God.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Treasure Found!

A Kitchen Prayer

May your kitchen be
warm and happy
with the lilt
of Irish laughter.
And God bless you
every day in
every way
and forever
and ever after!


I found this recipe when I finally got around to cleaning off my desk today. The Scones are very good and hope you will try them.

Irish Buttermilk Scones

8 oz. self-rising four
1 egg, beaten
pinch of salt
5 oz. buttermilk
1 oz butter or margarine
milk to glaze

(The secret: Don't overmix and be sure the oven is hot! Serves 8)
Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Sift flour with salt and using your fingers incorporate the butter or margarine until it resembles small crumbs. Make a well in the center and pour in beaten egg and buttermilk. Mix to form a soft dough, adding a little extra buttermilk if necessary. Turn out onto a floured surface and roll out to 1 inch thickness. Cut into 2 inch rounds. Brush with milk and place on a floured baking sheet. Bake for 15-20 minutes until light brown.



And thanks be to God.

A Day At the Races

"Them Boys"
Nashville, TN 2007

Yesterday was the Toyota Tundra 200 in Nashville, TN and the boys had a grand time. Jimmy came with a friend from Atlanta, Wes came from INDY and the Ackeman boys brought a friend, too. It has been said that if not for the steady wind the day would have been miserable. All in all a fun day was had by all so I am told.

As for me...I had a quiet morning and I spent the evening with Laura and Kelly. I had to get a new printer/scanner/copier so we went shopping at Best Buy. Quite a bargain I might not have found if I had gone alone. This is my test run with the scanner. What do you think. I'm having fun and we had fun last night.


Thanks be to God!!

Friday, August 10, 2007


I read an interesting reflection today by Amy Welborn regarding the verse from Numbers 12:6:

And he said, "Hear my words:
When there are prophets among you,
I the Lord make myself known to them in visions;
I speak to them in dreams."


Amy said,

"I envy people who have peaceful, soothing dreams. I don't think I've ever had a dream like that in my life. The dreams I remember are full of anxiety, usually centered on the theme of having to be somewhere or do something, with countless obstacles along the way.

Don't tell me God doesn't speak through dreams anymore. I think I can learn a lot about my own life, in reflecting on my dreams.


You see I can identify with this. I don't remember dreams...I know I have them occasionally but I can never remember them. However, there are times I know I have been spoken to by God in dreams. Most of the time I'm sure this is the only way He can get a word in...When I am asleep. You see for a number of years I had prayed for Wes' healing of his diabetes. I prayed diligently and with persistence, just as we are asked to. Well, in the middle of the night I was awakened by a dream when He said to me, "If I heal him he will die." And indeed that would be true. Don't know why I didn't see it before. Surely, if Wes were healed we wouldn't know it. He would continue to take his insulin and eventually take an overdose and die. This called me to pray for Wes in a different way. Yes, it truly came in a dream...when I would listen!!! I'm just as certain that He will come to me again when I am ready to listen.


For these times I say,

"Thanks be to God!!"

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Oh,The Miserable Heat

Fred the Frog by Ron Keller, July, 2007

I think Fred, our resident frog, has a good idea in his quest to "beat the heat"! You have to find a shady spot by a pond and then when it gets too hot, take a dip in the water.

As kids in Colorado, when it got hot we'd go out under the shade trees and sit on the blanket and play cards, read a book, and drink Kool-aid Mom made with lemonade (so we didn't get too much sugar) and tell stories. Because of water rationing there were only certain days we could water the lawn and only during certain hours of the day...usually very early in the morning or very late afternoon. That pretty much precluded the opportunity of running through the sprinkler because then it was too cool in the day.

Our basement was the coolest and the "coolest" place in the house. The card table nearly always had a jigsaw puzzle on it to be put together or the ping pong table was up so we could play. Scrabble was always the game of choice when we played games with Mom. That way we could play the game, practice spelling and learn new words at the same time.

Rita and I would play jacks together. Sitting on the cool tile floor was grand and we laughed at MY usual clumsy mistakes. She was so much better at jacks than I was.

In the evenings we would play catch with the baseball or bat around the badminton birdy. OH!! Hide and Seek after dark is the so much was playing tag!!! We didn't have fire flies in Colorado or you can only imagine how much fun I would have had chasing those!!!

I invite you all to take some time today, in all this heat,to reflect and reminisce about other hot summers and how you entertained yourself. And then if you can...take a tip from Fred! Go take a dip in the pond.


Thanks Be To God!!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Sunset Over the Colorado in Texas

Sunset over the Colorado in Texas

This was a glorious weekend. What started with anxiety and trepidation ended with a feeling of satisfaction of a job well done. Anxiety because Ron and I had never give a joint presentation before. And with the subject "stewardship" we weren't sure how we would be received. We wanted the presentation to be the work of the Holy Spirit and we hope we have succeeded. That is something we will never know.

The feeling of satisfaction came after the last presentation, not that it was successful but that we had finished the task we had been asked to do with a feeling of having done the work of the Lord. Does that sound hokey? Wasn't this is what "The Seventy-two" were asked to do? And then again we are called to do the work of the Lord everyday.
"The Summons" ( one of my favorite hymns) asks "Will you come and follow me if I but all your name? Will you go where you don't know and never be the same? Will you let my love be shown, will you let my name be known, will you let my life be grown in you and you in me?"


I think He just might have been successful with Ron and I this weekend. And to that I say,


Friday, August 03, 2007

The Hope Flowers Bring

Well, I have finally gotten used to the new internet and have just successfully uploaded my first picture, Summer and the lovely flowers. I have always admired the gardener that has a garden that blooms from Spring through Fall. The anticipation of the Spring flowers makes the winter winds seem much less threatening. And so it is that HOPE springs eternal.


Thanks be to God!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What a Grand Summer.

I have been reflecting on the grand time I have had this summer. We've been able to share time with family, first in Montana and then in Atlanta. So with the anticipation of my trip to Austin I wonder how others like to spend their "Summer Vacation"? So if you dare...share with me your favorite summer activities. Thank you.
Thanks be to God!!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Summons

Photo by Elisa Mary Pamelia

Of late, Ron and I have been working on a talk we are to give at all Masses the weekend of August 4th and 5th regarding stewardship. I have been in awe of a young lady in our parish, Elisa Mary Pamelia, who decided she would use her photographic talent to help in the purchase of Funeral Vestments, Pall, and Banner for St. John the Baptist Church. She knew she could make a difference. For nearly a year she has been selling note cards with photos of flowers she has taken to pay for this project. Elisa is a Junior at Memorial High School and has been a student of Laura's. Through her diligence she has nearly met her goal, all for the love of God. I would challenge those who think their talents and treasure won't make a difference, to reflect on this young ladie's determination, perseverance and talent. And then ask yourself, "What can I do for my church?"


"My hope is that the description of God’s love in my life will give you the freedom and the courage to discover . . . God’s love in yours.” Henri J. M. Nouwen (Here and Now, page 175)


For what we do for our church and it's people is of utmost value. No treasure is too small and everyone's talent is a gift that should be shared as a gift of God's love. Please share it!!!

Thanks be to GOD!!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

I Could Only Laugh...

This morning, as Ron was putting the "super sliders" on the bottoms of the chairs in the living room, I was trying to measure the rug so that we could get the pad for it. I was having trouble maneuvering the measuring tape and I said,"Well, Sam, could you hold this tape still?" I'll be darned if the cat didn't jump from the chair and run over and hold the end of the tape down. And people say cats are selfish and don't want to help? Truth be known, he wanted to play with the tape...batting the end around. And play we did. A little levity is a good thing and really rejuvenating!!!

I had so much energy after we played that I made a nectarine/blueberry cobbler...YUM! YUM!

And Sam took a nap!

<*> <*><*>
Thanks be to God!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Too Funny NOT to Share

Had to laugh out loud at this one this morning...Most days they aren't this funny or just over my head...I got this one!!!
Thanks be to God!

Gifts I Want to Save and Share

This morning my e-mail was full of all sorts of "treasures". I want to save them to see again and I want to share them with you, too. So I thought the best wasy to do that is to put them in "A Bit of the Blarney". Please enjoy as I did.

The Watchmaker<*>

Be with Me by Marian Jones
For friends who care and share I say, "Thanks be to God."

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

This Morning's Reflection

From Archabbot Lambert Reilly's book, Latin Sayings for Spiritual Growth, I gleaned these words.

Casus non datur. ("There is no such thing a chance") St. Thomas Aquinas
"St. Paul says, 'We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose' (Romans 8:28). Yet sometimes it is difficult to apply this to our lives.
Once my superior said to me, 'It's not good for you or the monastery for you to be stationed here presently.'
Those words hurt me and I resented my new assignment away from the monastery. However, with the passage of time I learned there was something I had to learn and would not have if I had remained in the cloister. Praise God for the exile. Now at last I can say thanks for the directive of the abbot and acknowledge the hand of God working through him.
Instead of asking why when something happens and giving voice to the atheist in us, we should ask, 'Lord, what do you want me to learn from this?' "
I must say that I have had more than one opportunity to learn from given situations. Though none seem quite as drastic as Archabbot's experience. I have found that those times of personal growth are those when I asked, "Lord, what do you want me to learn from this?" and I could witness to the lesson in my life.
Thanks be to God!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Visions of "Summer Vacation"

This morning "Grandpa" was being the "JOKER". Roy and Neil were dropping off Sarah Dog for us to watch while they spend some time in Orlando at that "theme park". Sooo, he dressed up like Clark W. Griswald and sat on the front porch with suitcase and Duchess in hand. Needless to say, we got Sarah and he was not invited to go along on the trip.
We wish the Ackerman Family, God Speed...and Hug Mickey for Grandma!!!
Thank be to God!!!

A Weekend in Atlanta

Last weekend was a perfect time to be in Atlanta. It wasn't too hot and the company was grand. Ron and I wanted to go to the High Museum of Art to see the exhibition of the Gates of Paradise by Lorenzo Ghiberti. As it turned out there were only three panels exhibited from these huge doors but they were beautiful just the same.

Then we were joined by the David Keller family minus Mom. Kelly was working on flowers for a wedding this weekend, and we got to visit with the Keller Boys of Charlotte. We had a grand time. Uncle Jimmy is a great host. There was lunch at Fuddruckers...Dinner at Cinco's and the pool and playground in between. We could not have had a better time. Thank you, Jimmy. Thanks to the Keller Clan for coming to see us there....

A fine looking group of men and one lucky woman!!

Three generations of Keller men.

The hamburgers, onion rings and FF's were great but the company was better!!!

Loved the macaroni and cheese!!!!!
For time spent together, I say, "Thanks be to God!"