Tuesday, August 31, 2010

~~Adventure Tour Express~~

Ghost Town Adventures

Buick Electra, circa 1968

Adventures were the norm when Ron and I were dating.  Ron drove a 1963 Buick Electra and a date on a Sunday would be a trip to the mountains to explore old mining towns or ghost towns.   These were places definitely off road.  This Buick had miner's soul.  As big as this car was, it never got stuck and he never let us down.  Ron said he didn't need a Jeep as long as he had "The Tank."

 Gold Dust, Colorado
May, 1968

Thickening Tank
Monarch Mill

And so we arrive at the Monarch Mill.  A mill that processed the gold mined in the hills around it.
A process of leaching the gold our of the ore was done with cyanide and so the thickening tank was used to ultimately separate the gold from the slurry.  It was nasty job.  What man will not do for gold and riches.

It is incredibly exhilarating  to walk through and around a place that was once the center of activity and innovation.  To walk where others have walked and toiled hoping that the riches of the earth would make them RICH.  Wondering about the tales these empty places could tell if only they could talk."

It has been such a genuinely thrilling journey I began on those ghost town dates so many years ago.

Thanks be to God!

Now it's your turn. Please post an adventure we can all share and then link it here for all to see.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

~Mosaic Monday~

I do love the beauty of the "Wild West!" There is so much "untamed beauty."

Thanks be to God!

Visit Mary at The Little Red House and share in the beauty offered there.   Lisa at  Macro Monday  also has much to offer.  The pictures are grand.

I would also like to remind you that Wednesday is Adventure Tour Express.  Be thinking about the adventure you would like to share on our journey together!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

~Bluberry Scones~

Ever since I had tea at the Brown Palace Hotel,
nearly three months ago now, I have wanted
to make scones.  I finally went on line to find
a recipe for blueberry scones.  (Next I will try
the buttermilk scones.)  It is not difficult and
the results are most satisfying.

I served these for breakfast this morning with
Brown Palace Crown Jewel Tea.  They were
warm and light.  Yes, comforting and

Wishing you all a wonderful

Thanks be to God!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

~Bad Haiku Friday~


Oh, the slidin' joy
When the summer wanes
And the evenings become chilled


Thanks be to God!!!

Now off with ya to Laura's Catholic Teacher's Musings.  There'll be lots more fun there.  Wishing all a grand weekend!!!

~~Tea Talk~~

Drinking a daily cup of tea will surely starve the apothecary.
~Chinese Proverb

I'm having...my favorite Lipton Blueberry and Pomegranate White Tea.

My teacup is...a plain and simple cup.

I'm feeling...rested.   The morning is cool and the air is crisp.

On my mind...gratitude for the  beginning of a new day.

A bit of Moonbeam Coriopsis  in the garden.

Wishing all a wonderful day!

Thanks be to God!

Now won't you join me and visit Ruth at Celebrate Friendship is hosting Tea Talk at her house? Share a cup of tea or a cool refreshing drink with us.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

~Adventure Tour Express~


Adventures take different turns sometimes.  We were returning from a family reunion in Colorado and a visit to my mothers in Montana when we decided to take a side trip.  We were certainly pleasantly surprised by what we saw in Mitchell, South Dakota.  The Corn Palace truly is a palace decorated with corn...It is amazing and very lovely!  It would never have occurred to me to embellish a building in this way, but it really works!

It's corn, every bit of it.

Please share with us any surprise or exciting unexpected side trips you have had.  No adventure is to mundane...Life is an adventure!!!  Link your adventure below so we can all enjoy!
Thanks be to God!

Monday, August 23, 2010

A Little Cat Humor!

I don't have a clue how he got into the sack, but Sam was perfectly happy just nesting there.  Sam provides us with a lot of humorous moments.  What does your animal do to cheer you?
For the gift of animals I say,
"Thanks be to God!"

Sunday, August 22, 2010

~~Mosaic Monday~~

The State Fair Alternative

Much to my chagrin, the State Fair adventure was rained out for us...So my Saturday took another twist.  As it turns out Annie had to go to school to work on her lesson plan for tomorrow morning.  She has  a meeting to attend and had to prepare the morning's lessons for the substitute.  We all went to see "Mommy's classroom" this year.  While the girls, Dad and Grandpa went to get Sandy from the "puppy groomer, " I stayed behind with Annie to help.  I got to color code the dominoes, sharpen the pencils, prepare a sample lesson and be in awe of her organization. 

So I missed the doughnut hamburger, deep fried twinkie,  corn dogs.  I missed the pigs and bunnies.  But Annie and I had a grand time just being together!

Thanks be to God!!

Visit Mary at The Little Red House and share in the beauty offered there.   Lisa at  Macro Monday  also has much to offer.  The pictures are grand.

I would also like to remind you that Wednesday is Adventure Tour Express.  Be thinking about the adventure you would like to share on our journey together!

Friday, August 20, 2010

~Bad Haiku Friday~

Going to the fair
The Indiana State Fair
Oh, so much to see!
You all have a grand weekend and if you have time visit Laura here and add your own "Bad Haiku."

Thanks be to God!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

~~Tea Talk~~

If you are cold, tea will warm you. 
If you are too heated, it will cool you. 
If you are depressed, it will cheer you. 
If you are excited, it will calm you.
  ~Gladstone, 1865~

I'm having...my favorite Good Earth Tea, Original

My teacup is...my plain Ireland cup.  I brewed my tea this morning in my Longaberger teapot.  Great for a hot cuppa now and then served over ice later.

I'm feeling...grateful.   We had two days of cooler weather and we could open the house and let the kind breezes enter.  I found a great new desert recipe for the crock pot and can hardly wait until I can share it at a family gathering!

On my mind...the beauty of the rainbow outside.  We got very little rain...only a sprinkle really, but just look at the gift left behind. 

Wishing all a wonderful day!

Thanks be to God!

Now won't you join me and visit Ruth at Celebrate Friendship is hosting Tea Talk at her house? Share a cup of tea or a cool refreshing drink with us.