Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas Cards

A co-worker several years ago told me she never sent Christmas cards because they were a waste of time and money. "No one keeps them," she said. "They just throw them away." Well, I had to agree that she might have been right about that.

But I had a wonderful teacher when it came to the "art" of Christmas cards. My dad's cousin, Pat, would SHOP every year for her Christmas cards. It was with loving tenderness and with great care she sought the card she was going to send each year. I remember going shopping with her once. I asked her what she looked for in a Christmas card and she said that it had to have a certain beauty that struck her as being really Christmas. "But why?" I asked. She told me she always wanted the card to be a real gift, not just a piece of paper that was sent in the mail. She said that with each card she addressed and signed she said a prayer for the friend or family. And at least once a year she had remembered them personally in her prayers, her gift to them. Well, that bowled that teenager over...

Ever since, I have tried to remember the lesson Pat taught me that Saturday so many years ago. When I work on the Christmas cards they are a labor of love, one in which I take a great deal of pleasure! I treasure this time with my family and friends and share that little prayer for them as Pat did. That's my Christmas card tradition and I love it.

I hope you love to send Christmas cards as I do. For this card is for All who visit here. God Bless you this Holy Season of Christmas.


And Thanks Be to God!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

It is so amazing and awe inspiring to witness again how the Spirit has moved the Church Fathers in the instruction of the People of God. I cannot tell you how the reading from the Letter of Saint Paul to the Ephesians really touch my heart and soul this morning at Mass. While proclaiming the Word I was struck by the eloquence of Saint Paul and how on this Holy Feast we are truly drawn securely into the Family of God. This reading is so appropriate and is a reminder of our connection to our Blessed Mother through her son Jesus. I am destined to be holy.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens, as he chose us in him, before the foundations of the world, to be holy and without blemish before him. In love he destined us for adoption to himself through Jesus Christ, in accord with the favor of his will, for the praise of the glory of his grace that he granted us in the beloved. In him we were also chosen, destined in accord with the purpose of the One who accomplishes all things according to the intention of his will, so that we might exist for the praise of his glory, we who first hoped in Christ. (Ephesians 1:3-6: 11-12)


Thanks be to God, again!!!

Friday, December 07, 2007

I Have Always Loved Playing Tag...

This has been a pretty important week for me! I feel really special. I haven't felt so important since Marianne played basketball in high school and people would come up to me and say, "You're Marianne's mother, aren't you? SHE's a very good basketball player." It is really thrilling for me to open this blog and see a comment. I get as excited as a little kid.So to receive the Emmanuel Award and then being tagged for the MEME is quite a treat...

(Picture by Mary Engelbreit)


  1. I love to play Scrabble especially with the grand kids. My mom always said it is the best way to learn to spell, learn your vocabulary, and have fun at the same time.
  2. I can be a poor sport and poor looser (but not at Scrabble) when it comes to watching Denver Bronco football. These roots are deep.
  3. Sometimes I play solitaire. That's my remedy for avoiding poor sportsmanship when the Broncos are playing.
  4. I was scared to death of dogs as a child. Now I have two.
  5. I am dyslexic when it comes to numbers. (eg. I weighed a patient today whose weight was 232 lbs, and in the computer he weighed 323 lbs. when I got through.) Luckily I have a boss with a good sense of humor and patients who know me pretty well.
  6. I graduated from St. Mary-of-the-Woods college in 1994 with a degree in gerontology at the age of 48. (To which my husband remarked, "At your age, you will be in the forefront of your field.)
  7. When I was in college, three of my children were in college at the same time.
  8. I find the greatest joy in waking in the morning knowing that I start it with a clean slate and at the end of the day see how much chalk dust there is on the eraser. Some days are better than other.
And one for good measure...I love a good cup of hot tea.

Now my journey begins to "tag" others...hoping they have not already been tagged.

Good evening to all and Thanks Be To God!!!!!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Happy St. Nicholas Day!

St. Nicholas Church, North Walsham, England, 2005

I believe the feast of St. Nicholas has been celebrated more as my children grew up than when I was growing up. Pre-Vatican II children really did not celebrate anything during Advent. At least in my family, Advent was a somber time of preparation for the celebration of the Feast of Christmas. Aside from the Advent wreath, the decorations for Christmas and gifts under the tree were not a visible in our house until after the 15th of December. So at that time the tree didn't go up until after my birthday.

Since then St. Nicholas has been celebrated by the parochial schools and in religious education classes by the visit of THE St. Nicholas who shares his story with the children.

And so it is that I offer you on this day of celebration these TWO reflections (I couldn't decide which to choose).

"The Giver of every good and perfect gift has called up us to mimic his giving, bu grace through faith, and this is not of ourselves" (St. Nicholas). IT begins by giving ourselves over to Christ's words and the Father's will. By such trust we build a house founded on the eternal Rock who is the Lord that can withstand every threat and assault. The Rock we imitate is the "strong city" we become."
Magnificat, December , 2007


The next is and offering by Amy Welborn for A Catholic Woman's Book of Days.

"But when you give alms, do not let our left hand
know what your right hand is doing, so that
your alms, may be done in secret, and your Father
who sees in secret will reward you."
~Matthew 6:3-4~

There are countless stories and legends about the deeds of St. Nicholas, a bishop of Myra, in what's now Turkey, back in the fourth century.

I suppose the most well-known is that of the dowry. A man was too poor to provide dowries for his daughters, so Bishop Nicholas found ways to get the needed funds to the family, in secret. The thing I like about the story is that Nicholas was so determined to be anonymous in his giving that for the last daughter, he supposedly dropped the bag of cash down the chimney.

It gives me something to think about. In this season of gift giving, is my heart truly centered on others or do I five in order to impress?

Loving God, I pray for a spirit of humble generosity
as I share the blessing you have showered on me.


Here is my challenge. It is easy to be reminded to give to the needy during this Holy Season as it is when we celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord. We are "joyful" givers at these time. I would ask that you consider finding a charitable organization to which you can give charitably all year, aside from the gifts you already offer to your church. Offer to send a donation to a seminary for the support of a seminarian. Give monthly to the local food pantry. Offer your services as a volunteer. Pray that the Spirit Guide you in the endeavor. Remember, we are all the Family of God! And the Family needs help All Year long.

And for these opportunities to serve I say,
Thanks be To God!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Washing Dishes...

The other night Ron and I were privileged to help serve dinner to a group of people at church. It was a special occasion of some kind. Don't know what it was for, and that is not important. What struck me about the evening was the joy I felt being with the people who were serving as well. While helping to wash the dishes (for 50 people) I was reminded of those times I was closest to my family. Those times were when we were doing the mundane, seemingly unglamorous tasks.

Every year at this time I take a great deal of pleasure in remembering family gatherings in which the most important time for me as a "female" child was to be allowed to help clear the dishes and help wash them with the Aunt and my mother. Why? Because I could hear all those wonderful tales of other family gatherings that they could weave, I'm sure embellish, (which I have NEVER been prone to do) about their childhoods and the memories they shared of past gatherings.

I learned in serving the rewards are great...even if your hands become as prunes or the dish towel is so wet is has little value in drying. The value is in the giving and the treasure you give is the one of self.

For family and friends and the privilege of serving I say,
"Thanks be to God."

Monday, December 03, 2007

Emmanuel Award

Marie and Ginny at A View From the Pews have designed a new award honoring our fellow bloggers who share the true Christmas spirit. I am so honored to have been nominated for this award by Lisa at Are We There Yet, a favorite of mine because it offers such a variety of insights in this Christ filled family. To her I say thank you for the privilege of having been nominated for this award. And in the tradition of passing on the "baton", I'd like to nominate: Veritas at Prayer, Poetry and Praise. Her ability to write with tenderness and joy, and her obvious love of God has been a tremendous gift to me and has offered many reflective moments that I otherwise would not have had the opportunity to pursue. Advent is a time of reflection, and she offers us just that! God Bless!

Marie and Ginny's explanation:

Emmanuel Award"God With Us"

In a consumer society it is a blessing to read blogs where the writer's main focus is God. Where they express their love for their faith so visibly and joyfully.

In a cynical world it is refreshing to see so many blogs which are generous, giving, who care about others and demonstrate what being a Christian is about, loving God and loving our neighbor.

Through their faith, lives and spirituality, they bring God to us, they in essence make God visible, 'God with us.'

This Award goes to all the faith filled blogs who make evident 'Emmanuel'- God with us, with Joy in their hearts.

Please share this Award with Christian blogs that focus on the real meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Savior.

And for all of you I say, "Thanks be to God!!"

Sunday, December 02, 2007

"Awaiting the Presence of Our Maker"

This reflections was written by Venerable John Henry Newman. He established the Oratory in Birmingham, England and was an eloquent preacher. It was published the this month's Magnificat.

There is another reason why God alone is happiness of our souls, to which I wish to direct attention. The contemplation of him, and nothing but it, is able fully to open and relieve the mind, to unlock, occupy, and fix our affections. We may indeed love things created with great intenseness, but such affection, when disjoined from the love of the Creator, is like a stream running in a narrow channel, impetuous, vehement, turbid. The heart runs out, as it were, only at one door; it is not an expanding of the whole man. Created natures cannot open us, or elicit the ten thousand senses which belong to us, and through which we really live. None but the presence of our Maker can enter us; for to none besides can the whole heart in all its thought and feelings be unlocked and subjected. "Behold," he says, "I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him,and him with me." "God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, and your hearts." "God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things." It is this feeling of simple and absolute confidence and communion which soothes and satisfies those to whom it is vouchsafed.


I have to remind myself all the time...endlessly, that I have to be quiet so I can "hear the knock" at the door. I fear that I might miss it. But with instruction from those like Venerable John Henry Newman, I just might be awake and alert when it counts.

Thanks be to God

Friday, November 30, 2007

The Christmas Pageant

My husband and I had been happily married for five years but hadn't been blessed with a baby. I decided to do some serious praying and promised God that if he would give us a child, I would be a perfect mother, love it with all my heart and raise it with His word as my guide.

God answered my prayers and blessed us with a son. The next year God blessed us with another son. The following year, He blessed us with yet another son. The year after that we were blessed with a daughter. My husband thought we'd been blessed right into poverty. We now had four children, and
the oldest
was only four years old.

I learned never to ask God
for anything unless I meant it. As a minister once told me, "If you pray for rain, make sure you carry an umbrella." I began reading a few verses of the Bible to the children each day as they lay in their cribs. I was off to a good start. God had entrusted me with four children and I didn't want to disappoint Him.

I tried to be patient the day the children smashed two dozen eggs on the kitchen floor searching for baby chicks. I tried to be understanding... when they started a hotel for homeless frogs in the spare bedroom, although it took me nearly two hours to catch all twenty-three frogs. When my daughter poured ketchup all over herself and rolled up in a blanket to see how it felt to be a hot dog, I tried to see the humor rather than the mess.

In spite of changing over twenty-five thousand diapers, never eating a hot meal and never sleeping for more than thirty minutes at a time, I still thank God daily for my children. While I couldn't keep my promise to be a perfect mother - I didn't even come close...I did keep my promise to raise them in the Word of God.

I knew I was missing the mark just a little when I told my daughter we were going to church to worship God, and she wanted to bring a bar of soap along to "wash up" Jesus, too. Something was lost in the translation when I explained that God gave us everlasting life, and my son thought it was generous of God to give us his "last wife."

My proudest moment came during the children's Christmas pageant. My daughter was playing Mary, two of my sons were shepherds and my youngest son was a wise man. This was their moment to shine. My five-year-old shepherd had practiced his line, "We found the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes." But he was nervous and said, "The baby was wrapped in w rinkled clothes." My four-year-old "Mary" said, "That's not 'wrinkled clothes,' silly. That's dirty, rotten clothes." A wrestling match broke out between Mary and the shepherd and was stopped by an angel, who bent her halo and lost her left wing. I slouched a little lower in my seat when Mary dropped the doll representing Baby Jesus, and it bounced down the aisle crying, "Mama-mama." Mary grabbed the doll, wrapped it back up and held it tightly as the wise men arrived. My other son stepped forward wearing a bathrobe and a paper crown, knelt at the manger and announced, "We are the three wise men, and we are bringing gifts of gold, common sense and fur." The congregation dissolved into laughter, and the pageant got a standing ovation.

I've never enjoyed a Christmas program as much as this one," laughed the pastor, wiping tears from his eyes. "For the rest of my life,I'll never hear the Christmas story with out thinking of gold, common sense and fur." "My children are my pride and my joy and my greatest blessing," I said as I dug through my purse for an aspirin.


It is with gratitude that I thank Ron's cousin, Catherine, for sending me this in the form of an email. The author is anonymous to me at this time, but she has a wonderful way of putting into words the "Life and Times of Motherhood" in a simple yet moving manner.

I recall the time two of the boys, and I'm not sure which, and it's not important anyway, first served Mass TOGETHER. As always the Kellers were sitting in the front of the church so we have no idea how the rest of the congregation was reacting. I only know that I wanted to disappear, when neither boy could decide who was going to ring the bells at consecration. The bells were rung by BOTH as they fought for superiority. The problem was easily solved after Mass when they were instructed to decide before Mass who was to ring the bells. Our children are not only a constant source of joy, but also an endless cause for humility when our PRIDE gets in the way.


Peace, Joy, and Thanks be to God!!!


Copthorne Hotel, December, 2005

My reflection this morning was so relevant to me and the Church's "beginning" of this Holy Season that I just had to share it. Again from A Catholic Woman's Book of Days by Amy Welborn.

"Now when these things begin to take place,
stand up and raise your heads, because
your redemption is drawing near."
-Luke 21:28-

When I lived in Florida, Advent and Christmas always caught me by surprise. I did, indeed, own a calendar, but there's just something about palm trees, balmy skies, and wearing shorts that conspires against that particular holiday spirit.

I don't want to be caught by surprise this year, because even though the weather here is cold, plenty of other attractions conspire to distract me. so what will I do? I'll consider the gift that the Advent season can bring me: Four weeks to contemplate what the coming of Jesus means in my life. I'll try not to sleep through it. I'll try, as Jesus tells me, to stay awake to the possibilities that the present holds.
Loving God, help me find the space to prepare
myself for this holy season of Advent.

And so to this I say,
"Amen and Thanks be to God!"

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

John Angotti - Habitat For Humanity Clip

While on the move this morning I saw a preview of the the concert coming to St. John's with John Angotti. It is such a Great Cause. I hope all who can will support this effort.

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Path of Waiting...

"The secret of waiting
is the faith of that the seed
has been planted,
that something
has begun."

Henri J. M. Nouwen, 1995

Advent is upon us and I have been reflecting on "waiting". My birthday falls in December. So waiting for me as a child was twofold. The anticipation of my birthday and then the excitement of Christmas. And when I was twelve years old the holiday was even more exciting while waiting for the birth of my youngest brother, Phil. (I secretly hoped he would be born on my birthday.) Well, even better, he was born on the 23rd so that when we came home from the Aunts where my sister, brother and I were staying, we had our own "Baby Jesus".

Then, twelve years later I gave birth to a most precious gift. Yes, I gave birth to my oldest son David, on my birthday. Needless to say I don't remember much about that day except that I had a wonderful baby boy with whom I could share the day. Anyone who has been pregnant really understands better than anyone the excitement and anxiety that accompanies all the other changes that go on in this nine months of Waiting, the advent of that birth.

That's how I see Advent. We are in prayerful anticipation of our continued rebirth as Christians. And that rebirth is in the person of Jesus Christ our Savior and his constant presence in our lives. Being reborn daily, growing in the fullness of his Light!!! We are in constant formation. Advent is a reminder. Yes, a season in which we are called again to look inward, make those changes so difficult to make, modify behavior. We are called to LOVE again and again. And why not? He loves us again and again.

Finally, Henri J. M. Nouwen says:

Waiting. . .is not passive. It involves nurturing the moment, as a mother nurtures the child that is in her womb. Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary, Simeon, and Anna were present to the moment. That is why they could hear the angel. They were alert, attentive to the voice that spoke to them and said, 'Don't be afraid. Something is happening to you. Pay attention.'


Thanks be to God!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Feast of Corpus Christi

I was reminded this morning at Mass how it is that on this Glorious Day of Celebration many are not thinking about the Kingship of the Savior. Every year in the Church's liturgical calendar this feast officially ends the year and the following Sunday we observe the beginning of the Season of Advent, that season when we anticipate the celebration of Our Lord's birth. Why is it that we do not revel in the joy of this feast? Not only have we been saved by the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we are also made co-heirs of the "kingdom" through Baptism.

St. John of the Cross writes...

The soul experiences in God as much gentleness and love as it does power and dominion and grandeur, for everything in God is one. The delight is strong; and the protection is powerful in gentleness and love, that the soul might endure the strong delight, and instead of fainting stand powerful and strong. If Ester fainted, it was because the king did not at first show himself to her favorably but as it says there, disclosed with burning eyes the furor of his heart (Est 15: 10). Yet she came to herself after he favored her, held out his scepter and touched her with it, and embraced her and told her that he was her brother and not to fear (Est 15: 11-12).

The soul no longer fears, since from henceforth the King of heaven acts in a friendly way toward it, as toward his brother and his equal. In revealing to it, in gentleness and not in furor, the might of his power and the love of his goodness, he communicates to it from his heart strength and love, going out to it from his throne, which is the soul itself, like the Bridegroom from his bridal chamber (Ps 18:6), where he was hidden and turned toward it, touching it with his scepter, and embracing it as a brother. There we find the royal garments and their fragrance, which are God's admirable virtues; there the splendor of God, which is charity; there is glittering of the precious stones of knowledge of the higher and lower substances; there the face of the Word, full of graces, which shines upon the queen, which is the soul, and clothes it in such a fashion that, transformed in these attributes of the heavenly King, it is aware of having become a queen. (Magnificat November, 2007)

And so, I think this should also be a day of grand celebration!!! But then I have always loved a party. Just knowing and understanding that like the "good thief" we too will be one day with the King in Paradise should be reason to dance, sing and praise the Lord...Party!

And in sincere gratitude I say, "Thanks be to God!!!"

Thursday, November 22, 2007

"Over the river and through the woods... Grandmother's house we go." Well, this year Grandma and Grandpa are the ones who travel. Last night we were served a glorious pre-Thanksgiving dinner with Laura, Roy, Kellie and Neil. And today we are off to Indianapolis for dinner with Marianne. Tomorrow we will be joined by Wes, Annie and the Girls for supper with Eric.

Thanksgiving Day is a wonderful time to reflect on all the things we have to be grateful for. And we do it in the presence of family and friends. Actually, everyday is thanksgiving day if we are saying grace at meals and thanking God for who we are and what we have either alone in prayer or in the assembly of others as we publicly give Him Praise and Thanksgiving.

So from the Keller house to yours, Happy Thanksgiving Day!!!

And Thanks be to God!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My harp...

I sat down with my harp this afternoon in hopes I could spend some time in practicing in preparation for Christmas. It has been since Spring since I have "plucked" its stings and so it was in desperate need of a tuning. I fear that it has been so long that I have played ( and I use the word played loosely) that my fingers got sore after about 30 min. Needless to say there needs to be more time spent at the harp. I've only had the "Baby" for two years and I love to "play at" the harp. I am much more comfortable without an audience. I guess I am pretty insecure, I really don't like to embarrass myself when I am not prepared. My repertoire is limited too, because my harp has no levers and so I can only play songs in the key of C. Not to worry...One day when I have successfully achieved some skill at the harp I will invest in the levers. Until then I'll need to do some very diligent practicing. Christmas is a great incentive to practice...I do so love the music.

Thanks Be to God!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

In Concert

To Benefit Habitat for Humanity!!!

John Angotti will be here at St. John the Baptist Church December 14 to perform in concert to benefit the area's Habitat for Humanity. Habitat has been even more evident in our lives here since the tornado of November, 2005 destroyed so many homes. They have touched us with their diligence and generosity in housing those who are without homes or lost them as a result of that tornado. More important, Habitat also give us a perfect opportunity to do the work of God in participating in His beatitudes.

I would ask that you pray for the success of this concert. Better yet, if you can be here, come and give thanks, praise, and enjoy the gifts of our God in music!!! John Angotti is a dynamic performer and a zealous "worker in the vineyard".


Thanks be to God.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Duke and Duchess of Keller

The Duke and Duchess Of Keller

The reason for this entry was initiated by my grandson, Ben, who early this week sent me an email to tell me he liked Duke and Duchess. Some 14 years ago we got Duke. He is a timid usually quite dog unless he suspects someone is invading his domain. That means barking loudly if someone strolls past our house. And his throne is at the top the stairs where he can view his "vast" dukedom. ( you should really hear the two in concert at the arrival of guests!) Duchess is only two years old and is most energetic. These two are friends and companions, yet individually they are very different. Duke really is shy. He deliberately walks away and HIDES if he thinks he will get his picture taken. He will not look at anyone with a camera. Duchess, on the other hand, will even pose for pictures.

Duke has aways, unless he was treeing a squirrel when he was younger, been content to stay indoors. Duchess finds mole and rabbit hunting, or running laps (she can turn on a dime) preferable to the quiet life.

In either case, they fun to have around. Duchess can entertain herself by playing ball alone. It is comical and yet she does so enjoy it. Duke has not lost his knack of sitting quietly next to your chair at the kitchen table waiting for his leftover dinner treat, though he doesn't seem to find any fun in his running laps any more. It seems arthritis has become his other companion.

I guess I can see in these two friends how life changes and we can grow in who we are by what they have to teach us in their aging...Lord knows I can identify with the changes.


Thanks be to God!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Always I Am Guided by the Spirit

Photo by Elisa Mary Pamelia, 2006

Yesterday I read in the blog Poetry, Prayer, and Praise a wonderful prayer for the souls in purgatory by St. Gertrude. To my surprise, this morning I opened my book of meditation for Pope John Paul II to find this . Today is the feast of "St. Gertrude, the Theologian of the Sacred Heart" and so if you will allow I will send this to you for reflection.

I wish you abundant heavenly favors in your commitment to preparing yourselves for the tasks awaiting you in life and accomplishment of good. . .a propitious occasion for living the Christian life intensely and opening the doors of your hearts to Christ.

I would particularly remind you of the great German mystic St. Gertrude (1256-1301). . .and she has rightly been described as 'the theologian of the Sacred Heart.' It is important indeed to know the personalities and spiritualities of our saints so as to be able to imitate them in the life of grace and testimony and to call upon them at moments of bewilderment and of temptation.

As St. Gertrude often recommended. I exhort you also to have always total trust in Jesus, or Redeemer and Friend, so as to be good. . .and worthy of esteem, making yourselves and those who love you happy.

I impart my blessing to all from my heart.

16 November 1983 from Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II
And to this I say, "Thanks be to God."

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Cleaning house...

As I cleaned out some folders today I came upon one of my favorite analogies. And so I share it with you. Perhaps you've already ready it, perhaps not. Whatever the case it never hurts to have a little "guidance" along the way.


Thanks be to GOD!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Living the Mysteries

As I was listening to the Gospel reading at Mass this morning (Luke 20:27-38) I began to consider how the early Church Fathers would have approached the topic of the resurrection of our bodies as they taught the neophyte, the newly Baptized. When our Lord was, as Scott Hahn puts it, given the riddle of the seven brothers and childless widow Dr. Hahn says "...God's Law wasn't given to ensure the raising up of descendants to earthly fathers. The Law was given, as Jesus explains, to make us worthy to be 'children of God'--sons and daughters born of His Resurrection. "

The following is a sermon by St. Leo the Great called Pilgrims on Earth.

Introduction: St. Leo urges us to see heaven as our true home and to live here as if we were just passing through. These are the marching orders that mystagogy gives us. We are to live in the afterglow of the Ascension and in anticipation of Jesus' coming. We proclaim in every Mass: 'Christ will come again!' and He comes to us again, in every Mass!" (Scott Hahn and Mike Aquilina)

And so, dearly beloved, let's rejoice with spiritual joy, and let's gladly give God the thanks He is due. Let us freely raise the eyes of our hearts to those heights where Christ is. Hearts that have heard the call to be lifted up must not be held down by earthly desires. Those who are made for things eternal must not be occupied with the things that perish. Those who have begun the way of truth must not become entangled in the snares of falsehood. The faithful must make their way through these temporal things, keeping in mind that they are pilgrims in the valley of the world; and, even though they find some attraction along the way, they must not sinfully embrace them. but bravely pass them by. . .

Let's resist this deadly evil and 'aim at charity' (see 1 Cor 14:1, CCD). . . By this path of love, Christ came down to us; by it, we too, may ascend to Him. And to Him, with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
Living the Mysteries
by Scott Hahn and Mike Aquilina


And so it is that we, too, must travel the road of the neophyte. For which one of us can truly say, "I have nothing more to learn. I have all the insights. I need no more instruction." It certainly is not me. And now I see that my trek "home" is just as our Lord told the Sadducees. "They can no longer die, for they are like angels; and they are the children of God because they are the ones who will rise." (Luke 20:36)


Thanks be to God! Amen!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Traveler is Home

Do you member my remark about the neolithic-looking meteorites? Sure you do... Well, Ron's home from his great adventure and has brought home some beautiful works of celestial art.

I guess from what he tells me these are rare finds and the joy is seeing what is on the inside not what is on the outside. And the privilege of the first to see the handiwork is also awe-inspiring.

This meteorite, though not apparent in this photo has what is called "an inclusion" or void in the middle. This is a picture he took of the outer edge of it.


A "slice" of another meteorite has complex geometric designs. When etched and polished I am assured it will be an even grander work of art.

And whose art might that be? I think that is easy...I only have to go back to Genesis chapter one for that answer.
All glory and praise to God who makes all things.

Thanks be to God.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Are You Ready for This?

I have been ever so careful all week not to close the back door behind me when I took out the Duchess...This morning at 5:30 a.m., for some unknown reason, I closed that very door behind me. Imagine my surprise when we tried to go back into the house!! No, we were the only ones in the neighborhood up at that hour. Yes, I had on my heavy robe and slippers. No, there is no key under a stone by the back door ( but some kind of arrangements will be made now). I did not...I repeat, I did not panic, even though the garage door opener was in my locked car outside the garage. So, I decided Duchess and I would sit on the front step until we saw a light go on in a neighbors house. But salvation came in the guise of the paper delivery man. He had a cell phone and I was able to call the Ackerman house and Roy came to unlock the front door. Whew. They live 30 minutes away, it was 43 degrees outside, but I was able to sit on the step and watch the sunrise and say my morning prayers with much gratitude in my heart and relative comfort, for though it was chilly there was no wind...God is GOOD, all the time!!!

Ron will be home tomorrow from his "adventure" and I will be truly glad...I've had about all the excitement I can take for one week...
Thanks be to God!!!!!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Latin Is a Dead Language.

St. Mary-or-the-Wood College, Indiana

I had taken two years of Latin in high school and that was our favorite excuse when exams were returned and we hadn't done as well as we had anticipated. I have this wonderful book now, written by Archabbot Lambert Reilly, O.S.B of St. Meinrad, IN. It's called Latin Saying for Spiritual Growth. Let me share this with you, because I have found there is Life in words in whatever language they are spoken (or not spoken...anymore.)

Cor gaudens exhilarat factem

('A joyful heart light up the face')

St. Teresa of Avila says, "Deliver us from frowning saints!" This doesn't mean that we are to be Pollyannas, blind to the harsh realities of life; but it does mean that in our hearts we know that whatever happens, the Lord is dealing with us as we should be dealt with.

When we realize that whatever we are experiencing is something to help us along the road to eternal life, we can bear it, and we can bear it in hope. That inner hope then finds its way to our countenance, and we'll live the truth that Paul expresses in Romans when he says, "We rejoice in our suffering, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope" (Romans 5:3-4).

The joy in our heart that we experience when we realize that the Lord loves us and would never leave us will reflect His light for all to see.


Thanks be to God.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


~~~Sam, the Protector~~~

At about 3:30 this morning I was awaken by sounds made by Sam. At first I thought he had just gotten stuck under the bathroom sink again or leaped up onto the hamper and tried to sit in the window sill (but forgot the window was closed). Well, that wasn't it and I couldn't even find him so I went back to bed. Then I heard the noise again and so I got out of bed again and went to the kitchen thinking he had no water or he was "batting" about the feeder because he couldn't get the food to come down. Well, that wasn't it either. About ten minutes later into the bedroom he prances with something that "squeaked". OH, my GOODNESS. Sam had caught a mouse!! No bigger that a small Jalapeno pepper, he sat there on the floor in front of the closet preparing his meal. Then he did, yes he did, he began to eat it...Well, needless to say I had to leave the room. When I returned about 20 minutes later Sam passed me in the dark hall appearing to be quite content and proud of himself. As for me, I crawled back into the bed, pulled the covers up and went back to sleep with a strange feeling of security knowing now I didn't have to set out the "winter" traps.

Oddly enough, I had seen him bear his prize moles to us so we could see and praise him for a "job well done", but I never saw him devour them. But, as he proved this morning he is more that a pretty cat or "that lazy cat". He is a valuable member of the family. He keeps us safe from "little" rodents, this Mouser Extraordinaire.

Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The Trek of the Meteorite Apprentice

A Cluster of Meteorites

I thought as I posted this picture, it almost looks neolithic. They are not beautiful or glamorous to me, but to Ron, "the earthbound astronaut" they rank up there with bars of gold bullion.

Today he begins his quest to learn how to process them for sale. You see he wants to turn his love of space and its specimens-come-to-earth into an opportunity whereby retirement, when it comes, will not bring boredom. There is a gentleman in Syracuse, NY who has cut and etched meteorites for 25 years and Ron is going there to learn the process from the master. So the truck is loaded and ready to go, and just like a kid he can hardly wait to get started.

So it is that I wish the star gazer and meteorite lover a safe journey, patience, and a continued appreciation of the wonders of God's creation along with the prayers offered for a safe return.

Then God said, "Let there be lights in the dome of the sky, to separate day from night. Let them mark the fixed times, the days and the years, and serve as luminaries in the dome of the sky to shed light upon the earth." And so it happened.
Genesis 1:14-15


Thanks be to God!!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Immunization for the flu.

The other day a young father brought in his sons for their annual flu vaccinations. Both boys, followed by Dad, walked up to me. The three year old smiled and boldly proclaimed, "This shot isn't gonna hurt!" His six year old brother, on the other hand, said, "I cried in the van on the way here." When it came time to have the injection the three year old stepped up and sat on the table, but as I approached him with the shot he squealed and began to cry loudly until I had finished. The six year old, though, sat on the table and got his injection quietly, with just the glimmer of one small tear running down his cheek.

I was really touched by this experience! You see we have a lot to learn from our children. They are very much as we are. Some of us who are bold cover our fear with a facade of bravery, consternation, and assertiveness. Others of us, admit the fear, but work none-the-less as hard as we can to overcome the fear and move onward, even if it's with one glistening tear running down our cheek. A real lesson in humility!

And again in this journey of mine, children are my best and favorite teacher.
Seek the Lord, all you humble of the earth...
Seek justice, seek humility;
perhaps you may be sheltered
on the day of the Lord's anger.
Zeph 2:3


And I bet you all thought I was going to give you a "medical hint" for the day. Well, the truth is, it wouldn't hurt you to get a flu shot if you work in the service sector or have chronic medical conditions that diminish your ability to fight off the infection.

OH, both boys were sent home with 2 (not 1) but 2 suckers.

Thanks be to GOD!

Friday, November 02, 2007

All Souls Day

Today is the day we remember, as a people of God, those "who have gone before us with the sign of Peace". My reflection today came from A Catholic Woman's Book of Days by Amy Welborn.

But he said to them, "Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here."
~Mark 16:6~

Today we remember, mourn and pray for the faithful departed. We're not the first to do this. A couple of thousand years ago, some women watched their friend and teacher die. They saw his lifeless body carried to a tomb and see the tomb sealed with a stone, separating them from their loved one forever.

Or so they thought until three days later when they found the tomb empty and heard these words: "do not be alarmed." The words came first from the angel, and then from the teacher himself--Jesus, no longer dead but alive. No longer gone but present. The call was clear: Be not afraid for death had been conquered and is no longer the end.

So today we remember, we mourn--because we are human-- and we pray. But we do so in hope no longer afraid.
Loving God, my the souls of the faithfully departed rest in peace.

And for this family of God I say,
Thanks be to God!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


The Angelus

When reading "A Nun's Life" this morning she introduced me to another blogging nun. Isn't it interesting that they are still teachers but many in this media now. I love it!!! Sr. Julie interviews Sr. Anne Flanagan, Daughter of St. Paul. Drop in for a visit. It is really interesting.

II send you this offering of the Angelus. It is really beautiful and easy to pray from Sr. Anne.

I hope you like it enough to share it with others. You all have a GREAT day.

And for you all I say,
Thanks be to God!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

A Vera Bradley Weekend

This is a tale of what can happens when one experiences a faux paux. This is the 2nd Annual Keller Girls Day Out. In other words, shopping and lunch. It all started last year when I wanted to have Kellie spend time with us "bigger" girls because she is older than her other cousins and younger than the rest of us. Last year we went to the art museum (culture), had lunch and shopped. This year we eliminated the culture and went right straight to the shopping.

And so, the Vera Bradley tale begins. We had been shopping for a while and some of us were thirsty. Marianne and Annie got fruit slushes we shared. While in one of the shop, Marianne, holding her Styrofoam cup by the bottom inadvertently pushed her fingers into the cup causing a small spill...most of which ended up in her purse. Off to the bathroom she and I went to see if there was anything to be salvaged. We cleaned off the pager and keys, and the wallet was okay. Not sure how much damage has been done to the cell phone, but the purse went into the trash.

As we were walking toward another shop Marianne spied a shop with purses in it. Well, she and I succumbed and we both bought Vera Bradley bags. Later that afternoon, we went the the Vera Bradley store at Metropolis, Plainfield, IN and Laura and Kellie both got their purses there. Cannot tell you how much fun it was, and to have an excuse (?) to purchase a Vera Bradley. Well, I guess Marianne is the only one who had an excuse, but the rest of us all had sympathy for her and had to help her feel better, right? Annie is the only one who came away unscathed as she already owns one.

Well, we did indeed have lunch. We were joined at Brinkleys by Dad, Wes and Eric. We had a wonderful lunch. And you have to know that even though they are only 3 and 4, Lindsey and Ainsley are seasoned shoppers. It was such great fun. Maybe next year the "Charlotte" Kelly can join us on this great adventure.

Oh, as an aside, there seem to be no duplications in the Vera Bradley patterns chosen so there will be no mix up at family gatherings. I understand Kelly Keller has chosen a red pattern.

And so in gratitude for his great love for us all,
I say, "Thanks be to God!!!"

Monday, October 22, 2007

Life can get so complicated...

Yesterday one of the girls in the office was a party sponsored by her husband's employer. She was riding with Jason's boss on the four-wheeler and I'm still not clear as to what happened but somehow Sarah ended up with the four-wheeler on top of her. The boss was arrested for drunken endangerment and Sarah was life lined to INDY and IU med center. Sarah went to surgery today knowing that the prognosis for her recovering the use of her legs was poor. Her spirits were high I am told but Jason is not handling any of this very well. You see I forgot to tell you...They had just returned from their honeymoon in Hawaii last weekend and they have only been married for two weeks. Who could have known what turmoil their live could be sent into when we wittnessed their marriage. I ask everyone to pray for the entire family!!! There are so many emotions that one feels at a time like this. Only God can calm the sea, and bring them safely to shore.

And so,Sarah is in surgery even as I post this. Pray heartily!!!

Thank you and Thanks be to God!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


You know, there is nothing like those childhood memories. On the Nightly New with Jim Lehrer last noc there was a segment on the Colorado Rockies and the World Series. Well, homesickness set in almost immediately!!!

Before there were the Broncos, Nuggets, or the Rockies, there was the Denver Bears! Yep! at one time or another they were the "farm club" for the Yankees (ONE of the reasons my dad was such a fan of the team--many others exist higher on the list) and the Cubs, as I remember. I remember the 4th of July and going as a family to the ball game and watching the fireworks at "Bears Stadium". It wasn't a tradition or anything like that, but when we went it seemed it was always on the 4th. I guess that is why I have enjoyed going to Otters baseball games here on the 4th because it is intimate and just plane fun.

Though I'm not sure how well they will do, I'm certainly proud they will be in The Series. So GO Rockies!!!


And for the memories I say, "Thanks be to God!"

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Today is Marianne's Birthday!!!

Must share with you one of those "God Moments". I've already shared this with Marianne, but wanted to share with all anyway. The last week was one of joy and anxiety. Joy because Jimmy came from Atlanta to visit. We had a really good visit with dinner at Rafferty's with the Laura, Roy and the Kids and then our lunch on Wednesday. Anxiety because Ron was so sick with a fever and body aches that have lasted nearly 8 days (yesterday, I think the fever finally was gone.). He's never sick and so when he is I get anxious. Ron is on the mend and all seems well today. Enough explanation!

SO, this morning after Mass, Joe, a dear gentleman who is an "institution" at St. John's, came to me and asked where my youngest daughter was. I told him Marianne's not here as often because she has moved to INDY. He simply said, "You know, I miss her." Then we hugged. He had no way of knowing how truly wonderful that gift was to me. It made me fully aware, and allowed me to recognize in this humble man that God holds us our joy, anxiety, and others of this Holy Family we have in the name of Jesus Christ!! And on her birthday, too!!! What a gift.


Thanks be to God!!!!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

The Evolution of the Our Father.

Wow!!! When I was working on my presentation for those in RCIA Inquiry Wednesday evening I found this "treasure" in the Catholic Source Book regarding the earliest English translations of the Bible to date. The book does comparisons of the "Our Father" and it is really interesting to see it evolve. My how we have grown. Just had to share it with you...(If you double click on the page it will enlarge it so you can read it.)
Thanks be to God!!!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Saints Among Us.

I was visiting Sr. Julie's blog this a.m. She was sharing her reflections on her reading of the life of St. Teresa of Avila. It is interesting how their lives were no different than mine. There was a time when I was in third or fourth grade that I had these grand ideas about martyrdom, but that is all the were...ideas. I never quite took any step to seek out the reality. Here is an excerpt of Sr. Julie's entry.

"In Chapter 1 Teresa writes of her childhood. She tells of a time when she was 7 and her brother was 11. After having read the lives of the saints, they decided that martyrdom was the quickest and easiest way to get to heaven.

We settled to go together to the country of the Moors, begging our way for the love of God, that we might be there beheaded; and our Lord, I believe, had given us courage enough, even at so tender an age, if we could have found the means to proceed; but our greatest difficulty seemed to be our father and mother.

The footnotes indicate that the two children set out on their journey but shortly after leaving they were met by one of their uncles who brought them back to their mother. Teresa herself says that she really wasn’t motivated by love of God but by the thought of quickly getting to heaven to enjoy the wonderful things she had read about!"

I remember, and often reflect on, the lives of saints. In my family, when an example of strength, truth, or an example of obedience was called for my father always guided us through a brief history of the said example. St. Catherine of Sienna and St. Francis of Assisi were often guides to me. As a child, as now, I am in awe at the Spirit and how He could change the most turbulent, seemingly sinful life into one of grace and love. I fear that since Vatican II the examples of the saints as a treasure for growth in our lives and our children have been lost to Spiderman, Superman, et. al. Mom would read books to us before bed at night about the saints, with an occasional “Winnie the Pooh”. Then came television and things seemed to change in the things the family did together. I fear my children suffered as outside influences guided us and other families in other pursuits. A real tragedy. And that I truly regret.

What I do not regret is that family is still important to my children. And because we are family, I can be sure that theirs will, in many ways, reflect the work of God and our Savior in them. I see this everyday in every way!!!
Thanks be to God!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

District Band Contest...

Waiting for the Memorial Band to perform, Neil, Ainsley and Lindsey did some art work of their own.

Much to my chagrin, my attempt at taking movies of the Memorial High School's performance at the District Band Contest Saturday was not very good. I had never used my digital camera to take extensive movies before and so did not set it up very well. There is another chance, though for me to redeem myself as the band did advance to regional competition in INDY in two weeks. In the meantime I will see if I can perfect the skill and maybe get better pictures to share with you.

We had a great time at any rate. We took Ainsley and Lindsey with us and they were a joy. They seemed to really enjoy all the band performances and Ainsley even gave a "YaHoo!" after Memorial completed its competition.

A funny aside of the afternoon came when Ainsley was standing next to me watching another of the bands perform when she broke into song herself. She had heard the song early that day before we came to pick them up for the trip...she was singing, "Bye, bye Miss American Pie, drove my Chevy to the levy but the levy was dry..." Her rendition was really very good, even if it was out of context from the band performing. She was singing it again as we left Wendy's after dinner. She said, "This is my favorite song today." Was so glad we got to share in it.

OH!! When I told the girls we needed to be still for a few minutes while I read the map so we wouldn't get lost. Lindsey said, "You mean like Grandpa did on the way to MT?" Laugh!!!!! Oh my goodness. Didn't think they would remember that but I guess Grandpa now has a legacy, at least two of his grandchildren will never forget.


Thanks Be To God!!!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Women Who Influenced Who I Am

"The Lady from Dublin"
Sketched by Wiliam Breault, S.J.

Though I can give most of the credit for this to my mother, The Aunts, and Pat, for who I am. I realized that I have overlooked a few who had a relevant impact on my life. I have not reflected of late on the religious women who also shaped who I am. It has only come to mind when I read a response on Catherine McAuley, who founded the Sisters of Mercy in Dublin on Sister Julie's blog.

My life has been visited by women in the religious life through the Sisters of St. Joseph, who taught me in 1st and 2nd grade at St. Mary's School. Then, the Sisters of Loretto for my religious education there after. But the greatest impact has come from two communities. The Sisters of Providence, in the person Sr. Dorothy Rasche whose ministry has been to the poor and those in prison. She has been a model of perseverance and quiet listening with a touch of gentle persistence.

The other community is the Sisters of Mercy. For three years of my life they taught, nurtured, and gave example to me. The school of nursing was place where the purpose, first of all, was to teach the students to care for the sick and dying. But in that education, you became immersed in the work of Christ. No one says to you "You are doing Christ's work." It is understood. Compassion, sensitivity, and love are the focus of the education. The skill could be learned. But for many of us the others had to be acquired. The innate value of human life was stressed above all. "God made us, we have value."

And so it is that I'd would personally like to thank Sr. Julie. Because of her Blog "A Nun's Life" (see The Blarney Corner) that I have been called to reflect on the wealth I have gained by these women who have touched my life.

I must also share with you a short story about how I came to find the book about Catherine McAuley's life. While on retreat at St. Meinrad last February I went into a small library on our floor and found the book The Lady from Dublin by William Breault, S.J. Knowing I could not have time to read it there I was able to find it on, yes, It's a short biography of her life and sthe trip the author takes in Dublin tracing her history. His sketches are also grand. Let me know if you wish to borrow it. Catherine was a grand lady.

Share, if you would, stories of women who have had an impact on your life as you grew and matured.


For all the Ladies in my life I say,
Thanks be to God!!!