Monday, October 05, 2009

The Simple Women's Daybook

Weekends of late have been grand and glorious. Fall colors are showing and the glory of the rose is still apparent in the garden. The Mums are in bloom and the Cardinal is roosting in the Burning Bush. Oh my, what a fresh breeze is blowing.

~~Outside my is early, but the mother cardinal is flitting about.

~~I am thinking...Will wee Daniel be born this week?

~~I am thankful for...challenges that keep me alert and open to change.

~~From the kitchen...leftovers. They are good at times.

~~I am long-sleeved nightgown.

~~I am creating...nothing special. Only continuing to work on my x-stitch project.

~~I am meet with Sr. Dorothy this Wednesday for spiritual direction.

~~I am reading...A Call To Joy by Matthew Kelly. I have read others of his but this is the first.
~~I am hoping...the weather continues to be so glorious.

~~I am hearing...Duchess barking.

~~Around the house...the gardens need pruning in preparation for winter, but when to do it?

~~One of my favorite things...grouping on Tuesday night! A time to gather and pray with friends.

~~A few plans for the rest of the week: 1) Work on my vacation journal (still);2) write my reflections for spiritual direction with Sr. Dorothy, and 3) Read the Bible Study lesson for Thursday,

~~Here is picture thought I am sharing...

After you visit here please visit Peggy at The Simple Woman and journey along the path of life we all share. It will always be a journey worth sharing!

Thanks be to God!

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Your Age by Chocolate Math


This is pretty neat.
It takes less than a minute .
Work this out as you read
Be sure you don't read the bottom until you've worked it out!
This is not one of those waste of time things, it's fun.

1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to have chocolate (more than once but less than 10)

2. Multiply this number by 2 (just to be bold)

3. Add 5

4. Multiply it by 50 -- I'll wait while you get the calculator

5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1759...
If you haven't, add 1758

6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.

You should have a three digit number

The first digit of this was your original number (i.e., how many times you want to have chocolate each week).

The next two numbers are

YOUR AGE! (Oh YES, it is!!!!!)


Chocolate Calculator.


My Mom has done it again. The game/puzzle lady
sent this to me. I know some of you have already
seen this but it is fun all the same. And who can
deny the beautiful choco-pics?

Have a grand Sunday and
Thanks be to God!!!

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Feast of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin

Art by Kim Harmless

Today is the feast of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin. Canonized in October, 2006, she is foundress of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana.

So today I would offer these words of Saint Mother Theodore as I anticipate becoming an Associate of the Sisters of Providence in November.

"Do not give way to
uneasiness about the future.
Put yourself gently into the
hands of Providence."

Thanks be to God!

Friday, October 02, 2009

Bad Haiku Friday

Humble is the heart
That never quite gets is right
But keeps on trying.

Image of Saint Therese
Brother Claude Lane, O.S.B.

On this feast of my patron saint, Saint Therese of Lisieux I would offer these words of hers for reflection.

It seems to me that if a little flower could speak, it would tell simply what God has done for it without trying to hide its blessing. It would not say, under the pretext of a false humility it is not beautiful or without perfume, that the sun had taken away its [splendor] and the storm has broken its stem when it know that all this is untrue.

I often reflect on the gift of humility and find that being truly humble is one of life's most difficult tasks. Humility requires of us honesty and acceptance of who we are. We must try to know ourselves. It is so hard to look inward, because some days it is not a pleasant sight. It becomes a sight we try to avoid. Well, take a look! Yes, there are flaws! But the beauty in the flaws is that even in them there is a love so powerful that when we accept it we too can see the signs of perfection there because God made us! And that is why He loves us!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thanks be to God!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Picture Puzzle Day

Click to Mix and Solve
Sunset, December 2008
Sunsets are glorious gifts from God. A time of day to reflect on the way you have progressed in this earthly journey. A time to see the challenges and gifts for what they are, an opportunity to grow in the love of God. The sunset becomes a beautiful cloak to be warn as we rest in the arms of our loving Father.
Thanks be to God!

Here is the link to JigZone so you can create and submit your puzzle. And Mr. Linky is available below for you convenience so we can enjoy your puzzle.

You are invited to leave a comment, too. Please join in the fun!!! I can hardly wait to put YOUR puzzles together!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Music In Prayer

High Museum
Atlanta, GA
April, 2007

St. Augustine once said, "that a song sung, is a prayer prayed twice." So even when I am humming a song I am often reminded that I am, indeed praying the words as they run through my mind. Consider there are 150 Psalms. Early Christians recited them daily. Hear the Gregorian Chant during prayer. Music is centering. Music is harmony and discord. Music is life.

I reflected on these words by Archabbot Lambert Reilly, O.S.B. from his book Latin Sayings for Spiritual Growth.

Cantare amantis est
("To sing is characteristic of the lover")
St. Augustine

When one is in love one can't stand still and keep quiet. One must speak to the beloved. One must speak of him. And sometimes, filled with the love that is too much for words, one must sing.

The Psalms are our love songs to God. Some are attributed to King David, others to unknown figures, all of whom bring forth tin their songs all the sentiments, emotions, feelings, and desires that anyone who knows love is able to experience.

It is the Spirit who inspires the lover and it is the lover who sings the glorious dependence on the Lord God in the Psalms, the prayer book of the Holy spirit.

But I will sing of thy might;
I will sing aloud of the steadfast
love in the morning.
For thou has been to me a
fortress and a refuge in the
day of my distress.
O my Strength, I will sing praises
to thee, for thou, O God, art
my fortress, the God who shows
me steadfast love.
~Psalm 59:16-17~

So it is as a lover of God, one's music becomes a gentle offering of prayer. Voices lifted in praise, thanksgiving, petition and repentance, like incense, rise to heaven as an offering to the Almighty God! Whether gifted in voice and music or not, one should not be restrained from offering this gift. And so I say to one and all, "SING!!!"

Thanks be to God!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Grand Weekend of Celebration

Click here to view these pictures larger

Yet another great weekend here for the Keller Family. After we worked at Mother Teresa's Treasures we met Wes, Roy, Neil, Ainsley, and Lindsey at the Evansville Museum for Astronomy Day. The kids got to see some of Grandpa's meteorites on display and then it was out to dinner at Hacienda.

This morning we celebrated with Kellie as she made her Confirmation. What a joy!! I had to delete some pictures because they were blurred. Sometimes it's hard to take a good picture through the tears of joy! Later we gathered at the Ackerman house for a traditional Grandy's buffet and wonderful cake and cupcakes.

What a wonderful day!!!
Thanks be to God!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

GoD And DoG by WJ Francisco

Just had to share this. It was sent to me by Emily and I cannot thank her enough for this. It is so tender. Please enjoy!

This will be a busy weekend as Wes, Annie and the girls will be here for Kellie's Confirmation on Sunday. It is so exciting to celebrate your oldest granddaughter's special day!

Wishing you all a grand and glorious weekend!


Thanks be to God!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

When I was awakened in th middle of the night because I couldn't find my feet, this poem came to mind.

Sam's on the bed
Duchess is on the floor
The breeze is blowing
Cool and fair.

The pitter pat of rain
Can be heard on pane
The cat and the dog

Oh, what a wonderful life! Wishing you all a grand day!

Thanks be to God!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Picture Puzzle Day

Click to Mix and Solve
I do so love an Autumn Rose. By the end of summer they have sturdy stems and have a proud bearing. We prune them back and then next spring we start all over again. the cycle of life has such grace and beauty!
Thanks be to God

Here is the link to JigZone so you can create and submit your puzzle. And Mr. Linky is available below for you convenience so we can enjoy your puzzle.

You are invited to leave a comment, too. Please join in the fun!!! I can hardly wait to put your puzzles together!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Extreme Humility

Last night I was brought to humility again. Yes, my pride got in the way and I tripped over it.

I was a meeting of the team for Christ Renews His Parish. The meeting was nearly over. We had gone over the menu, discussed timing and for some unknown reason (Known only to God) I reread the letter I had posted on Sunday to those who would be participating. I had patted myself on the back for doing it so well, and I was so pleased with myself that I just had to boast about it earlier. Well, imagine my chagrin when I read the dates and they were incorrect!!!!!

Everyone was so kind, understanding, really compassionate. I was sooooo HUMILIATED!!!! Yes, a lesson to be learned again!!! I have been grounded. And God is good. It isn't something that cannot be fixed. The new letters are ready and will be posted this morning on my way to work!!!!!

To all on the committee I wish to say!!!! Thank you for your love and understanding!!! Even today's quote was meant for me. God is GOOD!

Thanks be to God!

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Simple Women's Daybook

I had such a wonderful weekend that I just wanted to share it with you all. After you visit here please visit Peggy at The Simple Woman and journey along the path of life we all share.

~~Outside my is dark, but cool.

~~I am thinking...what a week of anticipation this will be.

~~I am thankful best friend and husband, Ron. We had such a wonderful date Saturday night. I'm still smiling.

~~From the kitchen...homemade chili in the crockpot. Did I say I really love to cook in it?

~~I am wearing...robe and nightgown.

~~I am creating...prayer card for Kellie's Confirmation on Sunday.

~~I am get ready for the family gathering this weekend here in Evansville

~~I am reading...(continue) The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri J. M. Nouwen.

~~I am hoping...the weather continues to be so glorious.

~~I am hearing...mostly quiet with occasional cricket. It is lovely.

~~Around the house...dust bunnies are growing and spider webs and being created, so dusting is in order.

~~One of my favorite watch NCIS and the new season starts on Tuesday!

~~A few plans for the rest of the week: 1) Work on my vacation journal;2) prepare for the arrival of Wes, Annie and the girls on Friday noc; 3) Work at Mother Teresa's Treasures on Saturday, 4) Attend meeting of Adult Formation at church; 5) Bible Study on Thursday, 6) and most importantly attend Kellie's Confirmation on Sunday.

~~Here is picture thought I am sharing...
God' Eye
North Posey High School
September 19, 2009

Thanks be to God!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I especially like this quote because wondering leads us to many things. If we wonder that means we are alive. If we wonder, we are still inquisitive. If we wonder, we can still be awed by what we realize. If we wonder, we are still interested in all that intimately touches our lives.

So today I wonder:

1) Will it rain?

2) When will baby Daniel make his entrance into this glorious world?

3) Why do dogs bark and do they understand each other when they do?

4) How do potters have the skill of creating a pot?

5) What in the brain allows someone to create a computer program that I am missing?

I wonder about these things and others. I often wonder what skill it is that I have and have overlooked or have let lay fallow and not used. What do you wonder about?

Have a grand weekend!!!


Thanks be to God!!!

Oh!! Thank you is in order!! I received the Silly Goose Award from MightyMom at My Wonderful Life for my entry on her Thesaurus Thursday offering. Visit! Give it a try! It was great fun!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Bad Haiku Friday

The popcorn is apoppin'
The bonfire is ablazin'
Autumn's at the door.


Thanks be to God!

Picture byFunkenfeuer / End-of-winter Bonfire

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Picture Puzzle Day

Click to Mix and Solve
Lake Tahoe, 2009

We were fortunate to be out on a boat with Tom and Kathleen and their friends, Frank and Kay. Lake Tahoe is a beautiful lake. It's clear and blue and BIG. We saw so many wonderful things.that day. It is so wonderful when you can see the work of the Creator on every turn. There were wonderful beaches, glorious trees, ducks and gulls, a gorgeous BLUE sky, and mountains. A grand time was had by all! And yes, even with sun screen I got sunburned...DRAT!

Here is the link to JigZone so you can create and submit your puzzle. And Mr. Linky is available below for your convenience. Please leave a comment and join in the fun!!! I can hardly wait to put your puzzles together! Remember you can change the number of pieces you wish to put together.
Thanks be to God!