Monday, November 10, 2008

The Simple Women's Daybook

This is the second week in a row! This may not happen too often, but I think this is the first time I've actually done consecutive "Daybooks". After you visit here please visit Peggy at The Simple Woman and journey along the path of life we all share.

1. Outside my window...there seems to be the makings of a cold, but sunny day.

2. I'm really does seem like fall. Brrrrrr!

3. I'm thankful for...a glorious weekend in which I had time to spend with Laura, Kellie and Marianne.

4. I'm wearing... robe and slippers. (Yes, the very same.)

5. From the Kitchen...Baked macaroni and cheese for dinner.

6. I am next lesson for RCIA Wednesday night. (Actually, it's written, I'm just editing.)

7. I am reading...A mystery, The Missing Madonna by Sister Carol Anne O'Marie. I just discovered her and it's fun reading. (I just discovered the author...)

8 . I'm hoping...that this week will be quiet and uneventful.

9. I am hearing...the leaves falling to the ground as I walk outside with Duchess.

10. Around the house...The leaves have finally carpeted the yard and now it's time to mulch. And there is "glitter" on the grass this morning.

11. Few plans for the rest of the week...Spiritual Direction with Fr. Gene, get my annual mammogram (have you gotten yours?), give my RCIA presentation, and complete Bible Study. (OOPS! #6 is already out dated!)

12. One of my favorite things is...doing counted cross stitch and have had a few minutes to do that lately.

13. Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

Family at Beni Hana.
It was such fun and
food was so good.

Thanks be to God!

Saturday, November 08, 2008

What's My Line?

I had my first meeting with Sr. Dorothy on Wednesday. We meet once a month as companions on the journey in my discernment in becoming a Provident Associate. This month's topic for discussion was "The Story." I read the story of St. Mother Theodore Gueren and the Sisters of Providence. Then I was asked to write my "story." And so I did.

Sr. and I met for lunch and then discussion. She asked me to read the story, instead of reading it herself. I thought I was being cute when I titled it "What's My Line?" after the old TV show of the 50's and 60's. Well, it soon became apparent that what I had written was not as humorous has I had tried to make it out to be. When I really "heard" the words I wrote, I couldn't hold back the tears. They flowed freely. After a bit she asked me why I thought I was crying. And as I reflected I told her it seemed I was crying because I missed the people and times I have already lived. Though not always perfect and without some ordeal, they were not bad times and the people who are now gone were good and had a profound impact on my life. They help mold me into who I am. They are the one's who lead me and guided in my faith. They loved me and cared not just for my physical well-being but also my spiritual health. It was truly a growing experience and I learned that my story really is important, if to no one but me.

Taking time to write your story is a worthwhile endeavor. It's not important that it be an in depth memoir. Certainly after the initial attempt you might want to write an autobiography. It's a worthwhile endeavor because it opens your soul and mind. It allows you to see the value in your life and how other have molded you into the person you are. Think about it and then do it.

On that note, because I see this as a gift to ME, I would direct you to the story Sojourner has to tell about her incredible life at A Journey Through His Garden. Please visit and read her essay. Thank you!

Thanks be to God!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Premio Dardos

I'm privileged to have been awarded this award by Marie at View From The Pews and Esther at A Catholic Mom in Hawaii. To them I offer my sincere thanks, for these are two grand ladies. This award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his/her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary and personal values every day. Both Blogs truly exemplify these values!

The rules to follow are :1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person that has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to other 15 blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment.
Remember to contact each of them to let them know they have been chosen for this award. (Sorry, but I may not have the time to do this).

This is the difficult part. Not giving 15 but finding 15 who have not already been gifted with this award. So, I will do my best.

This I Do
Made for Joy
Eileen on Him...At least I try!
Unexpected Journey
Tea Time With Melody
Musing at 85
Are We There Yet
Christ's Rose
The Dutchess
~~A Trucker's Wife~~
A Catholic Notebook
Decrease to Increase

Congratulations to you all!

Thanks be to God for both Marie and Esther. And Easter
who earlier granted me the Hot Blog Award I also
say Thank You! I credited her sister Esther for
that one...I have found "humility" to be my friend
and companion this week.

Again!!! Thanks be to God!!!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Give this heart to everyone you care about including me if you care. Try to collect 5. Its not easy. I may not be the most important person in your LIFE. I just hope that when you hear my name you smile and say, THAT'S MY FRIEND!

Know that for all of you I say,
"Thanks be to God!"

Monday, November 03, 2008

The road to recovery is sublime...

As the sun was going down this evening on my way home from work, I noticed the glow of the trees in all their glory. It seemed their color alone could light the way. That, the Glory of God.

Tonight as Duchess and I went outside for a few minutes while she sniffed the fresh air and scouted the back yard, rising was not only the moon, but also Venus and Jupiter. That, the Glory of God!

Healing has come. The throat is less sore and the cough less frequent. Today the beginning of antibiotic therapy. That, the Glory of God.


Thanks be to God!!!

A Simple Woman's Daybook

While it's been a while since I've done this I do visit those who contribute. So after you visit here please visit Peggy at The Simple Woman and journey along the path of life we all share.

So I begin.

1. I'm thinking...the trees still are in all their glory. God is allowing us to appreciate them a little longer this year..

2. From the Kitchen...and this morning it's hot oatmeal.

3. I am creating...and have nearly completed my presentation for RCIA Wednesday night.

4. I'm wearing... robe and slippers. (Some things never change.)

5. I am reading..."The Words we Pray" by Amy Welborn, again.

6. I'm hoping...I'm completely over this sore throat by Wednesday and tha I don't sound like an old fog horn. It is still sore and the cough is such a nuisance.

7. I am hearing...Duchess, the dog, snoring.

8. Around the house...There are signs that Thanksgiving is just around the corner.

9. Few plans for the rest of the week...Get it readiness for my 1st meeting with Sister Dorothy and we journey the road to my becoming a Providence associate.

10. One of my favorite things is...the color of trees this time of year tha remind me that they are again preparing for a new resurrection in the Spring.

11. Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

Thanks be to God

Sunday, November 02, 2008

China Little Flower

This letter from Shannon at China Little Flower is just a reminder to all that we are entrusted with the care and nourishment of souls that cross our paths. In this month in which we give thanks for all our blessing. Please take time to investigate how you can personally become involved in the lives of those in most need. God will be good to you just as he has always been.

I received this gift from Esther. I am pleased she thinks this blog is HOT. So, I will pass it on to some other Hot Blogs. Thank you Esther!!!

1. Mike at This I Do
2. Angie at Sonflower
3. Joy at Norwich Daily Photo
4. Tracy at A Catholic Mom in Minnesota


Thanks be to God!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

A reason be to QUIET...

Well, wouldn't you know? The Feast of Saint Blase isn't until February 3. Can't remember the last time I had a sore throat like this. It feels like I had my tonsils removed all over again...Dr. Kris said the best thing to do is just rest my voice for the weekend as I have had this for about 4 days now and being quiet would help. (A boss's gentle way of saying,"Be still.") The cough medicine worked now if only the honey and lemon would do their part...

You all have a restful, holy weekend and perhaps by the time I am due to lector tomorrow, all will be "well."

Thanks be to God!!!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Bad Haiku Friday


It is a quandary
It's a mystery to me
Why some can't comment.

Of late I've gotten emails from friends, long-time blogging friends who tell me they are unable to leave a comment on my blog. I got another yesterday. I've worked again on the settings and tried to figure out why some can and others seem to have difficulty. As a system's check, would you just say, "Hi"? This boggles the mind, of which I seem to be missing the technical part. Thank you!

Thanks be to God!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Prayer

The topic this week...Prayer. There is much to learn and be taught about prayer. Interestingly, there is a lot written about prayer. So, while I have the chance, in preparation for my presentation I though I would share my wanderings with you.

In Catholicism for Dummies I found this.

We Are Family

In the Bible, a mother begged Jesus to drive a demon our of her daughter (Mark 7:25-30). The Church maintains that Jesus, being God and man, already knew that the daughter was plagued by a demon, so he didn't need the mother to tell him. But he allow and permitted the mother to get involved and ask for help on behalf fo her child.

Likewise, the Church believes that Jesus doesn't need the saints to tell him anything but he permits people to ask the saints to ask him for help. Why? Because humankind is all one family, all made in the image and likeness of God, all children of God, and all brothers and sisters in Christ, with Jesus being the brother. And the dead who should are with God are still part of the family of humankind and still connected to all on earth.

On the eve of a weekend when All Saints are honored and All Souls prayed for I offer this as reflection on Prayer. Wishing you all peace of mind and love of the Savior through prayer.

I would also ask for YOUR intercessory prayer for Evelyn Bethel, the is the mother of my friend Karen, as she undergoes surgery today to repair a broken hip. May God the Father , the Son and Holy Spirit be with them all especially the surgeons who perform the surgery!


Thanks be to God

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Nearly Did It...

Yes I did. I set up another blog. Called it the Road to Providence. Worked on all the colors, fonts, gave it a "look". Then logic prevailed. (Anyone who knows me knows that that is not always the case. Usually it's emotions before logic) What in the world was I doing? I have difficulty managing this blog. What would I do with two? So I have decided if I wanted to share with you anything about my journey to becoming an associate of the Sisters of Providence I would use "Road to Providence" in the Title above...Certainly made sense to me!


Thanks be to GOD!!!

OH!!!! Stop by A Catholic Mom in Minnesota today. She has a great list of Truths for "After the Election."

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Power Prayer

Next week the topic for RCIA is prayer. I'll be presenting the lesson. It is interesting, just as I was about to begin, that I was guided to this particular homily by St. Clement of Alexandria in the book Living the Mysteries: A Guide for Unfinished Christians by Scott Hahn and Mike Aquilina. I must say that I am not really comfortable witnessing about prayer or even explaining what it is, as sometimes I'm not sure I can even say I know how to pray. This is a gift, I know, for why else would I be given this challenge. With all those who daily pray, how do you teach someone to pray, or even adequately explain what praying is?

Well, here is a partial answer given to the neophytes entrusted to St. Clement.

The Power of Prayer

Prayer doen't change God. He is enchanging and unchangeable. But it does change us, making us more like Him, and thus more able to accept His will, whatever it may be. Prayer makes us radiate goodness.

On the face of Moses there settles a kind of glorified hue, because of his righteous conduct and his constant conversation with God who spoke to him. So, too, a divine power of goodness clings to the righteous soul in contemplation, in prophecy, and in the act of governing. It impresses on the soul a kind of intellectual radiance, like a ray of the sun, as a visible sight of righteousness. It unites the soul with light, through unbroken love, which is God-bearing and borne by God. This is how someone who knows God grows in likeness to God the Savior, as far as human nature may, since he becomes perfect "as your heavenly Father is perfect"(Mt 4:48).

There follows these instructions by the authors.
Take It to Prayer

A divine power of goodness clings to the righteous soul in contemplation.

"If. . .the Israelites could not look at Moses' face because of its brightness, fading as this was, will not the dispensation of the Spirit be attended with greater Splendor?" (2 Cor 3:7-8). "All of us, gazing with unveiled face on the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image of glory to glory" (2 Cor 3:18 NAB).

Apply It to Your Life

Schedule Time for prayer each day. Make it the most important appointment on your calendar. Stick to it.

And so there you have it. A short lesson in prayer. I'm still struggling with my prayer life. I don't know how to listen. My prayer is "Teach me to be QUIET!" Now I also pray that in the next several days the Holy Spirit will guide me to a lesson that will aid those who are seeking answers might be encouraged to amplify their prayer life.

Pray for ME!

Thanks be to God!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Little Light Humor...

A friend sent this to me and I laughed out loud! Please enjoy Emily's contribution to today's A Bit of the Blarney! (Please feel free to substitute brunette, redhead, or gray hair for the coworker. )

Sick Leave

I urgently needed a few days off work, but I knew the Boss would not allow me to take leave. I thought that maybe if I acted 'Crazy' he would tell me to take a few days off. So, I hung upside-down from the ceiling and made funny noises. My co-worker (who's blonde) asked me what I was doing. I told her that I was pretending to be a light bulb, so that the Boss might think I was 'Crazy' and give me a few days off . A few minutes later the Boss came into the office and asked, 'What on earth are you doing?'

I told him I was a light bulb .

He said, 'You are clearly stressed out. Go home and recuperate for a couple of days.'

I jumped down and walked out of the office.

When my co-worker (the blonde) followed me, the Boss asked her,'And where do you think you're going?! '

She said, 'I'm going home too. I can't work in the dark .'


Thanks be to God!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Who Are the Poor?

Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
September, 2007

It is clear to me that we all are being called in one way or another to help the poor. As the ranks of the unemployed grow, as many have lost their homes, and those who need health care have difficulty affording it, I ask what am I to do? Where should I go to help?

Henri J. M. Nouwen in the book Bread for the Journey offers some assistance.

Going to the Margins of the Church

Those who are marginal in the world are central in the Church, and that is how it is supposed to be! Thus we are called as members of the church to keep going to the margins of our society. The homeless, the starving, parentless children, people with AIDS, or emotionally disturbed brothers and sisters--they require our first attention.

We can trust that when we reach out with all our energy to the margins of our society we will discover that petty disagreements, fruitless debates, and paralyzing rivalries will recede and gradually vanish. The Church will always be renewed when our attention shifts from ourselves to those who need our care. The blessing of Jesus always comes to us through the poor. The most remarkable experience of those who work with the poor is that, in the end the poor give more than they receive. They give food to us.

In other words I cannot be complacent. I cannot be idle. I have an obligation to care for the poor wherever I find them. Working in conjunction with the Church I should be able to be of some use.

Praying the Holy Spirit will guide me in the direction that I can be of most use. Pray for me!


Thanks be to God

Bad Haiku Friday

Good morning, I rise.
The sun is not shining, but...
It's raining outside!


Have a great day
Thanks Be to God!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Charity begins at home...

INDY at Sunrise
October, 2008

I am privileged to live in a place that has exquisite beauty. You live in a place wherever that may be with its own exquisite beauty. Why? Because God made it for our pleasure. Still there are those who live where we do who may not see this privilege because they only see the poverty and feel the hunger. They suffer from pain and no way to ease it. We are called to love. This is not a choice for those who claim Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We are not to spend our lives taking. We are to spend our lives giving. Why? Because he gave His ALL for us.

So please listen to the words of wisdom offered by Archabbot Lambert Reilly, O.S.B. in his book Latin Saying for Spiritual Growth.

Caritas prima sibi
("Charity is first to itself.")
John Wycliffe


Where does love begin?

The Scriptures offers the answer, simple and profound: "God is love" (1John 4:8).

God is the source of love. God's love surrounds us from our beginnings, offering us an embrace we are free to accept or reject, filling us with a peace we are free to keep for ourselves and to share.

And what then? God loves us, so whom must we love?

It's not enough to love in general or to profess love for people we never meet. We're called to love people, as they are unique and specific brothers and sisters.

The only place to begin, then is with those around us, as the common translation of this saying instructs: "Charity begins at home."

As with every other virtue, love takes practice. We learn how to love by taking small steps of kindness and sacrifice right where we are, with those closest to us. At home we develop this habit of love, so when we walk out the door into the business of our daily live, we bring God's love wherever we are and to whomever we chance to meet that day.


Why this call to love, yet again. It should be a constant call for us privileged enough to have the capacity to GIVE. Today I have heard that food pantries everywhere are having a difficult time feed the poor. It will only get worse before it gets better. We love our family enough to feed them in many ways. We feed with hugs, attention, and love that feeds the spirit and soul. But food for the body may be a commodity which we take for granted and because we have never really been hungry. I would, therefore, challenge anyone reading this to contribute to the local food pantry in your area. You need not take food to the pantry. Perhaps your church has a food drive or place to leave food donations. Even better!!! Send a check directly to the local food pantry so they can shop for their needs and supply what is most needed. Call the local St. Vincent de Paul. You know best!!

Right now my stomach is comfortably full. But out there are children and the elderly who are not as fortunate. Many homeless only have an occasional meal at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen. Please pray for them, yes, but also contribute to THEIR welfare in a concrete way. GIVE the love that begins at home to those in great need. Give as He gave...until it hurt!

For you all I say,
"Thanks be to God."

Monday, October 20, 2008

Canadian Fall

I'm back home from the wedding festivities and what a grand time we all had. There is nothing to compare with the gathering of family and friends on such an occasion. The sharing of love and hugs is the best gift one can receive.

I'm going to take some time to recuperate and gather my thoughts, but in the meantime I am offering these pictures that were sent to me as a gift. Enjoy!

Canadian Fall







Thanks be to God!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

God's Pharmacy

Picture by mightymightymatse

"Be still and know that I am God"

Psalm 45:10

This was sent to me by a friend and now I share it with you! It certainly puts a new light on my ideas about the worth of fruits and vegetables. Now, they are not just vitamins and minerals...

A sliced carrot looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye...and yes, science now shows carrots greatly enhance blood flow to and function of the eyes.

A tomato has four chambers and is red. The heart has four chambers and is red. All of the research shows tomatoes are loaded with lycopine and are indeed pure heart and blood food.

Grapes hang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart. Each grape looks like a blood cell and all the research today show grapes are also profound heart and blood vitalizing food.

A Walnut look like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles and folds on the nut are just like the neo-cortex. We now know walnuts help develop more that three (3) dozen neuron-transmitters for brain function.

Kidney beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function and, yes, they look exactly like the human kidneys.

Celery, bok choy, rhubarb and many more look just like bones. These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23% sodium and these foods are 23% sodium. If you don't have enough sodium in your diet, the body pulls it from the bones, thus making them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body.

Avacadoes, eggplant, and pears target the health and function of the womb and cervix of the female--they look just like these organs. Today's research show that when a woman eats one avacado a week it balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight, and prevents cervical cancers. And how profound. It takes exactly 9 months to grow an avacado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are 14,000 photolitic chemical constituents of nutritionin each one of these foods (modern science has only studied and name about 141 of them).

Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Figs increase the mobility of male sperm and increse the numbers of sperm as well to overcome male sterility.

Sweet potatoes look like the pancreas and actually balance the gylcemic index of diabetics.

Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries.

Oranges, grapefurits and other Citurs furits look just like the breast and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts.

Onlions look like the body's cells. Todays research shows onions help clear waste materials from all of the body cells. They even produce tears which wash the epithelial layers of the eyes. A working companion, Garlic also helps eliminate waste materials and dangerous free radicals from the body.

So there you have it. Eat hearty and now enjoy those fruits and veggies knowing how healthy they really can make you! God has been so good to us!


Thanks be to God!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Bad Haidu Yuktoberfest

It's Bad Haiku Friday with a festive flavor. So I invite up you all to enjoy the fun and frivolity here and at Catholic Teacher Musings.

It's Autumn it's true
When Halloween comes around
So here's BOO to YOU!


Have a grand day

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Picture MEME

Cy at Therese's Roses tagged me for the Picture MEME. Here are the rules: Go to your pictures, go to the 6th file, go to the 6th picture and then post it.

So this is Ron and Jimmy on the grounds of the High Museum of Art in Atlanta. We had a grand day. We were there to visit the Louvre Exhibition. We got there early and walked to a Starbucks down the street for breakfast and a chat. It really was a wonderful day!

And so I tag:

The Dutchess
Marie at View From the Pews
Kimberly at Our God is an Awesome God


Thanks be to God!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Book of Wit 'n' Wisdom

The Book of Win 'n' Wisdom

Bia at La Dolce Vita: the sweet life with three sons asked recently about the Book of Wit 'n' Wisdom. Thought I would share it with you.

The Book of Wit 'n' Wisdom is a project I started about 10 yrs ago when our David married. It is an accumulation of shared stories, verse, Scripture, or advise given my family and friends to the Newly Weds. Everyone who wants can contribute and then I put the book together with pages of wit and wisdom by the "masters" and The Master. Since I first stated this project, it has been given to family and friends for weddings, anniversarys and birthdays. It's great fun for me and those who receive it seem to enjoy it. It used to be a surprise, but not any more...I suspect there would be disappointment if were not presented to the remaining members of the family who know of the tradition.

The explanation of the book is on the opening page.

The Book of Wit 'n' Wisdom is a Keller Family tradition based on the willingness of the Iris to always have advise to give, tales to tell or memories to share by family and friends for every occasion or celebration. The Keller Clan wishes [happiness to all in life's Adventure] full of tales with just enough Blarney to make them worth telling.

The books have ranged in size from the first one in 5x7 albums to Father Gene's regular sized album of the celebration of his 25th Anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. They have all been a grand adventure for me as I get to participate in sharing of the family's "treasures" they wish to share.

Please feel free to begin your own projects for birthdays, Baptisms, Confirmations, or Graduation. Anytime you wish to celebrate Family and Friends and gather it together in one place as a lasting memory of those you love. A book much like one given us by our Creator Father in his Words of Wisdom in the Most Holy Bible, a book we have TREASURED for all time. His words are often found repeated in the pages of the Book of Wit 'n' Wisdom. Consider joining this adventure. It has certainly be worth the journey for me.


Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Rose Garden

The Rose Garden

For some time I have said the rosary. And to my friends they understand it is a matter of making sure my children are prayed for, if not an obsession. They are patient with me and even keep me on an even keel by showing me the humor in this magnificent obsession.

When I started I was saying one decade for each of my five children. Then each of the children got their individual rosary so that each day is said on their rosary with each decade said for the children. Next came the boxes. That way they weren't getting tangled (reduced the sibling rivalry). A friend makes beautiful porcelain figurines and so I got the stature of the Virgin Mary. Finally, to add to the wonder of my prayers, last Mother's Day my daughter-in-law helped my grandsons make the tray with their beautiful flowers on it. And so came to pass my Rose Garden.

I also have found that saying the scriptural rosary is so much more beneficial for me. I not only pray for each child but I am able to meditate on the life of Christ as well. I also have a large library of scriptural rosary texts so that I don't get bogged down in one. You see it is complicated and most people would be happy just to say the rosary. Not me, I have to have ritual. So there you have it!

This being the month of the rosary and also the month of Marianne's birth I want to wish her Happy Birthday today. Today she is 30 and on Saturday she will be a beautiful bride entering into a new and challenging phase of her life. Pray for her!


Thanks be to God!

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Simple Women's Daybook

Again it's been awhile since I've done this but it was a grand weekend a I've a lot to be grateful for. Please visit Peggy at The Simple Woman and journey along the path of life we all share.

So I begin.

1. I'm's incredible that this far into the month of October that it is so beautiful.

2. From the Kitchen...I'm fixing my cream of wheat.

3. I am creating...and have nearly completed Marianne's "Book of Wit 'n' Wisdom"

4. I'm wearing... my nightgown, robe and slippers. It's 5:00 a.m. CDT (I need to find a different time to do this)

5. I am reading..."Love, Mercy and Justice." A publication by the Sisters of Providence.

6. I'm hoping...I can stay focused on the plans for the coming weekend.

7. I am hearing...The kettle boiling for my tea.

8. Around the house...There are pictures I want to get framed and hung in the Family Room.

9. Few plans for the rest of the week...Gathering and organizing packing for the trip to INDY and Marianne and Eric's wedding on Saturday.

10. One of my favorite things is...being with family and sharing in their happiness. All the kids will be together for the wedding and I am SO excited.

11. Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

Autumn at the Woods
Saint Mary-of-the-Wood, Indiana


Thanks be to God!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Apple Picking

Yesterday Ron and I went to a friend's dad's house to pick apples. The trees were so over burdened with the apples that some of the branches were bowed and even broken. They weren't big apples or "store" pretty apples, but tasty they were. The bees were buzzing and humming over the ones on the ground, but do not fear. We thanked God for their presence.

When we were done. We loaded up the ladder and gathered the bags and went right down to Mother Theresa's Treasures and the Newburgh Food Pantry. Kathy was there to receive these tasty morsels and we were grateful that we could offer them. Ron and I had the opportunity to give of time, talent and the treasure of God's creation. And to give credit where credit is due. This was a wonderful idea, Ron had. For me, it was one of those Christ moments. He was there in our midst!!

~Thanks be to God~

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Praying with St. Paul...

Nothing Missing
Father John Dominic Corbel, OP

"May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lor be with all of you."
~2Thessalonians 3:16~

Sunday afternoons in the fall were my father's favorite time. They were set aside for the Cleveland Browns. In those years the Browns had Fran Ryan, Paul Warfield, Leroy Kelly, and of course, the Great Jimmy Brown taking care of business. These afternoons were peaceful times for me. Not because there wasn't excitement or suspense or the occasional disappointment. There was plenty of that. But no matter how tight the game became I always knew that between the Browns and my father there was nothing missing. Everything necessary was in place to bring us victory.

Could you compare a Sunday afternoon's football game with the peace of the Lord? Sunday is the Sabbath. It is the day the Lord looked out on the world he had made and said that it was very good. There was nothing missing.

When the Apostle prays that the Lord of peace may give us his peace, he is praying that the Lord who is complete goodness in whom there is nothing missing who lacks for nothing, may communicate to us that same security and completion.

This prayer that the Lord may give us peace at all times and in every way can't be granted to us in this life if we mean by peace the actual experience of the invulnerable serenity and infinite perfection that belongs to God as God. But all the same, we know in faith that there is nothing missing. The Lord is with us and so, even if we are hungry or thirsty, if we are in trouble, or even if our favorite football team is losing again, or if we face hunger or nakedness or the sword, still there is nothing missing. We have what we need to win eternal life. Everything. The Lord is with us. There is nothing missing

Lord Jesus, our lives are often full of stress and it is often hard to
feel your presence with us. Help us to know that you have given us
everything we need to be joyful with you for ever.

Nothing left to be said! Have a Peace-filled day!


Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

A Grand Weekend (Part II)

Marianne's Bridal Shower

Thank you to all who prepared for and came to celebrate at Marianne's Bridal Shower. The company was grand, the food was great and the laughter and stories a delight. I had such a good time, as mothers are want to do!


Thanks be to God!

Monday, October 06, 2008

A Grand Weekend (Part I)

I had a wonderful day at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Autumn at "The Woods" is really beautiful. Orientation went well and Sister Dorothy and I had a grand visit. She continues her work with the poor in West Terre Haute as well as her prison ministry.

Mass that morning was truly grand as the congregation prayed for candidates and companions alike as we begin this year long journey towards my becoming an associate of the Sisters of Providence. It will be a challenging journey, but not one I take alone.


Thanks Be To God!!!

Friday, October 03, 2008

A Busy Weekend Ahead

to travel
and get there safely
a real "trip"

This is the weekend I begin my journey as a candidate as an Associate of the Sisters of Providence. I will spend Saturday at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods with my companion Sister Dorothy Rasche and other candidates to hear what is expected of us on this journey. Pray for me!

Then I'm off to Indianapolis. Sunday is Marianne's bridal shower. I'm not quite sure how to get to Marianne's as Ron is the one who always drives. Pray for me!

It should be lots of fun as it is an "around the clock shower." We will celebrate at Wes and Annie's new house and co-hostess is her sister Laura. It'll be fun to see what her "day" will hold for her.

Then, I'd like to get home by 7:00 p.m. Sunday evening. Our parish mission starts Sunday night and I really would hate to miss "opening night." Fr. Dennis is the retreat master and he was wonderful at our women's retreat last winter at St. Meinrad Archabbey. Pray for me!

You all have a grand weekend and I'll pray for you!!!


Thanks be to God!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

St. Therese of the Little Flower of Jesus

When it's your one of your namesakes feast day you find ways to celebrate. And so it is today, I celebrate the feast of St. Therese of Lisieux. First, I give thanks to my parents for choosing the name of a saint who truly is an example of determination and humility. And thanks be to God for her glorious creation!

Today I offer as I do every month the newsletter from China Little Flower. Shannon offers these words of Scripture for our reflection as we share in the work of the abandoned and neglected little ones.

Jesus said, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." -Mt 19:14

Finally in the words of this dear follower of the Christ Child we hear...

Even a little child can scatter flowers, to scent the throne room with their fragrance; even a little child can sing in its shrill treble, the great canticle of Love. That will be my life: to scatter flowers~~to miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word, always doing the tiniest things right and doing it for love.

~~ St. Therese of Lisieux~

So, today, on this feast of the Little Flower, do some tiny things that will make a difference!


Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It rained...

last night. For the first time since June we had a steady rain. So when I let Duchess out VERY early this morning I saw Sam resting on the moist ground, seemingly content and without worry.

I was reminded of the words of Isaiah.

For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return there until they have watered the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and succeed in the thing from which I sent it. (Isaiah 56: 10-11)

With the vision of a cat content with the wonder of his surrounding, as I see it, I felt a calm. God is Good. God is Wonderful. God is Kind. God is Gentle. God is Father. God is LOVE. What do I have to fear?

Have a wonderful day, resting in the Love of God!


Thanks be to God!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I Have Been Blessed!

On my arrival home here at A Bit of the Blarney I find that I have been given the I Love Your Blog Award. So it is with gratitude that I accept this from Autumnrose at Christ's Rose and Kimberly and Our God Is An Awesome God. Thank you both so much. You are both dear and I do so love to visit with you

For the I Love your blog award there are rules. Here they are…you have to answer the following questions with one word answers and one word only! Then I must pass it on to seven others!

  • The questions are as follows:
    • Where is your cell phone? ~ purse
    • Where is your significant other? ~ eating
    • Your hair color? ~gray
    • Your mother? ~ alive
    • Your father? ~ deceased
    • Your favorite thing? ~ laughing
    • Your dream last night? ~ none
    • Your dream/goal? ~ retirement
    • The room you’re in? ~ office
    • Your hobby? ~ knitting
    • Your fear? ~ rejection
    • Where do you want to be in 6 years? ~ traveling
    • Where were you last night? ~ RCIA
    • What you’re not? ~ "old"
    • One of your wish-list items? ~DVD
    • Where you grew up? ~ Colorado
    • The last thing you did? ~ slept
    • What are you wearing? ~ robe
    • Your TV? ~ off
    • Your pet? ~Duchess
    • Your computer? ~well-used
    • Your mood? ~ sleepy
    • Missing someone? ~ no
    • Your car? ~ Camry
    • Something you’re not wearing But that you love to wear? ~ earrings
    • Favorite store? ~ Target
    • Your summer? ~ wonderful
    • Love someone? ~ husband
    • Your favorite color? ~green
    • When is the last time you laughed? ~ yesterday
    • Last time you cried? ~ yesterday
I now nominate Eileen at Eileen on least I try!, Freddie at a friars style, Danette at A crocus in the Valley, Angie at Sonflower, The Dutchess, Isadora at Budapest Daily Photo and Joy at Made for Joy.


Thanks be to God

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Well, I'm back again...

After three days, I have risen from the books and words. It has been a challenging and fruitful experience with tonight being the presentation. I just want to share one special tidbit I found along this journey.

The Christian mysteries are an indivisible
whole. If we become immersed in one, we are led
to all the others. Thus the way from Bethlehem
leads inevitably to Golgotha, from the crib to the
cross. When the blessed virgin brought the child
to the temple, Simeon prophesied that her soul
would be pierced by a sword, that this child was
set for the fall and resurrection of many, for
a sign that would be contradicted. His prophecy
announced the passion, the fight between light
and darkness that already showed itself before
the crib.

~Edith Stein~
+ Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross+


Thanks be to God!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm back...

but will be spending the next 3 days completing my preparation for my first presentation in the inquiry phase of RCIA here at St. John the Baptist. I would ask you to pray and intercede for me with the Holy Spirit that the words these "young ones" hear will be the words of sincerity, wonder and understanding as I offer the "Practices of the Church" and "Mary and the Rosary." May his Spirit be what shines in these presentations and love of God be truly present to them all in the person of Jesus Christ.


Thank you all!!!
And thanks be to God!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Blustery Day?

I started this this movie clip as a whim, a bit of humor to add to the blog. That was about 10:00 a.m. and we didn't have any electricity. Looks like the joke was on me...Blustery day nothing!!! They were high winds, apparently up to 60 miles an hour. Whew! The storm not only took out the electricity, it took down many trees. Limbs and branches were everywhere. Little did we know we would be without electricity for three days. All because I wanted to dramatize the "Blowin' in the Wind." OH! By the way...we got not one drop of rain from this storm. Guess the wind was blowing so hard it blew the rain right on through.

At any rate it proved we had a new roof that could withstand the winds as there was no damage there and except for the inconvenience (and you know it is and inconvenience) of not having electricity for three days, we did not lose any trees and only a few small limbs. I'd have to say God had been gracious to us.

Will be going to INDY this weekend to help Wes and Annie move into their new house so if I seem gone it's because I'm movin' not cuz I'm lost.

God Bless you all for your concern!


Thanks be to God!!!

Just a brief post...

We had a storm Sunday, three days ago with high winds. Knocked out the electricity in the city of Evansville and Newburgh. Today there are some who still have no electricity. The Kellers being among those. Will post more when MY computer is up an running again. All have a good day!

And thanks be to God!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Praying with St. Paul...

The Keller Kids

Again, I am touched by the words of St. Paul. I become more grateful each day that our Pope has designated a year to him. I find those with the wisdom and knowledge teaching me through his words the ways of Christianity and reinforcing what I already believe.

The example for today is from Praying With St. Paul, edited by Father Peter John Cameron, O.P. So let us begin.

Sister Genevieve Glen, O.S. B.

"Let the peace of Christ control your hearts, the peace into which
you were also called in only body [...] be thankful. Let the
word of Christ dwell in your richly, as in all wisdom you teach and
admonish one another, singing, psalms, hymns, and spiritual
songs with gratitude in your hearts to God."
(Colossians 3: 15-16)

"Please go away and leave me in peace!" pleasds the weary mother beset by a gorde of toddlers, all clammoring for her attnetion. She echoes the cry of all those who seek relief from demands they cannot meet from attentions they do nto want, from hostility they cannont withstand. In fact, all of us tend to imagine peace as the cessation of something--demand, disturbance,suffering. However, peace is not an absence but a presence. Real and lasting peace is the gruit of disorder put fight. The peace of Christ is the gruit of the cross throught which Christ righted the order of a sorld gond mad in sin. To enter into Christ's peace, we must seek out that right order. Saint Paul tess us here to seek it by allowing Christ's word to dwell in us richly. Taught by those entrusted with the ministry of the Word, admonished by one another as we share in one another's wisdom, formed by worship--"singing psalms, hyms, and spiritual songs"--, shaped by the Eucharist, whose name means "thanksgiving," our hearts will gradually abandon all the sources of disorder that tear us apart, and will grow into right order of the Gospel. as the peace of Christ, born of a life of selfles strengthen the bonds that unite us to one another as members o Christ's Body. Thus individuals and Body confirm one antoher mutually in a growing peace which can spread outward to embrace family, neighborhood, workplace, and world. The work is slow. The disorder is deep. Individually, and together we will fall out of peace again and again as we struggle. But god is faithful, the promise is sure, and one day Christ's peace will prevail. Our task in the meantime is simple and humble: "Let the word of Christ dwell in you."

God of all peace, you have called me to live Christ's peace in a troubled world. Strengthen your peace within me and in those with whom I share my faith, worship, and life, so that I may be a living sign of hope amid violence and despair.


As I reflected on this reading I was astonished at its timing. First, on the grand scale with all the campaigning and political bantering. Most importantly, though, today of all days it impresses on me the wealth of love that can be administered if we only choose to participate in it. Let me explain. Today is the Envoy Conference at Gibault School in Terre Haute. It is a school for those children that come from painful and/or violent environments who are being offered their last chance to participate in this human family with order and dignity. It is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus of Indiana. Please learn more about this endeavor. These young people have left Gibault knowing what it means to have been cared for, loved, nurtured and affirmed. Some fail to make it, but more do because of the care, family atmosphere, and help with the "disorder" in their lives that is often still there when they leave.

I pray you all have the opportunity to offer your services to places like this. If not by your physical presence, then perhaps by financial offerings. God is GOOD all the time and we can prove it by DOING!!!

Please, have a grand weekend. Spend quality time with family and friends and above all, when at church tomorrow, SING your hearts out!!!

Thanks be to God!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thanks for the Generous Gift...

It is with humility that I accept this award. It has been offered to me by two very good and dedicated blogging friends. I thank Kimberly at Our God Is an Awesome God and Lisa at Unexpected Journey.

I think these awards though gratifying to me instill in me the obligation to continue to be the best and most responsible member of the blogging community I can be. With every privilege there is obligation. I truly believe that. I hope you will all hold me to that. My sincerest thanks to these two gracious ladies as "humility" continues to be my by-word this week!

I will pass this award on to:

1. Bia at La Dolce Vita: The Sweet Life With Three Sons

2. Suzy at Made for Joy

3. Autumnrose at Christ's Rose

4. Jackie Parkes at catholicmomof10revisited

5. The Dutchess


To all at Blarney Corner
and everyone else that has
touched my life here, I say,

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I am inspired today to write about humility. There is a reason for this. And this reason has brought me closer to the realization that God is truly working in our lives and though we do not see it all the time there is no where he cannot be found!

On my roof at this time, even as we speak, there are 7 men and Ron putting on the new roof. Ron has spent all day with our friend, Bill Wallace, taking off shingles from the front half of the roof. The story really begins when Ron asked Chris , whose family works in building contracting, at Bible study last spring if buying shingles would be wise with the rise in gasoline prices. Chris said it would be well to do that, and when was Ron going to put the roof on. Well, Ron told him not soon, but we would have the shingles when we could budget the roofers. Chris came back a week or two later and told us if we could get the shingles off he, his dad, and brothers would put the roof on sometime in the fall. Right now in Christian charity and kindness these men and Ron are putting shingles on the roof. Well, Ron is still removing shingles from the other half of the roof. Twenty years ago Ron was part of a work crew that helped put a roof on another parishioners house. Perhaps a work repaid.

I feel certain when James was writing his letter he was speaking of such things as this (James 2: 14-26). These are faith filled men who by their works, honest and good, witness to their faith. It causes my heart to swell to be the recipient of such agape love. Tears well in my eyes as I realize the wealth we have in the goodness of God and our fellow pilgrims.

May we always be blessed with charity and faith. And the hope that we will be worthy stewards of the gifts offered and received. The three virtues are all integral to the life of a Christian!


My heart is so full, all I can say is,
"Thanks be to God!"

Knights of Columbus World Day of Prayer for Peace

At the 122nd annual meeting in 2004, the Supreme Council resolved that September 11 be observed each year as a World Day of Prayer for Peace. So please join me in praying:

God of peace, bring your peace to our violent world:
peace in the hearts of all men and women
and peace among the nations of the earth.
Turn to your way of love
those whose hearts and minds
are consumed with hatred.

God of understanding,
overwhelmed by the magnitude of this tragedy,
we seek your light and guidance
as we confront such terrible events.
Grant that those whose lives were spared
may live so that the lives lost. . .
may not have been lost in vain.
Comfort and console us,
strengthen us in hope, and give us the wisdom and courage
to work tirelessly for a world
where true peace and love reign
among nations and in the hearts of all.

~Pope Benedict XVI~
Prayer service at Ground Zero
April 20, 2008

Thanks be to God.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


I received a couple of things this week from my email neighborhood that I would like to share with your. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.


Humor for Lexophiles

1. I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.

2. Police were called to a daycare where a three-year-old was resisting a rest.

3. Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He's all right now.
4. To write with a broken pencil is pointless. 5. The short fortune teller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large. 6. A thief who stole a calendar got twelve months.

7. When the smog lifts in
Los Angeles , U.C.L.A

8. The math professor went crazy with the blackboard. He did a
number on it!

9. The professor discovered that her theory of earthqu
akes was on
aky ground.

10. The dead batteries were given out free of charge.

11. A dentist and a manicurist fought tooth and nail.

12. A bicycle can't stand alone; it is just two-tired.

13. A will is a dead giveaway.

14. A backward poet writes inverse.

15. A chicken crossing the road: poultry in motion.

16. With her marriage she got a new name and a dress.

17. A grenade fell onto a kitchen floor in
France , resulted in
linoleum blownapart.

18. He broke into song because he couldn't find the key.

19. A calendar's days are numbered.

20. A boiled egg is hard to beat.

21. If you jump off a
Paris bridge, you are in Seine .

22. When she saw her first strands of gray hair, she thought she'd

23. B
ers trade bread recipes on a knead to know basis.

24. Acupuncture: a jab well done


Greaser Babies, a video destined for greatness?

All have a grand day!!!

Thanks be to God!

Monday, September 08, 2008

A Simple Woman

I've remembered it is Monday. It's been weeks since I've done this but what a nice time for reflection. Please visit Peggy at The Simple Woman and journey along the path of life we all share.

So I begin.

1. I'm thinking...what a wonderfully cool morning.

2. From the Kitchen...I have water on to boil for my cup of tea.

3. I am creating...a special gift for Marianne's wedding. Will have to share later as it is a surprise.

4. I'm wearing... my nightgown, robe and slippers. It's 5:00 a.m. CDT

5. I am reading...still The Apostles by Pope Benedict XVI

6. I'm mail birthday/baby gifts to David and Kelly this week for Jonathan and Maddie.

7. I am hearing...Duchess snoring. She's asleep on the floor here in the office.

8. Around the house...we are slowly getting the family room arranged. But not too much as we will have to move furniture again when the windows are put in and the carpet is laid.

9. Few plans for the rest of the week...Fr. Joe and Fr. Ron are coming for dinner Wednesday so will continue to plan and re-plan the meal. Can't make up my mind yet what to fix.

10. One of my favorite things is...sitting outside in the fall and smelling the crisp cool air.

11. Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

The elegance of carved marbel.
The High Museum, Atlanta Georgia
April, 2007

And for this day,
Thanks be to God!

Aside: I would ask you to remember those candidates and catechemen who begin the RCIA process this autumn. Pray also for us who will be presenting the Way to them. Thank you!